Study on the awareness and adoption of Shari‘ah governance framework 2010 by the Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Additional descriptive analysis is used to determine the number of frequencies and percentages. The findings and analysis show that the awareness amongst the respondents on the objectives of SGF 2010, their perception on the applicability of SGF 2010 and the level of adoption of SGF 2010 by the IFIs are very good and positive. …”
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Design and development of controller of a rotary crane system
Published 2012“…The rotary cranes (tower crane) main purpose in finding a proper control strategy to transport the loads from one location to another. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of climatic and social performances of low cost terrace housing (LCTH) - introducing the affordable quality housing (AQH) concept in Malaysia
Published 2009“…This paper presents the scenario of the LCTH design based on secondary findings by researchers on housing in Malaysia. The secondary data provided the grounds for the proposal of affordable and quality housing (AQH) to handle the problems that occurred at the LCTH. …”
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The current practices of Islamic Build Operate Transfer (BOT) financing contracts: A legal analysis
Published 2012“…The study adopted an analytical approach by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the financing contracts via the sale, partnership, and lease contract. Finally, the findings showed that sale-based financing is more popular to the Project Company of BOT in Malaysia due to the fixed return and deferred payment mechanism. …”
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Evaluation of green roof system for green building projects in Malaysia
Published 2013“…The study has concentrated on the technical aspect of green roof system having focused on i) waste & recyclable materials ii) types of plants and method of planting and iii) green roof as tool to reduce storm water runoff. The finding of these areas will be compared to the suitability in achieving good practice of the GBI in Malaysia. …”
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Prioritizing issues of Malaysian Vision 2020: an application of the analytic hierarchy process and quality function deployment
Published 2011“…The AHP prioritization process also identifies the salient public suggestions. The findings suggest that the government machinery should keep the public better informed of the issues, improve their perceptions and solicit their contributions. …”
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Holistic academic development from the Ulū Al-Albāb approach: Challenges and opportunities
Published 2013“…Respondents are free to express their views. Findings: The results show that the informants perceived that the Ulū al-Albāb approach is commendable insights to nurture academics into holistic and dynamic modern academic development. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cultivable marine bacterial isolates from a sponge Hyattella cribriformis
Published 2013“…BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Tool) analysis finds that Vibrio diazotrophicus, Bacillus subtilis, B. firmus, Thalassomonas agarivorans, Oleiphilus messinensis, Planococcus maritimus and Brevundimonas vesicularis are the culturable marine bacteria associated with the sponge Hyattella cribriformis. …”
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An agricultural approach to the commercialization of cash waqf between Malaysia and Nigeria
Published 2014“…While existing literatures have focused on the transformation of the poor, there is a dearth of study that analyses institutional transfer of funds for boosting agricultural studies from one country to the other. The findings show that the waqf institution can play an important role in building a good relationship between one country and the other, create jobs, economically transform impoverished youths, and enable the elderly. …”
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The effectivenesss of field trip in the teaching of EOP to Business Management and ICT Students at IIUM: a case study
Published 2009“…The methodology used consists of pre and post survey questionnaires to investigate students ' preparation emotionally and physically before the field trip and their experience after the field trip. Findings from the research do not only indicate that students were more prepared and confident to face people in the workplace, but also made them realize the importance of mastering the English language to land a better job opportunity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Silence is not golden: investigating classroom participation anxiety among university students
Published 2012“…In addition, the study also investigated whether predictive relationships existed between perceived oral competence in English, students’ motivation to study, teachers’ verbal and non-verbal immediacy behaviors with classroom participation anxiety. The findings revealed that statistically significant differences existed between local and international students and between students from the six bachelor degree programs. …”
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Towards Shari’ah compliant e-commerce transactions: a review of Amazon.com
Published 2013“…This provides a basis for understanding the applicability of the Islamic law of contract in the context of online transactions. Findings indicate that Amazon’s online transactions generally satisfy the Shari’ah requirements of a valid contract except in two scenarios; (i) transactions involving impermissible (non-halal) products such as alcohol, pork, non-halal food and beverages, tobacco and tobacco-related products as well as Shari’ah non-compliant entertainments or music, and (ii) payment modes using conventional credit cards (riba).…”
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Factors influencing intention to use diminishing partnership home financing
Published 2008“…Design/methodology/approach – Cross sectional data were collected through a survey and analysed by means of factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis. Findings – Positive attitude or degree of favorableness towards the DP concept and religious and social influence are jointly responsible in determining the intention to engage in DP though the former commands greater influence. …”
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Can transparent disclosure be the solution to resolve shari’ah and ethical issues in special reserves of Islamic banks in Malaysia?
Published 2013“…Therefore, this research focuses on these issues. The findings show that these issues are arisen due to using conventional rate of return as benchmark and deviation of the practice of these reserves from the original concepts of profit and loss sharing concept applied in the Islamic banks, negative impacts on zakat and income tax and no harmonization and standardization on the practices. …”
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Barriers to ICT use in science teaching: a comparative analysis of Malaysian and Saudi science teachers
Published 2013“…The results corroborated previous findings that teacher factors tend to outweigh school factors in promoting or hindering teachers’ uptake of technology…”
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Proceeding Paper -
E-Learning readiness and its correlates among secondary school teachers in Nablus, Palestine
Published 2013“…However, the magnitude of the differences was considered small based on the interpretation of Cohen’s d for effect sizes. The findings have important implications on what the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Nablus school principals need to put in place in order to better prepare their teachers and schools for e-learning.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Emergence of Agile Methods: Perceptions from software practitioners in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Our participants are using Scrum and have a maximum of five years experience. We categorised our findings in terms of awareness, introduction, and challenges they are facing, together with the suggested and practiced solution from them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of copper on tensile strength improvement of Al-Cu-SiCp new composite
Published 2014“…The number and size of dimples for 2% Cu were considerably lower and the facet features were noticeably higher than higher Cu content composition, whereas, the dimple and facet size and number for the 4% Cu are very close to the 6% Cu content composite which may play important role in the improvement of tensile strength. These findings tinted for the potential application of SiCp reinforced Cu influenced Al-Cu-SiCp composite for automotive engine components and other similar applications as well. …”
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Thyroglossal duct carcinoma : a case illustration
Published 2007“…Diagnosis of TGD Ca was made based on trucut biopsy as well as computed tomography (CT) findings of heterogenous mass at the submental region with hyoid bone erosion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploring Malaysian university students’ awareness of green computing
Published 2013“…Field of study was shown to impact awareness in all the aspects measured in favor of students educated in ICT-related fields, but the findings produced mixed gender effects. The results indicate the need for green computing education to be integrated into higher education curriculum and for university-led green initiatives to be implemented on Malaysian university campuses to increase awareness in the subject matter.…”
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