Relief Shelter Design (Malaysia Flood- December 2013)
Published 2015“…However, after a few weeks, this tent has been abandoned and being replaced by other than flood victims for many reasons that confused volunteers and government agencies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Single-atom entropy squeezing for two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode radiation field
Published 2008“…Also the nonclassical effects obtained from the asymmetric atoms are greater than those obtained from the symmetric ones. Finally, the entropy squeezing gives better information than the atomic variances only for the asymmetric atoms.…”
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Article -
Small claims court's procedure for small claims business dispute
Published 2006“…Often than not, a person with a cause of action involving a small amount probably finds it even costly to pursue his or her cause of action than abandoning such cause of action. …”
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Article -
Practice follows structure : QM in Malaysian public hospitals
Published 2009“…Among the factors of quality management, teamwork was found to be significantly higher in district hospitals than in state hospitals and the national referral centre. …”
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Article -
Turkey's battle with Covid‐19: a multifaceted investigation
Published 2020“…After emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 the deadly coronavirus affected Turkey much later than other European and Middle Eastern countries. …”
Article -
Insight with stumpers: normative solution data for 25 stumpers and a fresh perspective on the accuracy effect
Published 2022“…There is robust evidence showing that a problem solved insightfully is more likely to be correct than one solved through analysis, the so-called accuracy or correctness effect in insight research. …”
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Article -
Effect of intrapartum pethidine on the neonatal outcome: is it duration related?
Published 2012“…Eleven (68.75%) cases were admitted due to neonatal sedation from the delivery group less than 4 hours after pethidine. Five (31.25%) cases from the delivery group more than 4 hours, 4 cases with a diagnosis of transient tachypnea of newborn and 1 secondary to meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
High perinatal sodium chloride exposure and blood pressure response to chronic high sodium challenge in adult rats
Published 2014“…However, the offspring of HSD dams is at greater risk of developing hypertension than NSD dams.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Patient perception, actual control and KAP of their diabetic management: A comparison between patients seen at Primary Care Clinic and Tertiary Hospital
Published 2014“…However, only 19.9% of patients in PCC and 13.9% of patients in TH had HbA1c less than 6.5%. The mean HbA1C of patients seen in PCC was significantly lower than those seen at TH (8.4 ± 2.3% vs. 9.3 ± 2.6%; p = 0.001). …”
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Article -
Role of health hazardous ethephone on nutritive values of selected pineapple, banana and tomato
Published 2012“…It was found that the chemically treated samples ripened rapidly than untreated ones. The nutritional properties of chemically ripened fruits as well as market samples (ripe) were shown different from untreated. …”
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Article -
Condition, length-weight relationship, sex ratio and gonadosomatic index of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) captured from Kuantan coastal water
Published 2012“…Overall mean condition factor of female was better than male. Gonadosomatic index of Indian mackerel in February was higher than thouse observed in March and April and followed by May. …”
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Article -
The urine output definition of acute kidney injury is too liberal
Published 2013“…AKICr was defined as an increase in plasma creatinine of [greater than or equal to]26.5 mol/l within 48 hours or [greater than or equal to]50% from baseline. …”
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Article -
Role of health hazardous ethephone in nutritive values of selected pineapple, banana and tomato
Published 2012“…It was found that the chemically treated samples ripened rapidly than untreated ones. The nutritional properties of chemically ripened fruits as well as market samples (ripe) were shown different from untreated. …”
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Article -
Awareness, knowledge and attitude towards informed consent among doctors in two different cultures in Asia: a cross-sectional comparative study in Malaysia and Kashmir, India
Published 2007“…As compared to doctors in Malaysia, doctors from Kashmir showed a tendency to reservedly disclose medical information (p-value equals 0.051) and withhold it, if it was deemed potentially harmful (p-value is less than 0.001) or requested so by relatives (p-value is less than 0.023). …”
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Article -
Evaluation of solid-state bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge as a promising environmental-friendly disposal technique
Published 2004“…The most encouraging results of microbial growth and subsequent bioconversion were exhibited in the RS than the SD. A comparatively higher decrease of organic matter (OM) % and C/N ratio were attained in the CB than the F, which implied a higher bioconversion. …”
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Article -
Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin and dehydroepiandrosterone levels and cervical length of Egyptian women with a history of recurrent miscarriages, polycystic ovary syndro...
Published 2022“…The PCOS had elevated FAI than the RM ( = 0.000) and HC ( = 0.001) at week 20. …”
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Article -
Unfavorable effect of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on maternal and fetal essential fatty acid status: a potential marker of fetal insulin resistance 2
Published 2005“…Cord AA and DHA were lower in the plasma (type 1: P < 0.01) and RBC (type 2: P < 0.05) choline phosphoglycerides of the diabetics than of the control subjects, and cord RBC ethanolamine phosphoglycerides were lower in DHA (P < 0.05) in both diabetes groups than in the control group. …”
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Acoustic and non-acoustic performance of coal bottom ash as sound absorptive material for reducing railway noise level
Published 2019“…Class D materials are able to absorb more than 30% of sound by conducting impedance tube and reverberation time. …”
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Thesis -
Effect weight ratio of bamboo schizostachyum grande fiber treated by silane coupling agent
Published 2024“…Hence, this silane coupling agent treatment performed better than untreated and it has the potential to be used in insulating and hydrophobic applications…”
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