Kala-azar victims in Bangladesh: their socio-cultural background and environmental surroundings
Published 2012“…It is scatteredly prevalent in many parts of the world; but most frequently it has been occurring in parts of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Brazil and Sudan.2 Kala-azar has always been treated as a very severe disease since past, and in the Indian sub-continent, it was first detected in the Bengal belt of Burdwan in India. …”
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Article -
The dilemma of Hudud and international human rights: proposing a benevolent mechanism
Published 2007“…Ever since the emergence of the international regime of human rights, the irresolvable dilemma has always been to draw an effective reconciliation between the theocentric essentials of Islamic law and the demands of International Human Rights Law. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Domestic homicide review (DHR) : case analysis
Published 2016“…A Panel of experts from across the statutory and voluntary sectors reviews each report and provides feedback to local areas. Since April 2011, over 300 reviews have been examined by the Quality Assurance Panel. …”
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Monograph -
Rhetoric of economic nationalism
Published 2019“…The emergence of economic nationalism in the political discourse of Britain in not a new event, but it gained new fervour since the economic crisis of 2008 and, expectedly, since the start of the EU referendum campaign in April 2016. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Development of portable escherichia coli bacteria detection using resistive graphene-based immunosensor
Published 2020“…Therefore, it is crucial to detect E. coli bacteria in water before consuming it. Since many cases of water contaminated E. coli bacteria are in rural areas, a portable E. coli bacteria detector is needed. …”
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Thesis -
Utilizing rapid prototyping 3D printer for fabricating flexographic PDMS printing plate
Published 2016“…A nickel plating and glass etching master pattern was used in this study too as master pattern mould since 3D printer has been reached the micro size limitation. …”
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Article -
Towards a productive waqf management framework for socio-economic development of Muslim Community: a case study in Batam, Indonesia
Published 2020“…The objective is to improve productive waqf functions as an economic security net for the socio-economic development of the Muslim Community since they seemed to be subordinated in their homeland. …”
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Thesis -
Epistemology - An Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…Since man is the vicegerent of God in this world. …”
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Article -
The use of technology by older people
Published 2012“…This paper examines some literatures on the matters faced by older people in accepting technology in their life. Since most of older people did not rise together with the development of technology, it is important to find their acceptance level of technology adoption. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Banding for access related iscaemia : our experience in Kuantan, Malaysia
Published 2014“…Since it was first recognized in 1969 by Storey, access related ischaemia has been a significant problem. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Real and nominal political executive
Published 2008“…The executive branch of government has remained at the center of power of the government since groups began to form government in society. …”
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Book Chapter -
Political economy of Malaysia
Published 2013“…The chapter discusses the economic policies of development that the Malaysian government undertook since its independence in 1957. It describes the state intervention in economic policies that led to growth and industrialization. …”
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Book Chapter -
Consumer protection in Malaysia an analysis of 10 years legal developments(2000-2010)
Published 2011“…This paper surveys the major developments of consumer protection law since the introduction of the Consumer Protection Act in 1999.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
How relevant are Schiller’s concerns about commodification of information and class inequality in today’s world?
Published 2010“…This paper reviews Schiller’s claims and examines its bearing on society in the decade and half since the publication of his book.…”
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Article -
Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Edwards : 2019) : Obesity and uncontrolled eating from a health psychology perspective
Published 2019“…This highlights how much I have developed since then in that I did not value my skills and time sufficiently, which is not the case today. …”
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Thesis -
Performance evaluation in MANETs environment
Published 2012“…Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANETs) are collections of mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links in the absence of any infrastructure or centralized administration. …”
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Article -
Spillover effects of foreign hypermarkets on domestic suppliers in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Purpose – Since the mid-1990s, there has been a rapid expansion of large-scale foreign retailers in many countries across Southeast Asia, Central Europe and Latin America. …”
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Article -
Magnetic properties for magnetic transducer
Published 2011“…Knowing the basic terminology for describing magnetic effects and properties are essential since magnetic materials can be used in inductive sensors as in the form of core. …”
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Book Chapter