An evaluation of heat loss on top of solar collector with multilayered absorber in solar water heating system
Published 2016“…The results show the impact to the solar water heating system is indeed predictable where multilayered absorber in solar collector is proven to play its main role when it able to keep the hot water temperature longer at minimum amount of 176.4 W/unit area as for heat loss.…”
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The ‘God Helmet’ and neuro-spirituality : the pedagogical ramifications for religious and moral education
Published 2015“…A few Journalists gave it this name when they learned that some people had visions of God while participating in Koren Helmet experiments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of electromechanical coupling coefficient of surface acoustic wave resonator in ZnO piezoelectric thin film structure
Published 2014“…Simulation results indicate maximum electromechanical coupling coefficient is achieved when normalized thickness is in the range of 0.63 <; (hzno/λ) <; 0.78. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Heat transfer enhancement in a triangular duct using compound nanofluids and turbulators
Published 2015“…High gradient in wall temperatures is monitored when the water is replaced by nanofluid particularly at higher volume fraction. …”
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Intelligent path guidance robot for visually impaired assistance
Published 2015“…Then, controllers were applied in the devices’ system so that it can improve the system’s efficiency and accuracy in dealing with real-time situations. That’s when the intelligent system was introduced in the field to handle nonlinear process of the devices. …”
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Experimental investigations on wall pressure in suddenly enlarged ducts at supersonic Mach number regimes
Published 2012“…It is found that for area ratio 4.84 the Microjets which are used as active control method for base pressure, does not adversely affect the wall pressure,contradicting the peculiar oscillatory nature in the enlarged duct when controls are employed.…”
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Effect of mach number on stiffness and damping derivatives for oscillating hyersonic non-planar wedge
Published 2014“…The present theory is valid only when the shock wave is attached with the nose of the wedge. …”
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Combating piracy and armed robbery against ships: international cooperation in high risk areas
Published 2016“…This exercise should be done in cooperation with the regional powers in the respective state and cease when it is capable of conducting efficient surface and aerial patrols on its own or jointly with other states.…”
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Short selling and the development of anti-shorting laws in the UK
Published 2016“…Thus, the reason for shorting is to make a profit on the downfall when investors hold a bearish view on the stock. …”
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Gender issues in Muslim countries
Published 2016“…There is a long line of women scholars and activists who attained high positions and were renowned for their excellence as scholars, social workers, public figures, educators during the time of the Prophet SAW and during the next generations, when Islamic civilisation was flourishing. The presentation suggests that such empowerment has little relation to modern status of women in the Muslim world. after discussing the violation of the women's rights, the paper says that these problems existing in the Muslim world are not related to women rights alone, but the main problem is in the absence of citizen rights and the absence of good governance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamization of English literary studies (Twentieth Century)
Published 2016“…Accordingly, while we can accept the great bulk of Islamic teachings without any qualms, caution is needed to discriminate clearly what is useful for us in both the worlds from what is harmful when we want to relate the ideas encapsulated in literary works to our life. …”
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Monograph -
Duty to disclose material risks by healthcare providers: The widening ambit of legal obligations
Published 2016“…Nevertheless, internal and external constraints might operate to prevent full disclosure of benefits and risks when weighed against a spectrum of structural realities which eventually, may inhibit the completion of collaborative risk management processes.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Time variability analysis of photoplethysmogram biometric identification system
Published 2016“…Based on experimentation results, PPG signals when using LMT and FT gives identification rates of 96% for both classifiers. …”
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Effect of some parameters on the extraction process of antifungal peptides from Supermeal worm, Zophobas morio (Fabricius)
Published 2016“…Maximum inhibition to fungal growth was found when the extraction was carried out as follows; using initial homogenization temperature of 4°C, homogenization time of 5 minutes and a solid (g) to solvent (ml) ratio of 3.5:1. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tendon bioreactor
Published 2016“…Thus, in designing tendon bioreactor, the cyclic stretch and tensile strains are vital when considering the choice of mechanical stimulation to promote efficient cell differentiation. …”
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Monograph -
Biodiesel production via transesterification of palm olein using waste mud crab (Scylla serrata) shell as a heterogeneous catalyst
Published 2009“…Characterization results revealed that the main component of the shell is calcium carbonate which transformed into calcium oxide when activated above 700 �C for 2 h. Parametric studies have been investigated and optimal conditions were found to be methanol/oil mass ratio, 0.5:1; catalyst amount, 5 wt.%; reaction temperature, 65 �C; and a stirring rate of 500 rpm. …”
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Design of a light tracking system using machine vision technique
Published 2011“…The motors will react accordingly when they receive the signals to ensure that the camera always focuses on the centroid of the light source. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of energy input on microstructure and hardness of TIG Welded AISI 430-Ferritic stainless steel
Published 2011“…The hardness values across the welds indicate that grain growth and the presence of carbides are minimized when welded with increased heat input rates that permits transformation within the dual phase regions. …”
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Formation of TiN dispersed composite layer on steel surfaces by Titanium Powder Preplacement and TIG Surface Melting Processes
Published 2011“…A maximum surface hardness of about 2000 Hv was developed at the surface when glazed with an energy input of 432 J/mm and the hardness decreased gradually away from the surface. …”
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Load carrying capability of liquid filled cylindrical shell structures under axial compression
Published 2011“…First peak corresponds to the initial structural buckling of can. Second peak occurs when cylindrical can walls gradually come into full contact with water. …”
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