Bitara –sidecar motorcycle for service-oriented mobileprenuer
Published 2020“…There are 3 kinds of research methods; line-up study, a questionnaire survey, and interviews were done. …”
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High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The proposed filter structure is composed of a U-shaped open-circuited line that is interdigitally coupled to the input/output feed-lines using high impedance lines. …”
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Recommended protection scheme setting coordination for nine busbars transmission grid
Published 2015“…For protection of transmission line three stepped distance protection can provide remote backup protection to transmission line by zone 2 and zone 3, but during the calculation of operation setting for different protection zones of the distance relays, some problems have been raised (overlap and under reach). …”
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Thesis -
Blackspot analysis of road traffic crashes in Surabaya - Manyar Toll Road, East Java
Published 2021“…The locations of crash-prone points (Blackspots) on the Surabaya - Manyar Toll road are as follows: The locations of crash-prone points (Blackspots) on the Surabaya Toll road - Manyar line mostly occurred at Km 9 + 925 - 16 + 400 mostly in 2018, on the Romokalisari - Kebomas section, and for Manyar - Surabaya line, occurred at Km 3 + 500 - 0 + 000 mostly in 2016, on the Tandes - Dupak section. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Role of pulse radiofrequency and radiofrequency in trigerminal neuralgia pain management: card up your sleeve
Published 2011“…Oral analgesics are considered as first-line treatment along with physiotherapy and psychological therapy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Over expression of Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 2 (VDAC2) in muscles of electrically stunned chickens
Published 2011“…Such treatment is economic and in line with animal welfare practice. However, the conditions applied for the stunning process may vary from a slaughterhouse to another slaughterhouse. …”
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أثر القرآن الكريم في نشر اللغة العربية في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل
Published 2011“…Since then, Arabic Language is no longer confined to a particular place, ethnics or genders. In line with the above, this paper aims to investigate the impact of the Holy Qur’an in teaching/learning of Arabic language in the past, present and future, for Arabic speakers and non Arabic speakers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The study of cell attachment and spreading on polyaniline and gelatin using electric cell-substrate impedance sensing
Published 2014“…Colon cancer cell lines, HCT-116 were used as model cell line. The impedance measurements were measured every 8 hours for 104 hours at frequency of 40Hz to 10MHz using impedance analyzer. …”
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Infusing Qur’anic moral codes into engineering studies: Selected themes
Published 2006“…The paper is an attempt to this aspect and attempts to bring engineering education in line with injunctions of Qur'an and Sunnah ( prophetic traditions ). …”
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Quasi-elliptic ultra-wideband bandpass filter with super-wide stopband
Published 2019“…The MMR structure essentially consists of a step impedance transmission-line resonator that is loaded centrally with a folded open-circuited stub. …”
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Practical poetics: rhythmic spatiality and the communicative movement between site, architecture and sculpture
Published 2015“…Rhythm was traditionally seen as an aspect of measure - therefore invoking justice (cf. Plato's Divided Line in the Republic) and mediation; and these animate a rich geometric poetics that is more profound than the usual understanding. …”
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Thesis -
Molecular responses of iron regulatory proteins to iron overload in human liver
Published 2006“…It is not iron per se but rather its implication in the generation of reactive oxygen species that makes the metal harmful when present in excess as seen in iron overload disorders, such as in hereditary haemochromatosis (HH). …”
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Thesis -
A Systematic Review of Anomaly Detection within High Dimensional and Multivariate Data
Published 2023“…However, anomaly detection is even more challenging when the datasets are high-dimensional and multivariate. …”
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A Systematic Review of Anomaly Detection within High Dimensional and Multivariate Data
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Experimental investigation assessment of railway ground vibration: a case study in Kluang-Gemas, Kluang District, Johor, Malaysia
Published 2023“…A series of field measurements were accomplished in a straight line in Kluang City, southern Malaysia, using accelerometers and DEWESoft X2. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Study of mouthguard design for endurance and air-flow enhancement
Published 2015“…The simulation process is then followed by the air flow study in the oral cavity with the open mouth about 0.5 mm when the athlete is doing the exercise with 4.43 m/s speed of flowing air entering the mouth. …”
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Thesis -
Diagonal quasi-Newton methods via least change updating principle with weighted Frobenius norm
Published 2021“…This paper presents a class of low memory quasi-Newton methods with standard backtracking line search for large-scale unconstrained minimization. …”
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Antifungal activity of Andrographis paniculata extracts and active principles against skin pathogenic fungal strains in vitro
Published 2012“…(Acanthaceae) is an annual herbaceous plant widely cultivated in southern Asia, China, and Europe. It is used in the treatment of skin infections in India, China, and Malaysia by folk medicine practitioners. …”
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Water quality prediction and carbon reduction mechanisms in wastewater treatment in Northwest cities using Random Forest Regression model
Published 2024“…With the accelerated urbanization and economic development in Northwest China, the efficiency of urban wastewater treatment and the importance of water quality management have become increasingly significant. …”
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