Preservation of health in Islamic law
Published 2009“…Preservation of health (hifz al-sihhah) is the most important branch of Islamic medicine since it is primarily concerned with the prevention of illness rather than cure. …”
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An efficient technique for human verification using finger stripes geometry
Published 2007“…Using this approach, experimental result provides, Total Success Rate (TSR) is 98.79%, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is 3.21% and False Rejection Rate (FRR) is 0%. Since the proposed method requires very small computational time, the practical implementation requirement for a large number of person verification is possible.…”
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Consumer protection in the service industry under the Consumer Protection Act 1999
Published 2011“…The Consumer Protection Act 1999 (CPA) that came into force on 15 November 1999 represents a milestone in consumer protection in Malaysia.It has several important provisions, some of which are more beneficial than those found in the law of contract and law of tort since its objective is specifically to protect the interest of consumers. …”
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Historical developments of financial rights after divorce in the Malaysian Islamic family law
Published 2009“…This means that the welfare of the divorced women was taken care of since the codification of the Islamic law and its implementation in the Malay society.…”
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Towards an Islamic common market: are oic countries heading the right direction?
Published 2009“…Economic cooperation through trade has been one of the important agendas of the Organisation of the Islamic Conferences (OIC) since its establishment in September 1969. This study analyzes intra-trade potentials by using the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Indices on five countries that are signatories to the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among the Member States of the OIC. …”
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Rethinking theory and practices in developing urban open spaces in Malaysia
Published 2008“…Since the nineteenth century, the provision of parks has been a major focus in promoting places for relaxation and recreation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Perceptions on interaction design in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Even though researchers have introduced Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methodologies, since 1980's, Malaysia's user interface is still considered inadequate. …”
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Book Chapter -
Reconciliation provision under English and Malaysian family law: a comparative overview
Published 2008“…In England, the application of the provisions concerning reconciliation and conciliation under the MCA had faced difficulty since it came into force. This led to the reformation of the MCA into Family Law Act 1996 (“FLA”) especially provisions relating to the practice of reconciliation and conciliation, where mediation takes centre stage. …”
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The Consumer Expectation Test under the Consumer Protection Act 1999: a viable test for determining the quality and safety of products?
Published 2008“…It is the aim of this paper to examine the nature of the consumer expectation test and its viability in setting a proper standard of product quality and safety. Since case law on the subject has not yet developed in Malaysia, reference will be made to the application and development of the test in other jurisdictions, particularly the UK and USA. …”
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Debatable issues in Fiqh al-Zakat: a jurisprudential appraisal
Published 2010“…Introduction Since early 20th century, some leading scholars have been fervently debating the possibility of making fresh ijtihÉd on a host of newly emerging issues of fiqh al-zakÉt. …”
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Porosity development in activated carbon from palm kernel and coconut shell by chemical activation method
Published 2011“…The presences of active metal on an impregnated activated carbon surface greatly affect the adsorption affinity since some inorganic compounds will then be adsorbed preferentially. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An insight into post-independence Malaysian women’s well-being
Published 2009“…Since Independence in 1957, the structure of the Malaysian family has changed in tandem with changes in the wider global scenario. …”
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Contemporary criticism on the representation of female travellers of the Ottoman harem in the 19th century: a review
Published 2011“…Post-colonial and feminist critics whose research deals with women travel writers to the Middle East and North Africa�Sara Mills, Reina Lewis, Billie Melman, Susan Meyer and Shirley Foster�have all argued that since women were not directly involved in the imperial project, their writings on the Orient and the Ottoman harem should be considered as articulating alternative views in colonial narratives. …”
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An interference cancellation algorithm for fourier-based and wavelet-based OFDM systems
Published 2008“…This indicates that the proposed leA exhibits outstanding performance since the results obtained in both cases are almost the same. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic principles in arts and design
Published 2011“…If we were to scrutinize the art or architectural history of the Muslim world, we would quickly realize that there is no evidence of any artist or patron in the fourteen centuries since the revelation of Islam who ever thought of his or her art as “Islamic.” …”
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Book Chapter -
Phytochemical Screening for Antibacterial Activity of Potential Malaysian Medicinal Plants
Published 2011“…Plants have been identified for its valuable properties from traditional medicine since thousands of years ago. The huge diversity of the Malaysian flora that has chemical diversity is one of the vital factors that make natural products outstanding candidates for any screening practice. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and simulation of an on-chip oversampling converter with a CMOS-MEMS differential capacitive sensor
Published 2011“…Σ-Δ ADCs are suitable for MEMS sensors since their output voltage are in mV and are low frequencies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fostering 'Technological Citizenship' : the redesign of a curriculum unit on computers and ethics
Published 2003“…The position of HIT at London Metropolitan University is somewhat unusual since, unlike most similarly named subjects, it does not encompass humanities computing (a technical subject concerned with such matters as database archiving of cultural material). …”
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Guidance for Trust managers : implementing and sustaining routine enquiry about violence and abuse in mental health services (REVA project, briefing 2)
Published 2015“…Since 2003 it has been Department of Health policy that all adult service users should be asked about experiences of violence and abuse in mental health assessments. …”
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