Pengaruh agen kimia berbeza terhadap penguraian terma dan pembentukan fasa bahan La0.6Sr0.4CoO3- δ yang disediakan melalui kaedah Sol-Gel
Published 2020“…Penguraian terma bahan organik dan bahan bukan organik yang tidak diperlukan dalam serbuk pelopor bahan LSC telah lengkap pada suhu kurang daripada 1000 °C bagi serbuk pelopor yang disediakan dengan menggunakan agen serakan dan agen pempolimeran, dan suhu melebihi 1000 °C bagi serbuk pelopor yang disediakan dengan menggunakan surfaktan. …”
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Legislative challenge to sustainable application of industrialized building system (IBS)
Published 2016“…For opportunities, five components have been identified, namely legal document integration, certification programmes, long-term benefits, global markets and good image. …”
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Towards better governance on biosafety and biosecurity: China’s advances and perspectives in medical biotechnology legislation
Published 2022“…Given the rapid advancements in medical biotechnology, countries all over the world must examine the governance landscape around biosafety and biosecurity and quickly consider options for their own comprehensive, credible, and long-lasting regulatory frameworks and experiences learned from China’s governance will help chart a scalable future roadmap.…”
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Are we ready for the revision of the 14-day rule? Implications from Chinese legislations guiding human embryo and embryoid research
Published 2022“…Given the breakthrough of the embryo and related research in the global frontier, it is necessary for countries around the world to coordinate the revision of the 14-day rule through communication and consultation and to expeditiously consider options for establishing a comprehensive, credible, and long-lasting regulatory framework.…”
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Fuzzy logic application to searchable cryptography
Published 2020Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Governance of heritable human gene editing world-wide and beyond
Published 2022Get full text
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Tooth wear and erosive tooth wear among 16-year-old Malaysian adolescents
Published 2013Get full text
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Tolerance towards sensor failures: an application to a double inverted pendulum
Published 2006Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Hukuman bagi kesalahan seksual di bawah Enakmen Jenayah Syariah Negeri Sembilan 1992: keperluan kepada hukuman yang lebih berat = Punishment for Sexual Offences under Negeri Semblan Syariah Criminal Enactment 1992: the need for a heavier punishment
Published 2012“…Sebagaimana dimaklumi, hukuman yang lazim dan sering dikenakan ke atas pesalah jenayah syariah ialah samada penjara atau denda. …”
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Vision-Based Hand Detection and Tracking Using Fusion of Kernelized Correlation Filter and Single-Shot Detection
Published 2023“…The results demonstrate the promising potential of the proposed method for long-sequence tracking stability, reducing drift issues, and improving tracking performance during occlusions.…”
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Roll and yaw stabilisation using nonlinear energy method
Published 2007Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Automatic aircraft landing control using nonlinear energy method
Published 2010Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
دلالات المجاز المرسل في شواهد قرآنيّة = The Significant of al-Majāz al-Mursal in the Qurʾānic instances = Makna-makna yang tersirat di sebalik al-Majāz al-Mursal di dalam beberapa contoh ayat al-Qur’ān al-Karīm
Published 2020“…Al-Majāz al-Mursal yang berlaku dalam ayat ini merujuk kepada hubungan yang dikenali sebagai al-maḥalliyyah yang bermaksud “menyebut suatu tempat tetapi yang dimaksudkan sebenarnya adalah orang yang berada di tempat tersebut”. …”
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