Advance Technologies and Problems in Halal & none-Halal Food's Detection
Published 2009“…Other examples are “He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Elemen kesihatan mental wanita bekerja di sektor perusahaan kecil dan sederhana
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Influence of axially loaded shaped pile on geotechnical capacity
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Enhanced cluster based trust management framework for mobile Ad hoc networks
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Haematological and nutritional status of Sudanese women with sickle cell trait and anaemia: does sickle cell trait compromise birth outcomes?
Published 2022“…The women who were involved in this study were noted to be shorter than the healthy women, and they had low body mass indices and lower weight than the average for their unaffected peers. …”
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Thesis -
Drying under inert environment: the quality of Mango and Rockmelon
Published 2011“…For mangoes and rockmelons, the MAHPD dried samples show better flavor than HPD dried samples. The freeze and vacuum dried samplcs are considered even better than MAHPD dried samples, although at a much higher costs. …”
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Book Chapter -
Energy and nutrients intakes of male and female university students
Published 2002“…The total energy consumption was more in the female students than in the male students. Eighty two percent of the male and 21% of the female students had lower energy intake than their RNIs for energy. …”
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Article -
Compact lowpass filter with high out-of-band rejection and superwide stopband performance
Published 2014“…The new filter topology exhibits less than 0.5-dB passband loss, better than 15-dB return loss, and superwide stopband with rejection better than 40 dB up to 50 GHz.…”
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Article -
Commentary: stumbling upon indirect self-enhancement in free will beliefs
Published 2024“…The final outcome is far richer than the initial project.…”
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Topological analysis of low-powered 3D-TESH network
Published 2016“…The static network performance and power analysis of 3D-TESH network have already been studied earlier and shown to be good than that of other networks. 3D-TESH network has achieved about 52.08% better diameter performance and near about 45.71% better average distance performance than the 3D-Torus network and even from the mathematical analysis 3D-TESH requires less than 72.73% power usage than the 5D-Torus network. …”
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Article -
Importance of SME development in Cambodia
Published 2013“…Three hypotheses are investigated to reveal SMEs' advantages relative to LEs: (1) SMEs are more labour-intensive than LEs and S"MEs provide more jobs for women than LEs; (2) SMEs are as productive as LEs or even more productive than LEs; and (3) srvms are more equitable in distributing the income they generate than LEs. …”
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Thesis -
Design and characterization of single photon APD detector for QKD application
Published 2010“…The device sensitivity is better than -40 dBm, which is more than an order of magnitude higher than the dark current, corresponding to a detection sensitivity of two photons in pico-second pulses.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of nutritional status of recently hospitalized patients
Published 2002“…In children all the anthropometric parameters were lower than the reference values with the exception for age group 6.1 – 10.0 years, whose weight were more than the reference values. …”
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Schematized meaning of the concept of percent by the 14 year-olds children
Published 2010“…Fractional and whole number schemes were used to give meaning to percents less than one hundred and percents greater than one hundred respectively. …”
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Antioxidant study of pulps and peels of dragon fruits: a comparative study
Published 2010“…Total phenolic content (TPC) assay demonstrated that peels of both Hylocereus species contained higher phenolic content than the pulps. The phenolic content in peels of H. undatus was higher than H. polyrhizus, but the phenolic content in pulps of H. undatus was much lower than H. polyrhizus. 2, 2, diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay showed that radical scavenging activities of peels for both species were higher than the pulps. …”
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The Association Between Sleep Apnea and Young Adults With Hypertension
Published 2012“…Objectives/Hypothesis: To study the association between sleep apnea and hypertension in a younger age group than previously studied, adding upper airway sizes at endoscopy as important compounding variables not often included in the past. …”
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