Frequency reconfiguration mechanism of a PIN diode on a reconfigurable antenna for LTE and WLAN Applications
Published 2018“…In this work, a frequency reconfigurable antenna with a BAR63-02V Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN) diode is designed, simulated and fabricated. …”
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Calcification of the alar ligament mimics fracture of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ): an incidental finding from computerised tomography of the cervical spine following trauma
Published 2009“…However, if further imaging and evaluation of the cervical spine with computerised tomography (CT) did not demonstrate an obvious fracture, then the possibility of ligament calcification would be considered. …”
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Artificial neural network implementation on firearm recognition system with respect to ring firing pin impression image
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penguasaan sains dalam kalangan murid Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan
Published 2021“…Sains merupakan satu mata pelajaran yang mengkaji secara sistematik berkenaan alam semula jadi dan juga bagaimana alam semula jadi ini memberi kesan kepada kita dan persekitaran.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Survival analysis and prognostic factor of non-Hodgkin lymphoma treated in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
Published 2011“…OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to determine the survival and to identify the prognostic factors that influence the risk of death of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM). METHODOLOGY: A retrospective record review was conducted involving 154 patients diagnosed as NHL from 1st January 1997 till 31st December 2006. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kerangka pentaksiran pendidikan karakter untuk mata pelajaran sains Sekolah Menengah di Kota Batam
Published 2017“…Fasa kedua dijalankan dengan kaedah kuantitatif di mana soal selidik diberikan kepada 146 guru-guru sains, untuk mengenal pasti kesahan kerangka pentaksiran pendidikan karakter. …”
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Thesis -
A hybrid technique using minimal spanning tree and analytic hierarchical process to prioritize functional requirements for parallel software development
Published 2023“…This research proposes a hybrid prioritization technique of minimal spanning trees (MST) and AHP called the spanning analytic hierarchical process (SAHP) for FRs prioritization by exploiting MST capability to prioritize large size software FRs with smaller pairwise comparisons but with more consistent results. …”
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A hybrid technique using minimal spanning tree and analytic hierarchical process to prioritize functional requirements for parallel software development
Published 2023“…This research proposes a hybrid prioritization technique of minimal spanning trees (MST) and AHP called the spanning analytic hierarchical process (SAHP) for FRs prioritization by exploiting MST capability to prioritize large size software FRs with smaller pairwise comparisons but with more consistent results. …”
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A hybrid technique using minimal spanning tree and analytic hierarchical process to prioritize functional requirements for parallel software development
Published 2023“…This research proposes a hybrid prioritization technique of minimal spanning trees (MST) and AHP called the spanning analytic hierarchical process (SAHP) for FRs prioritization by exploiting MST capability to prioritize large size software FRs with smaller pairwise comparisons but with more consistent results. …”
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Keajaiban sains dalam hadis (Terjemahan al-"ijaz al-'ilmi fi al-sunnah al-nabawiyah)
Published 2009“…Di pasaran, kita boleh dapati dengan banyak sekali buku-buku yang menceritakan tentang "Keajaiban Sains Dalam Al-Quran". Namun amat jarang dan sukar kita temui buku-buku yang mendedahkan tentang "Keajaiban Sains Dalam Hadis." …”
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Book -
Effect of chromium (cr) particle size and span-20 surfactant on Aisi d2 hardened steel using electrical discharge machining
Published 2020“…It was indicated that the addition of micro-nano chromium powder and span-20 surfactant to the dielectric notably enhanced the machining efficiency and better surface quality. …”
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Thesis -
Kepimpinan strategik dalam kalangan pengetua dan kelestarian kecemerlangan akademik di Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) Malaysia
Published 2011“…Kedinamikan sesebuah sekolah/MRSM bergantung kepada kebolehan dan kemampuan kepimpinan pengetua.Kecemerlangan MRSM memerlukan seorang pengetua yang mempunyai karakter yang cemerlang dan unggul.Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti dan mengesahkan kerangka konsep serta strategik pemimpin sekolah atau pengetua MRSM ke arah kelestarian kepimpinan dan kecemerlangan di Maktab Rendah Sains MARA di Malaysia.Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penerokaan analisis faktor yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga peringkat dan responden kajian terdiri daripada 200 guru-guru MRSM di Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Keberkesanan penggunaan aplikasi socrative terhadap pencapaian dan minat murid bagi mata pelajaran sains di sekolah rendah
Published 2019“…Maka, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti keberkesanan penggunaan aplikasi Socrative terhadap pencapaian dan minat bagi mata pelajaran Sains di kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah. Keberkesanan aplikasi Socrative dinilai dari segi dua aspek iaitu tahap minat pelajar terhadap aplikasi Socrative dan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains. …”
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Thesis -
Enhancing Mechanical Characteristics of 6061-T6 with 5083-H111 Aluminum Alloy Dissimilar Weldments: A New Pin Tool Design for Friction Stir Welding (FSW)
Published 2024“…The experiment involved the welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys (AA5086-H111 to AA6061-T6) using a novel pin tool design with welding parameters such as holding time, pin tool length, tool spindle speed, and linear speed fine-tuned through a design of experiment (DOE) approach. …”
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Article -
Minat dan motivasi penguasaan konsep sains proses hidup tumbuhan dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah di Daerah Batu Pahat, Johor
Published 2019“…Pembelajaran Sains adalah sesuatu yang menyeronokkan dan perlu seiring dengan era teknologi terkini. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan kerangka strategi dalam penyelesaian harta tanah Al-Mafqud di Malaysia
Published 2017Subjects: “…HD50-50.5 Delegation of authority. Decentralization. Span of control…”
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Thesis -
Suatu perbandingan penilaian prestasi pelajar mengikut kaum di Fakulti Sains Dan Teknologi, UKM: kaedah model linear bayesian dan model linear klasik
Published 2004“…Kajian yang dijalankan ini melibatkan perbandingan prestasi pelajar di Fakulti Sains Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia mengikut kaum melalui kaedah model linear klasik dan model linear Bayesian. …”
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