Estimation of stability derivatives of an oscillating hypersonic delta wings with curved leading edges
Published 2012“…In the present study hypersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with curved leading edges for the attached shock case. …”
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Stability derivatives of a delta wing with straight leading edge in the Newtonian limit
Published 2013“…They are applicable for wings of arbitrary plan form shape at high angles of attack provided the shock wave is attached to the leading edge of the wing. …”
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Group portrait of five men and a boy
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Solidification, microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-2.8Nd-1.5Gd-0.5Zn-0.5Zr cast alloy with erbium addition
Published 2018“…The thermal parameters of Mg-2.8Nd-1.5Gd-0.5Zn-0.5Zr cast alloy with 0.25 wt.% of erbium (Er) were evaluated by the computer-aided cooling curve thermal analysis(CA CCTA), whereas the microstructure analysis was investigated by the optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy. …”
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Design and Validation of a Compact 3.5GHz Antenna for 5G-based IoT Applications
Published 2023“…In this research, we designed a compact wideband 3.5GHz antenna for 5G-based IoT applications using CST Studio software. …”
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Minutes of meeting. 5 March 1987
Published 1987“…Minutes of the meeting of Council of Irish County Associations (CICA), held on 5 March 1987. Three manuscript papers inserted in the minute book 1983-1987.…”
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Minutes of meeting. 5 May 1981
Published 1981“…Typewritten minutes of meeting of Leitrim Association in London, held on 5 May 1981. Includes Silver Jubilee guest list and agenda for the meeting on 18 May 1981.…”
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The Fixed wing UAV usage on land use mapping for gazetted royal land in Malaysia
Published 2020“…Royal land in Pekan was the significant land that existed since 1919, which established under the Royal land Enactment 1919. It accommodated more five thousand residents in the 919 hectares of area with five villages (kampongs). …”
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Experimental investigation of the vortical flow around a reverse delta wing using PIV
Published 2010“…Particle Image Velocimetry was used in a low speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated downstream in a plane perpendicular to the free stream direction and their dependence on angles of attack and roll angles at chord based Reynolds number.…”
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Prediction of energy absorption capability of curved panel structure; for wing leading edge study
Published 2012“…This paper works on the curvature effect of wing leading edge structure subjected to impact loading. …”
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Experimental study of impact on carbon-fiber-epoxy composite wing leading edge structure
Published 2014“…This paper works on the curvature composite structure for wing leading edge application using fabric carbon/epoxy material subjected to impact loading. …”
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Effect of aspect ratio with roll moment derivative of a delta wing in supersonic flow
Published 2016“…In this paper attention is focussed on study of effect of Aspect ratio of the wing on roll moment derivatives at various angle of attack and Mach number for a Supersonic flow. …”
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Strange hadron production in pp and pPb collisions at root(NN)-N-s=5.02 TeV
Published 2020“…The transverse momentum (pT) distributions of Lambda, Xi(-), and Omega(-) baryons, their antiparticles, and K-S(0) mesons are measured in proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (pPb) collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV over a broad rapidity range. The data, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 40.2 nb(-1) and 15.6 mu b(-1) for pp and pPb collisions, respectively, were collected by the CMS experiment. …”
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Culture of five species of Malaysia indigenous freshwater microalgae
Published 2016“…Five species of Malaysia indigenous chlorophycean microalgae were grown in laboratory culture under the comparable environmental condition and the population doubling time (td) as well as maximum growth rate (μmax) each was evaluated. …”
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Proceeding Paper