Autonomous control of tilt tri-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle
Published 2016“…A significant improvement is observed when the control algorithm is applied to the system in which the pitch overshoot is greatly reduced and approach to a constant zero.Tilt TriRotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TRUAV) is an aircraft that has three motors and does not allow pilot intervention in the management of the flight. …”
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Administration of Testate Estates: A Malaysian Identity
Published 2012“…When a person dies and leaves behind a will, he is said to have died testate. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Collaboration of integrative processes intermediaries supporting supply chain management
Published 2012“…The algorithms are designed to undergo six main phases to facilitate continuous monitoring of supply chain activities across the group and supporting process restructuring when inflicted by common supply chain problems. The authors had evaluated the performance of the IIMA with three other systems in simulated environments. …”
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Book Chapter -
Constant-current electroosmotic dewatering of superabsorbent hydrogel
Published 2014“…The agreement between calculated and experimental Uc is satisfactory when the creep deformation of the material is considered. …”
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Development of autonomous lane following and collision avoiding robot using image processing
Published 2012“…Using an IR distance sensor, the car determines when to stop accelerating once a certain distance between a forward object has been breached. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mechanical and electrical properties of Y-TZP/ZrB2 composite
Published 2012“…The results revealed that electrical resistivity values is very low (high electrical conductivity) when 25 wt. % of ZrB2 is incorporated to pure 3Y-TZP.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Is any defect in Islamic banking products? a case study of BBA
Published 2013“…It has been widely used in Malaysian banking environment although this type of product is not allowed in Middle East. When BBA is used to finance for any incomplete property, the unethical problems arise. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wear surface characteristics study of tribo-materials under palm oil methyl ester added lubricant
Published 2002“…Experimental results show that the activity of POME on the metal surface is quite remarkable when added to a mineral-based lubricant. Wear of piston ring and ball bearing materials took place by abrasive, corrosive and/or oxidative mechanisms with different concentrations of POME in lubricants. …”
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Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…Corrosive wear and pits on the specimen sujace were found when plain biefuel was used as lubricating oil. The results also confinned that better wear resistance was obtained from the surface-hardened steel specimen with 4 % biofuel-contaminated lubricant. …”
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Ethical based mathematical model to evaluate software engineering
Published 2013“…Islamic ethics are universal, stable, comprehensive, fair and standard which are suitable for all nations and times; and when followed leads to create an ethically great society. …”
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Best practice of framing and communicating school goals by principals of cluster secondary schools Malaysia
Published 2013“…The findings of the study indicate that the ‘use of data on student academic performance’ were highly used when framing school goals with highest mean score 4.26 and its standard deviation standing at 0.808. …”
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Experimental study of flank wear in high speed turning of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2013“…The aim of this paper is to study experimentally the influence of higher cutting speed on flank wear length when machining AISI 304 as work piece material. This steel is machined by a coated carbide tool. …”
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In-process truing for ELID (Electrolytic In-Process Dressing) grinding by pulsewidth control
Published 2011“…The experimental finding shows that the wheel work piece contact gradually improves from 40° to ~ 360° as the grinding progresses when this new controlled dressing technique is implemented.…”
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Should we be concerned with spam emails? A look at its impacts and implications
Published 2013“…The understanding on how the email users’ deal with the spam email currently has revealed their weaknesses when dealing with spam. Some recommendations are also proposed to encourage the good ethics in dealing with emails. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Privacy and trust in the Islamic perspective: implication of the digital age
Published 2013“…It has become normal procedure when the user must submit their personal details for digital service such as social networking, electronic commerce, personal hosting, etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance investigation of an advanced tracked prime mover on the low bearing soil
Published 2013“…The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been equipped with the prime mover hydraulic system to increase the traction torque of the hydraulic motor when the prime mover’s sinkage is more than or equal to 70 mm. …”
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Knowledge and accessibility of Muslim women to the law on post-divorce financial support
Published 2010“…However, more than two-third of the respondents (70%) had low level of accessibility to the law when claiming for post divorce financial support. …”
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Physiological signal – based Engagement Level Analysis under fuzzy framework
Published 2013“…Following the experiments, a series of questionnaires are given to the subjects to verify their engagement level when performing the experiments. Preliminary analysis on the data shows a good match between the experimental results and the questionnaire.…”
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PT-symmetric coupler with χ(2) nonlinearity
Published 2013“…The existence and stability analysis of the stationary solutions is corroborated by numerical time-evolution simulations exploring the evolution of the different configurations, when unstable. …”
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Study the heat transfer potentiality of a building envelope integrated with Elt at foundation.
Published 2013“…A hazardous waste, ELT or massive scraped tyre waste created environmental load to the local environment. Today, when researchers think of the environmental impacts of tyres, they mostly focus on the management of tyres at the end of their useful lives. …”
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