The Foyers Granitic Complex and its aureole
Published 1990“…Contact relationships between envelope and complex imply sloping was the major intrusion mechanism, with siliceous lithologies more readily sloped than others. Low density contrasts between granitoid and envelope necessitate sloping occured whilst the pluton was very fluid, extra bouyancy perhaps derived from connection with a magma source at depth. …”
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Thesis -
The velocity of circulation of money : empirical evidence for the United Kingdom 1870-1991
Published 1995“…It can be argued that it is no more than an identity velocity determines the value of velocity. …”
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Ultrasound propagation in colloidal dispersions
Published 1989“…Attenuation as a function of barite concentration in Newtonian liquids was investigated and the ultrasonic particle radius was found to be systematically larger than expected. This is attributed to particle rugosity. …”
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Thesis -
Snow, Wilson and the Scientific Revolution
Published 2013“…There is no more dangerous illusion than the comfortable doctrine that the world owes us a living…that whatever we do, whenever we run into trouble, we can always rely on a special relationship with someone or other to bail us out. …”
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The shipwrecked shore and other metaphors : what we can learn from occupation of, and representations in, virtual worlds
Published 2012“…With educational paradigms shifting to include 'online learning, hybrid learning and collaborative learning' (NMC2012:5); the NMC report points out that institutions that support their learners by offering affordances other than physical campuses leverage the online skills that learners bring with them to academia. …”
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Monetary policy and banking sector : lessons from Turkey
Published 2012“…It is also evident that domestic banks are, unexpectedly, found to be more efficient, on average, than foreign banks. We discovered no evidence of significant dynamics or fixed-effects in the growth of loans and so prefer to use the pooled OLS estimator over the fixed-effects and Arellano and Bond estimators. …”
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Usage and Consequences of Privacy Settings in Microblogs
Published 2015“…Would microbloggers use Twitter more effectively when opening their content for everyone rather than protecting their profiles? Are user profile protection features necessary? …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Sport as a vehicle for health promotion: a shared value example of corporate social responsibility
Published 2019“…The results show that the business-centric effects were stronger among a group of youth beneficiaries than they were among some health- and wellness-centric variables. …”
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Remote banking fraud detection framework using sequence learners
Published 2019“…The results of the modelling demonstrate that given the labeled dataset both the LSTM and SVM model can detect payment fraud with acceptable accuracy, though overall the LSTM models perform slightly better than the SVM models. The results also prove the hypothesis that the events across banking channels can be modelled as time series data and then sequence-based learners such as Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) can be applied to improve or reduce the False Positive Rate (FPR) and False Negative Rate (FNR).…”
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Fashioning the academic
Published 2018“…This may also be the product of an increasing pedagogic emphasis on the student at the centre of the learning process, rather than both the teacher and the student in a specific communicative interaction. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A novel downlink semi-persistent packet scheduling scheme for VoLTE traffic over heterogeneous wireless networks
Published 2017“…The simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme is able to reduce VoLTE end-to-end delay and achieve a better system capacity than current methods, and maintain the desired VoLTE QoS.…”
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The challenges of cloud computing in forensic science
Published 2019“…CC technology facilitates rather than deploy and manage an in-house physical IT infrastructure by having local servers or personal devices to manage their softwares application. …”
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Fine motor skills and unsystematic spatial binding in the common region test (CRT): under-inclusivity in ASD and over-inclusivity in ADHD
Published 2020“…Results: Children with ASD and ADHD showed more unsystematic coding than TD children. This was due to lower fine motor skills, and in children with ADHD also because of reduced verbal naming. …”
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The experience of the role of being a caregiver for carers who identify as ‘black’: an IPA study
Published 2020“…Further it has been empirically noted that individuals from BME groups are less likely to access counselling services than White British people. This would suggest that this is an underrepresented area of research, particularly within the UK. …”
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Thesis -
An innovative and simpleiImpedance matching network using stacks of metasurface sheets to suppress the mismatch between antennas and RF front-end transceivers circuits
Published 2021“…Each MTS impedance matching sheet comprises two-dimensional periodic array of subwavelength microstrip resonator unit-cells that are spaced at a wavelength that is smaller than the frequency of operation. The unit-cells are square shaped patches and embedded with cross-shaped slots that are grounded through a via-hole. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Co-production: fostering greater inclusion or reproducing existing exclusion? An analysis of co-commissioning and resident participation on a South London housing estate
Published 2021“…However, a lack of understanding of the power dynamics between those involved means the processes can be hierarchical and restricting, rather than increasing the participation of those whom such initiatives are meant to empower.…”
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Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls
Published 2021“…Adopting a reflexive approach enables us to de‐migranticise our research turning the role of migration and ethnicity for social networks into an empirical question rather than taking them as an essentialist starting point for investigation. …”
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Get your facts right: preschoolers systematically extend both object names and category-relevant facts
Published 2016“…At test, children provided with the object name or category-relevant fact were significantly more likely to display systematic category extension than children who learnt the category-irrelevant fact. …”
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Constant domain-regulated antibody catalysis
Published 2012“…The catalytic activity of polyclonal IgM was superior to polyclonal IgG from the same sera, indicating that on average IgMs express the catalytic function at levels greater than IgGs. The findings indicate a favorable effect of the remote IgM constant domain scaffold on the integrity of the V-domain catalytic site and provide a structural basis for conceiving antibody catalysis as a first line immune function expressed at high levels prior to development of mature IgG class antibodies.…”
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An evaluation of the experiences of the hidden curriculum of Black and minority ethnic undergraduate health and social care students at a London university
Published 2021“…Black and minority ethnic (BME) students are less likely to achieve a first or upper-class second degree than White students. This evaluation investigated the experiences of BME Health and Social Care students at a London university of the hidden curriculum, thematically analysed through a critical race lens. …”
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