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Value Co-creation with Customers by Facebook Community: A Successful Example of PKT Logistics
Published 2018“…The Nike+ shoes co-creation platform exploits the link between running and listening of music. Users can select their exercise from a personal training list, including foot movements, rhythms, times, distances covered, and calories burned. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Tower companies vs. mergers in mobile networks
Published 2024“…Tower companies own almost three quarters of the mobile telecom installations globally and continue to grow. The main driver of this change is linked to the reduction of capital expenditures by operators and the increasing sharing of infrastructure by tower companies that improves their assets’ tenancy ratios. …”
Journal article -
Model predictive control for converters in hybrid AC/DC microgrid part II
Published 2019Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Category learning in infants and adults
Published 2018“…Categorisation represents one of the main mechanisms from which this system of structured knowledge is derived. …”
Thesis -
Multiple hollow-core anti-resonant fiber as a supermodal fiber interferometer
Published 2020“…This unique characteristic has driven emerging of new applications spanning from extreme wavelength generation to beam delivery. …”
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Journal Article -
Pressure Dependence of the Infrared Laser Lines in Barium Vapor
Published 2005“…The relative intensities of the four strongest transitions (1.13, 1.50, 2.55, and 2.92 micrometer) vary with buffer gas pressure, suggesting that collisional deexcitation of the 6p 1^P_1 state occurs at higher pressure and is the main mechanism populating the upper states of the 2.55 and 2.33 micrometer lines.…”
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Article -
Merging of gold and semiconductor at nanoscale
Published 2014“…Interaction between quantum confined electronic states of a semiconductor part and dialectic confined plasmons of a metallic part could increase optical nonlinearity of the medium. However, the main challenge of combining materials with large lattice mismatches together in various shapes still remains. [5th Award]…”
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Student Research Poster -
F&B business opportunity in NTU.
Published 2008“…Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) population has been steadily increasing over the years and this may prove to be a potential opportunity for Food & Beverage (F&B) outlets to enter into the tertiary institution market. Hence, the main objective is to determine whether brand equity and other elements such as price and location are effective for branded F&B businesses in a school environment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a mobile application for the mental wellbeing of youths (A)
Published 2020“…This report will focus mainly on the interactive chatbot and application development in Android Studio. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Environmental sustainability of vegetables
Published 2022“…Vegetables have been chosen as the main commodity for this report as it is one of the top imported products into Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Anthropomorphism of god elicits beliefs in tempting fate, explained by beliefs in supernatural control and moderated by temporal contiguity
Published 2023“…This research examined the main effects of religious cognition on superstitions. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
A phonological comparison on Akha and Hani
Published 2024“…The main material for the study of Hani has been the wordlist provided l!…”
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Journal Article -
Design and implementation of a DC-DC converter
Published 2009“…Hence, switching power supplies are preferred over the linear power supplies due to their superior efficiency and performance in their operation. However, the main drawback of the switching converter is the creation of switching noises. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A survey on motivation for ISO 14000 certification of Singapore organisations.
Published 2009“…The Singapore Environment Ministry is also urging organisations to consider adopting the recently launched ISO 14000 Environmental Management Standards. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the motivation factor or factors (metric independent variable) for Singapore organisations to or not to adopt (non-metric dependent variable) the newly launched ISO 14000 Environmental Management Standards (EMS) through the development of a predictive model. …”
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Thesis -
Automatic analysis of lawn tennis games
Published 2010“…Two methods have been developed and compared for the efficiency and accuracy. The main process is first to indentify the players’ positions using morphological image processing in each frame of the video, and then track the movement of the players. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study on aspects of total quality management in Singapore construction industry
Published 2011“…For ech project 25 samples were collected to sufficiently cover all parties involved in the Construction site, namely Clients / Consultants, Main Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers. …”
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Thesis -
Collision analysis of top tensioned riser
Published 2011“…The deeper the water is, the more the oil risers are prone to collision. The main motivation of this final year project report is to present explicit results and analysis on the impact of two top tensioned risers under collision. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Contemporary Somali piracy : evaluating the effectiveness of counter-piracy measures
Published 2011“…Analysis of international and regional efforts will focus on main governmental and joint industry’s efforts such as the deployment of naval forces and international conventions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of mobile applications for housing services
Published 2013“…This application aims to perform as a mobile housing agency to make people rent a house and rent out a house more easily. The main technology used in this project is the JAVA programming. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)