Development of novel isolation methodologies for microvesicles and exosomes, as potential biomarkers for health (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes), and use of microvesicle-delivered β...
Published 2016“…Fasting individuals had a wider spread and appeared to have higher MV levels (2.8x105-5.8x105 MVs/ml). This could be defined as the normal baseline fasting reference range, which is almost 3-fold higher compared to the non-fasting group reference range (0.9-1.5x105) MVs/ml. …”
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Thesis -
Fatty acid composition of Malaysian giant mudskipper (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) fish oil
Published 2010“…After methylation, the fish oil was analysed by GC and GC-MS. An HP-5 non-polar capillary column was used and the temperature was initially kept at 50oC for 2 min and then programmed at 5oC min-1 to 250oC. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Hydrology of the horseshoe crab nesting grounds at Pahang Coast, Malaysia
Published 2011“…Surface water salinity varied from 30.11ppt-2.09ppt at Balok and 33.45ppt – 3.38ppt at Pekan station with mean annual salinity of 17.9±10.63ppt at Balok and 20.5±10.04ppt at Pekan coastal waters. Seasonal fluctuation in the pH of the water varied from 8.65-6.61 at Balok station and 8.18-6.12 at Pekan station. …”
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Galactgogue effects on Musa x paradisiaca flower extract on the lactating rats
Published 2012“…The rats were daily administered via oral feeding starting from Day 5 until Day 14 and the performance of milk production was measured along the experimental period by weight-suckle-weight method. …”
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Nursing habits and early childhood caries in children attending Hospital University Science Malaysia (HUSM)
Published 2006“…The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of ECC in children 2-5 years of age attending out patient clinic HUSM, in relation to the nursing habits. …”
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Palm tocotrienol-rich fraction reduced plasma homocysteine and heart oxidative stress in rats fed with a high-methionine diet
Published 2013“…From week 6 onward, folate (8 mg/kg diet) or palm TRF (30, 60 and 150 mg/kg diet) was added into the diet of groups 3, 4, 5 and 6. The rats were then killed. Palm TRF at 150 mg/kg and folate supplementation prevented the increase in plasma total homocysteine (4.14 ± 0.33 and 4.30 ± 0.26 vs 5.49 ± 0.25 mmol/L, p < 0.05) induced by a high-methionine diet. …”
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A study on effect of schooling status and oral hygiene education on early childhood caries of the paediatric patients attending students’ polyclinic, Kulliyyah of Dentistry, IIUM K...
Published 2011“…Minimum, maximum and mean t (SD) of df values of the children were 0, 20 and 10.58 t (5.1) respectively. Only 2 children ( 4,%) were caries free (df :0) ; 6 children (12%) were moderate-ECC ( df <S) ; 42 children (847") were severe-Ecc al > 5). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of green and ripe Carica papaya epicarp extracts on wound healing and during pregnancy
Published 2008“…Extracts were administered orally (1 mg/g body weight/day) to pregnant mice from day 10 and onwards after conception. 3 (n = 7) mice and 1 (n = 6) mice given RPE and misoprostol, an abortive drug, respectively experienced embryonic resorption while this effect was observed in none of the mice given GPE (n = 5) and water (n = 5). The average body weight of live pups delivered by mice given GPE (1.12 +/- 0.04 g) was significantly lower than those delivered by mice given water (1.38 +/- 0.02 g). …”
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UPLCeMS/MS for simultaneous determination of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, DON, fumonisins, T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin, in cereals
Published 2012“…The mean recoveries of mycotoxins from spiked cereals ranged from 83.5% to 107.3%, whereas the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) ranged from 0.01 to 25 ng/g and 0.02e40 ng/g, respectively. …”
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Factors contributing to early childhood caries (ECC) at the Dental Clinic, Kulliyah of Dentistry, IIUM
Published 2014“…All children were diagnosed with ECC, with 72.2 of 4-year- old and 70.73 of 5-year-old children were found to have severe-early childhood caries (s- ECC). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of methotrexate onsStillbirth, weight of mice embryos and histopathological changes of embryonic liver
Published 2016“…The third group (G3) served a control group and injected with 0.5 ml of normal saline. Pregnant rats sacrifi ced on gestational day 7 and 17 of gestation. …”
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Physiochemical properties of Jatropha curcas seed oil from different origins and candidate plus plants (CPPs)
Published 2011“…Jatropha seed oil of Philippine origin had the highest iodine value (187.3 mg/g oil) and seed oil from Borneo the lowest (83.5 mg/g oil). The lowest saponification values were obtained from seed oil of Philippine origin (189.5 mg KOH/g) and CPP-22 (183.3 mg KOH/g oil) from Malaysia. …”
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Metal framework as a novel approach for the fabrication of electric double layer capacitor device with high energy density using plasticized Poly(vinyl alcohol): Ammonium Thiocyana...
Published 2020“…The specific capacitance and energy density of the EDLC are nearly constant within 1000 cycles at a current density of 0.5 mA/cm2 with average of 155.322 F/g and 17.473 Wh/Kg, respectively. …”
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An experimental investigation of diffuse optical scattering from stationary and flowing dispersions
Published 1991“…Measurements made on latex volume fractions (v) up to 0.4 showed a maximum in S at about v = 0.2, Interpreted as non-random destructive interference between ordered particles. …”
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Thesis -
An experimental investigation of the motion of flexible molecules in the liquid state by light scattering
Published 1983“…The Stokes Einstein volumes are interpreted as the quantity GapV where V is the molecular volume, alpha and p are associated with molecular shape and hydrodynamics and G with orientational correlation. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of a protein-rich, low-glycaemic meal replacement on changes in dietary intake and body weight following a weight-management intervention—the ACOORH trial
Published 2021“…After sex stratification, particularly INT-women increased their total protein intake after 12 (INT: +12.7 g vs. CON: −5.1 g, p = 0.021) and 52 weeks (INT: +5.7 g vs. …”
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Rewilding cognition: complex dynamics in open experimental systems
Published 2021“…The socks problem is one such problem: Given black socks and brown socks in a drawer mixed in a ratio of 4 to 5, how many socks will you have to take out to make sure that you have a pair of the same colour? …”
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Omega 3 (n-3) fatty acids down-regulate nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) genen and blood cell adhesion molecule expression in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
Published 2015“…Omega-3 treated (n = 24), hydroxyurea (HU) treated (n = 18), and n − 3 untreated (n = 21) homozygous SCD patients (HbSS) and healthy (HbAA) controls (n = 25) matched for age (5–16 years), gender and socioeconomic status were studied. …”
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The role of microvesicles in EMT and tumour microenvironment
Published 2015“…The influence of carcinoma cell derived-MVs on tumour microenvironment was examined through use of Non-small lung cancer cells (A549) derived-MVs on primary lung fibroblasts (MRC5). MRC5 cells were treated with A549 cell derived-MV produced significantly high level of myofibroblasts marker alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) cytoskeleton protein and FGF. …”
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Thesis -
Mesoionic carbenes in low- to high-valent vanadium chemistry
Published 2021“…We report the synthesis of vanadium(V) oxo complex 1 with a pincer-type dianionic mesoionic carbene (MIC) ligand L1 and the general formula [VOCl(L1)]. …”
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