The Barrie guide to tort 2022. Volume 1
Published 2022“…This student manual covers the law of tort, which is concerned with obligations arising under civil law, other than by contractual agreement or the law of trusts. …”
Teaching Resource -
After progress: digital exhibition
Published 2022“…How to reimagine human and more-than-human forms of life and ways of flourishing from the ruins of the modern idea of progress? …”
Show/Exhibition -
Aeropalynology in North London
Published 1992“…Two-hourly pollen counts of more than 60 different pollen types have been recorded over four complete growing seasons in the heavily urbanized area of North London and this is interpreted in relation to meteorological conditions, local pollen source areas, topography and the urban morphology. …”
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Thesis -
Union activism : an exploration of the differential consequences of employee and freelancer experiences
Published 2018“…This thesis contributes to the existing literature about trade union activism by uncovering how its participants define the term ‘activism’ and assessing the effects of activism on individual members rather than on unions as entities. It illustrates the importance of seeking to understand and utilise participants’ definitions of value laden terms, rather than depending on researchers’ initial interpretations. …”
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Thesis -
An extended FABEER model for the equilibrium Chinese yuan/US dollar nominal exchange rate
Published 2009“…The undervaluation became more persistent and rising since 2000, but the misalignment rates are considerably smaller than those suggested by previous studies. Our empirical findings imply that a gradual increase in the flexibility of the exchange rate system rather than a sudden switch to a floating system would be more feasible for China over the near future.…”
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Article -
Optimizing a fuzzy multi-objective closed-loop supply chain model considering financial resources using meta-heuristic
Published 2021“…The designed algorithm's average error was less than 2% for each of the three objectives under study. …”
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Article -
Irrigation of acacia and eucalyptus species with waters of different salinities in a semi-arid environment in Formentera, Balearic Islands
Published 1997“…Mortality increased rapidly on soils less than 25cm deep. Results were confirmed by later plantings. …”
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Thesis -
How to learn places without spatial concepts: does the what-and-where reaction time system in children regulate learning during stimulus repetition?
Published 2015“…Shape memory deteriorated more than place memory in the NC, but also stayed superior to place memory when both improved in the RC. …”
Article -
Autotuning PID Controllers for Quadplane Hybrid UAV using Differential Evolution Algorithm
Published 2024“…The proposed RBF-NN system identification can successfully predict the attitude dynamics of a quadplane in all flight modes with a coefficient of determination of R2 greater than 0.9 and a computing mean time of less than 5 ms. …”
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Article -
Influence of mesh sizes and orientations on expanded aluminium sheets on tensile performances
Published 2022“…In terms of orientation, the specimens with 60° orientation have smaller tensile stress than those with 30° orientation. However, the strain values were higher for specimens with 60° orientation than specimens with 30° orientation…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Pressure loss prediction and control model for water treatment units
Published 2014“…Results show that power can be saved up to more than 85 %.…”
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Thesis -
Social structural and cultural determinants in the formation and operation of small enterprise in the UK, with particular reference to the economy of East London and its Asian comm...
Published 1995“…Existing 'middleman minority' and related theories are shown to be inadequate in explaining these differences inasmuch as they fail to separate the question of why some minority groups form and operate one type of business rather than another from a consideration of the reasons why some groups achieve greater success in business than others. …”
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Thesis -
Secure channel free public key encryption with multiple keywords search
Published 2020“…This PhD research aims to propose a few PEKS schemes in order to solve both Single and Multiple Keyword(s) Search issues and resist Off-line Keyword Guessing Attack (OKGA) and/or Inside Keyword Guessing Attack (IKGA). …”
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