After COVID-19: time to agree a biosecurity code of conduct under the biological and toxin weapons convention (article)
Published 2020“…This paper suggests that now is the time to build on two decades of work within the BTWC and for States Parties to agree on a Biosecurity Code of Conduct under the Convention as proposed by China. Over the past two decades, as part of their attempts to strengthen the BTWC and thereby to help prevent the development of biological and toxin weapons, States Parties have given considerable attention to the potential utility of Codes of Conduct for life and associated scientists. …”
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NLP K-means algorithm incorporated into a proactive chatbot to assist failing student
Published 2023Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Early detection of breast tumors using UWB microstrip antenna imaging
Published 2016“…The hemispherical breast model used comprised breast skin, fat and the tumor tissue. Investigation was done with the tumor located at several positions inside the heterogeneous breast model. …”
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The experience of psoriatic arthritis patients receiving biological treatment : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2016“…It is argued that this research extends the current knowledge base in counselling psychology on the psychological aspects of skin conditions such as psoriasis to what it is like to have both psoriasis and arthritis, whilst also being relevant to counselling psychologists working with psychological aspects of medical conditions, which is proposed to hold a promising future for the field.…”
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Thesis -
Business cycles, international trade and capital flows : evidence from Latin America
Published 2012“…This paper adopts a flexible framework to assess both short- and long-run business cycle linkages between six Latin American (LA) countries and the four largest economies in the world (namely the US, the Euro area, Japan and China) over the period 1980:I-2011:IV. The result indicate that within the LA region there are considerable differences between countries, success stories coexisting with extremely vulnerable economies. …”
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Modeling the population and industry distribution impacts of urban land use policies in Beijing
Published 2018“…Capable tools are desired for urban spatial policies planning in China to safeguard its sustainable development strategy. …”
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Environmental policy stringency, renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions: panel cointegration analysis for BRIICTS countries
Published 2020“…The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between environmental policy stringency and CO2 emissions in BRIICTS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, Turkey and South Africa) for the period 1993–2014 after controlling for renewable energy, fossil energy, oil prices and income. …”
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Italianerie: transculturality, co- creation and transforming identities between Italy and Asia
Published 2019“…Extending from the original French word and concept of Chinoiserie (the Eighteenth-century European ‘fascination for China’), this special issue introduces the concept and analytical-interpretive paradigm of Italianerie. …”
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Turkey's battle with Covid‐19: a multifaceted investigation
Published 2020“…Although airports in Istanbul are points of intersection between East and West, and despite the fact that Ankara was late to sever travel connections with places where the virus struck forcefully, such as Iran and China, Turkey did not see its first case until March 11 - much later than many countries. …”
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Lightpath routing for disaster survivability in optical networks
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Compact circular polarization filtenna for wireless power transfer applications
Published 2023Get full text
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New Compact Antenna Based on Simplified CRLH-TL for UWB Wireless Communication Systems
Published 2016“…This letter presents the experimental results of a novel planar antenna design which is synthesized using simplified composite left/right-handed transmission-line (SCRLH-TL), which is a version of a conventional composite left/right handed-transmission-lines (CRLH-TL), however, with the omission of shunt-inductance in the unit-cell. …”
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An analytical study of the role of selected metal ions in bone and joint diseases
Published 1995“…The speciation of the titanium (III)/titanium (IV) complexes in the biological matrices was investigated with Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy and high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with a Hahn spin echo pulse sequence. The chemical nature of non-protein bound iron present in knee joint synovial fluid obtained from RA patients was also investigated by use of NMR…”
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Thesis -
DNA extraction methodologies for ultra long nanopore sequencing to determine chromosome specific rodent telomere lengths
Published 2024“…Previous work in our lab shows that phenol/chloroform extraction damages DNA less than spin columns and magnetic beads and that extraction methods are crucial for accurate TL determination. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Excitation processes in the positive column of electrical discharges in inert gases
Published 1987“…The results indicate that two-step excitation is important for many neon lines. Measurements of emission line profiles have been made using a pressure scanned Fabry-Perot interfermometer. …”
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Thesis -
Holocene environmental change in the Scottish Highlands: multi-proxy evidence from blanket peats
Published 1997“…This thesis seeks to investigate the Holocene environmental history of two areas of Northern Scotland with specific reference to the evidence for pine woodland density variations and tree-line dynamics. The evidence is derived from the biostratigraphy of of peat profiles sampled along altitudinal transects in the two upland areas of Gleann Einich in the Cairngorms (between c.500m OD and 930m OD) and Beinn Dearg in the Northwest Highlands (between c.270m OD and c.600m).…”
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Thesis -
Structural Breaks and the Equilibrium Chinese Yuan/US Dollar Real Exchange Rate: A FEER Approach
Published 2011“…We find structural breaks in all trade and the sustainable current account equations, with the break dates corresponding to important policy changes in China. The misalignment rates show that the real exchange rate was overvalued in most years until 2003, followed by undervaluation during 2004-2009. …”
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Hey, did you see that label? It’s sustainable! - understanding the role of sustainable labelling in shaping sustainable purchase behaviour for sustainable development
Published 2022“…This research integrates the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with environmental concern, consumer effectiveness, consumer innovativeness and sustainable label awareness to determine how these affect the sustainable purchase behaviour for food products in China. The findings of structural equation modelling using data gathered from 273 consumers indicate all the constructs as significant, with consumer innovativeness having a negative and significant association. …”
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Design of intelligent agricultural environmental big data collection system based on ZigBee and NB-IoT
Published 2023Conference or Workshop Item -
Advanced wideband antenna arrays for 5G millimeter-wave spectrum at K- and Ka-bands
Published 2025“…The first method utilizes a 50 Ω open-ended microstrip-line balun to slot-line transition for effective energy coupling and excitation. …”
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