Criminal offences and civil wrongs by or against migrant workers
Published 2013“…If he is found guilty, an employer may be subjected to severe penalties such as imprisonment, fine and/or whipping.Likewise, a migrant worker who takes the law into his own hand by inflicting injury or harm on the employer or their properties, may be dealt with in the court and if found guilty, he may be sentenced in accordance with the severity of the offence committed.…”
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Media audience ethics in Islam and Christianity
Published 2011“…To demonstrate this role, the study highlights the theoretical foundation of the audience understanding of the message, cites some legal rights that can be used to challenge the media content or change its course, and identifies some ways of fine-tuning the media contents to conform to one’s value. …”
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Endobronchial tuberculosis mimicking pulmonary neoplasm
Published 2002“…She made good clinical recovery with anti tuberculosis treatment but review CXR at four months showed a mass lesion in the left apex for which she underwent fine needle aspiration cytology. This showed healing granuloma compatible with tuberculosis. …”
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Fraudulent mediums and miracle-mongers: illusion, concealment and revelation in the works of Crivelli, Greenberg and Houdini
Published 2024“…This article aims to raise questions and comparisons between illusions found in pictorial language, magical apparatus and parafictions, illustrating the fine line between illusion and material, and concealment and revelation.…”
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Preliminary study of the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 in patients with chronic pain receiving intrathecal opioid infusions by chronically implant...
Published 2010“…Despite the considerable inter-patient variability in the CSF concentrations of IL-6 in the long-term cohort, the mean CSF IL-6 concentration was approximately fivefold higher in patients receiving long-term i.t. opioids relative to those receiving i.t. opioids for only 3 months. …”
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In-process truing for ELID (Electrolytic In-Process Dressing) grinding by pulsewidth control
Published 2011“…In conventional ELID grinding, constant voltage is applied on the metal-bonded diamond wheels to ensure constant protrusion of super fine cutting grits throughout the grinding cycle. …”
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Zakat distribution and growth in the federal territory of Malaysia
Published 2012“…Specifically, an econometric study is carried out to examine the ability of zakat expenditure to affect real economic growth in the Federal Territory Malaysia by employing various econometric procedures such as the unit root tests, the cointegration tests, the vector error-correction model (VECM), and the Granger causality tests. The findings of the study suggest that zakat expenditure has a positive relationship with real GDP in the long-run. …”
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Multiple cyclical fractional structures in financial time series
Published 2008“…The three series are modelled as long-memory processes with poles in the spectrum at multiple frequencies, including the long-run or zero frequency.…”
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Published 2021“…It is crucial that corporate dealings in their day-to-day practices are compliant with relevant regulations and conventions, not only for sustainability and ethical issues but also for preserving the long-term health of companies and businesses. Firms would need to recognise that in the long term, profits are linked to sustainability.…”
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Book Section -
Design and characterization of a new three-stage quadruple pass EDFA
Published 2012“…Low loss long haul Optical Fiber Communication System (OFCS) is the key challenge in today’s research. …”
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Productivity-employment link and asymmetric adjustments: the case of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
Published 2010“…Both variables adjust to deviations from the long-run equilibrium value, but the way they adjust differs. …”
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Sequelae of fetal growth restriction
Published 2012“…The acute neonatal consequences of IUGR are perinatal asphyxia and neonatal adaptive problems. However, the long-term outcomes of such neonates are less discussed because obstetricians usually only care for pregnant woman until delivery. …”
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Linear predictive coding of speech
Published 2011“…To remove the redundancy from speech signal, is done in 1\vo stages, first stage is to remove short term correlations form the signal and the second is to remove long term correlations. The short term and long term redundancies are modelled by digital filters very precisely. …”
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Prioritizing issues of Malaysian vision 2020: an application of the analytic hierarchy process
Published 2009“…The present research findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the policy makers at the national level in course of fine tuning the Vision 2020 strategies.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Malaysia on course to become a developed country: prioritizing issues with the analytic hierarchy process
Published 2010“…The present research findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the policy makers at the national level in the course of fine tuning Vision 2020 strategies. …”
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Motor movement for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) detection
Published 2010“…In this paper, we are looking at the differences between autistic and normal children in term of fine motor movement. Previous findings have shown that there are differences between autistic children and normal children when performing a simple motor movement tasks. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pattern of the news media consumption and news discussion among youth : a test of agenda setting theory
Published 2011“…The specific objectives of the study are (1) to determine the level of perceived news media credibility, (2) to find out the level of news media consumption, (3) to find out the extent of interpersonal news discussions, (4) to analyze the relationship between perceived media credibility and news media consumption with interpersonal news discussions, and (5) to differentiate between selected demographic characteristic with news media consumption and interpersonal news discussions. …”
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Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. In line with findings in other markets, we find a pre-ponderance of overpricing. …”
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Pattern of the news media consumption and news discussion among youth: a test of agenda setting theory
Published 2010“…The specific objectives of the study are (1) to determine the level of perceived news media credibility, (2) to find out the level of news media consumption, (3) to find out the extent of interpersonal news discussions, (4) to analyze the relationship between perceived media credibility and news media consumption with interpersonal news discussions, and (5) to differentiate between selected demographic characteristic with news media consumption and interpersonal news discussions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Date seed extract as preservatives
Published 2011“…The increasing demand for minimally-processed. extended shelflife foods and rcpons of ehemical preservatives as having potential toxicity demands food manufacturers to find altcrnative snurccs of anTimicrobial compounds. …”
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