EU banks rating assignments: is there heterogeneity between new and old member countries?
Published 2009“…Whilst "new" EU countries typically have lower ratings than "old" EU countries, after controlling for financial variables, all countries are found to have significantly different intercepts, which confirms our hypothesis. …”
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The inter-comparison of AATSR aerosol optical depth retrievals from various algorithms
Published 2015“…The result shows that the algorithms of ADV and SU have good performance on the retrieval of AOD, and the ORAC algorithm has relative lower precision than other two algorithms.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Ordered choice models of international banks' ratings with an indicator variable for country effects
Published 2008“…There is also a strong country effect on bank ratings such that banks from certain countries have systematically higher ratings than others. The addition of this variable substantially raises the model’s accuracy at predicting a bank’s rating which is arguably the major challenge of modelling ratings. …”
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Electoral guerrilla theatre in the 2015 UK general election: critique, legitimacy and incorporation in the news coverage of celebrity election campaigns
Published 2016“…Consequently they were incorporated into the electoral process rather than providing any direct challenge to it.…”
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Bridging the gap between gender (studies) and (audiovisual) translation
Published 2015“…Since translation started gaining ground in academia in 1980s and since the translation process began to be explored from a socio-cultural – rather than a linguistic – perspective, this practice has become the terrain in which relations of power, ideological views, clichés and stereotypes are examined and challenged. …”
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Ribbon Societies in Nineteenth-Century Ireland and Its Diaspora: The Persistence of Tradition
Published 2018“…Ribbon Societies in Nineteenth-Century Ireland and Its Diaspora is a fascinating study that demonstrates Ribbonism operated more widely than previous studies have revealed.…”
Monograph -
A nonlinear panel unit root test under cross section dependence
Published 2007“…Monte Carlo simulations shows that our test holds correct size and under the hypothesis that data are generated by globally stationary ESTAR processes has a better power than the recent linear test proposed in Pesaran (2005). …”
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An innovative custom cyber security solution for protecting enterprises and corporates’ assets
Published 2013“…This paper presents a technique of deploying more than one anti-virus solution at different layers and using custom anti-virus signature which is deployed in a custom proxy solution as part of a defence in-depth strategy.…”
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Tales of the Olympic city: memory, narrative and the built environment
Published 2019“…The Olympics have a greater, more profound and more pervasive impact on the urban fabric of their host cities than any other sporting or cultural event. This paper is concerned with issues of memory and remembering in Olympic host cities. …”
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Young Europeans: a new political generation?
Published 2018“…This broad pan-European analysis suggests that young people see themselves in many ways as a politically distinct cohort, a generation with different political values than those of their parents and grandparents.…”
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Protecting against eavesdropping on mobile phones to snip data with Information Security Awareness and Steganography principles
Published 2019“…Since the mobility of computers, including laptops, tablets, PDAs and smartphone, are demanding and criminals now start to target these devices as the usage is more than desktops. This initial research is focusing on drawing attention to this topic. …”
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What’s in store for Georgia at the European Court? An analysis of recently communicated cases
Published 2012“…In particular, it suffers from a low rate of acquittals which amount to less than 1% of contentious criminal cases (excluding the cases of plea bargain agreements). …”
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With whom do young Europeans' discuss their political identities?
Published 2020“…Discussion with teachers was relatively less common, and more often dependant on individual personalities than as part of a pedagogic programme. Instances of citing citizenship education as locations for political discussions were rare. …”
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Wide stopband planar Microwave bandpass filter design
Published 2020“…The measured result confirms the filter exhibits a relatively sharp roll-off skirt with a passband insertion-loss of 1.51 dB and return-loss that is better than 15 dB. The proposed filter is suitable for applications in high interference environments and cognitive radio systems…”
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Article -
Book review : Streetwalking: LGBTQ lives and protest in the Dominican Republic, by Ana-Maurine Lara
Published 2022“…He implied two things: first, that the accounts fromlgbtqvictims of government-state repression reveal more about the reality of the country than the official account by historians and authorities, and secondly, that resistance mechanisms leading to public visibility of the stigmatized and hitherto silenced can be an effective mechanism against political violence. …”
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MOHOA considering the curious case of the Satyagraha House, Johannesburg: a curatorial critique
Published 2022“…Failure to do this, as, I argue, has inadvertently taken place at Satyagraha House, will place modern museum practice in South Africa as belonging to the past rather than to the present and future of modern African heritage.…”
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The novel BRDT inhibitor NHWD870 shows potential as a male contraceptive in mice
Published 2022“…In this paper, we report a new generation of BET family inhibitor, NHWD870, that provide a complete and reversible contraceptive effect in mice which is stronger than that of JQ1 and its synthesized derivatives. …”
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Miniature wideband bandpass filter based on electric and magnetic coupling paths
Published 2014“…The measured results confirm the fractional bandwidth of 70% at the centre frequency of 4.58 GHz, insertion-loss is <0.55 dB with a return-loss better than 15 dB in the passband. The filter occupies an area of 4.1 × 17.8 mm, which corresponds to 0.1λo × 0.44λo, where λo is the wavelength of the centre frequency.…”
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The internet and small to medium-sized enterprises: research notes
Published 2009“…The growth of the Internet has opened up a vast arena, providing more opportunities for businesses, particularly small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to sell their products and services to a global audience than they would have been able to afford to reach using the traditional methods. …”
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Take care: art and medicine
Published 2022“…Taking their cue from works in the Kunsthaus collection, six chapters examine the productive interplay of sickness and pain, medicine, care and healing through 300 exhibits, over 250 of which are being made available by more than 40 national and international lenders. Early examples date back to the 15th century, while the most recent are works from 2022 produced specially for the exhibition. …”