Fashion-making in the transglobal landscape
Published 2018“…Much has been written about the transformation of China from being a clothing manufacturing site to a fast-rate, fashion-consuming society. …”
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Book Section -
Intelligent imaging system for optimal night time driving
Published 2019“…Road accident is the most unwanted thing to happen to a road user; it was reported that most of the road users are familiar with the general rules and safety measures when using roads, nonetheless their carelessness are causing the accidents and crashes. …”
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Book Section -
Characterization of ink-based phantoms with deep networks and photoacoustic method
Published 2023Get full text
Article -
Phenomenological exploration of separation in couples amidst Covid-19 pandemic
Published 2023“…These are the original interview transcripts of couples who experienced being separated from their spouse and family during the Covid-19 pandemic when national borders were closed, and strict restriction of movement control order was implemented.…”
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Dataset -
Study on thermal performance of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panel (PCSP) design for sustainable built environment
Published 2018“…Sustainability in construction industry has become an issue when designing a new building [1] and the conventional on-site construction methods have long been criticised for imposing rigorous human health and safety risk, as well as causing significant environmental destruction [2]. …”
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Book Section -
A modified Q-learning path planning approach using distortion concept and optimization in dynamic environment for autonomous mobile robot
Published 2023“…The proposed IQL algorithm exhibits a lower collision rate and a higher success rate when compared to dynamic window approach, influence zone and inflated A*.…”
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Article -
After COVID-19: time to agree a biosecurity code of conduct under the biological and toxin weapons convention (article)
Published 2020“…This paper suggests that now is the time to build on two decades of work within the BTWC and for States Parties to agree on a Biosecurity Code of Conduct under the Convention as proposed by China. Over the past two decades, as part of their attempts to strengthen the BTWC and thereby to help prevent the development of biological and toxin weapons, States Parties have given considerable attention to the potential utility of Codes of Conduct for life and associated scientists. …”
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Article -
Usage of BIM for improvement on design coordination in construction industry
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Mobile robot path planning using q-learning with guided Distance
Published 2018“…In the meanwhile, random direction decision making is added and activated when mobile robot gets trapped in local optima. This strategy enables the mobile robot to escape from local optimal trap. …”
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Article -
A modified Q-learning path planning approach using distortion concept and optimization in dynamic environment for autonomous mobile robot
Published 2023“…The proposed IQL algorithm exhibits a lower collision rate and a higher success rate when compared to dynamic window approach, influence zone and inflated…”
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Article -
After COVID-19: time to agree a biosecurity code of conduct under the biological and toxin weapons convention (book chapter)
Published 2020“…The devastating COVID-19 disease outbreak in early 2020 is likely to cause a major rethink about the dangers of natural, accidental and deliberate disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants when the outbreak is eventually brought under control. …”
Book Section -
Prediction of significant factors in the production of ethanol by ragi tapai co-culture using taguchi methodology
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -