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Showing 1,941 - 1,945 results of 1,945 for search '(((pinnau OR bin) OR ((hinge OR fine) OR ssline)) OR (pinon OR (pin OR ping)))', query time: 0.18s
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Les sanctions coutumières comme gage de la paix et de la sécurité chez les traditionnalistes moundang du Nord-Cameroun by Dekane, E
Published 2024“…These included quarantine, ostracism, imprisonment or capital punishment for crimes, and amendments fines, compensation or restitution with interest for misdemeanors. …”
Journal article -
Measurement of the CKM angle $$\gamma $$ in the $${{{B} ^0} \rightarrow {D} {{K} ^{*0}}}$$ channel using self-conjugate $${D} \rightarrow {{K} ^0_{\textrm{S}}} h^+ h^-$$ decays by Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Beteta, C. Abellan, Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Adlarson, P., Afsharnia, H., Agapopoulou, C., Aidala, C. A., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., Akiba, K., Albicocco, P., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Albero, A. Alfonso, Aliouche, Z., Cartelle, P. Alvarez, Amalric, R., Amato, S., Amey, J. L., Amhis, Y., An, L., Anderlini, L., Andersson, M., Andreianov, A., Andreola, P. A., Andreotti, M., Andreou, D., Ao, D., Archilli, F., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Atzeni, M., Audurier, B., Perea, I. B. Bachiller, Bachmann, S., Bachmayer, M., Back, J. J., Bailly-reyre, A., Rodriguez, P. Baladron, Balagura, V., Baldini, W., de Souza Leite, J. Baptista, Barbetti, M., Barbosa, I. R., Barlow, R. J., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Bartolini, M., Baryshnikov, F., Basels, J. M., Bassi, G., Batsukh, B., Battig, A., Bay, A., Beck, A., Becker, M., Bedeschi, F., Bediaga, I. B., Beiter, A., Belin, S., Bellee, V., Belous, K., Belov, I., Belyaev, I., Benane, G., Bencivenni, G., Ben-Haim, E., Berezhnoy, A., Bernet, R., Andres, S. Bernet, Berninghoff, D., Bernstein, H. C., Bertella, C., Bertolin, A., Betancourt, C., Betti, F., Bezshyiko, Ia., Bhom, J., Bian, L., Bieker, M. S., Biesuz, N. V., Billoir, P., Biolchini, A., Birch, M., Bishop, F. C. R., Bitadze, A., Bizzeti, A., Blago, M. P., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blank, J. E., Blusk, S., Bobulska, D., Bocharnikov, V. B., Boelhauve, J. A., Garcia, O. Boente, Boettcher, T., Bohare, A., Boldyrev, A., Bolognani, C. S., Bolzonella, R., Bondar, N., Borgato, F., Borghi, S., Borsato, M., Borsuk, J. T., Bouchiba, S. A., Bowcock, T. J. V., Boyer, A., Bozzi, C., Bradley, M. J., Braun, S., Rodriguez, A. Brea, Breer, N., Brodzicka, J., Gonzalo, A. Brossa, Brown, J., Brundu, D., Buonaura, A., Buonincontri, L., Burke, A. T., Burr, C., Bursche, A., Butkevich, A., Butter, J. S., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Cadeddu, S., Cai, H., Calabrese, R., Calefice, L., Cali, S., Calvi, M., Gomez, M. Calvo, Campana, P., Perez, D. H. Campora, Quezada, A. F. Campoverde, Capelli, S., Capriotti, L., Carbone, A., Cardinale, R., Cardini, A., Carniti, P., Carus, L., Vidal, A. Casais, Caspary, R., Casse, G., Cattaneo, M., Cavallero, G., Cavallini, V., Celani, S., Cerasoli, J., Cervenkov, D., Chadwick, A. J., Chahrour, I. C., Chapman, M. G., Charles, M., Charpentier, Ph., Barajas, C. A. Chavez, Chefdeville, M., Chen, C., Chen, S., Chernov, A., Chernyshenko, S., Chobanova, V., Cholak, S., Chrzaszcz, M., Chubykin, A., Chulikov, V., Ciambrone, P., Cicala, M. F., Vidal, X. Cid, Ciezarek, G., Cifra, P., Ciullo, G., Clarke, P. E. L., Clemencic, M., Cliff, H. V., Closier, J., Cobbledick, J. L., Coco, V., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Cojocariu, L., Collins, P., Colombo, T., Comerma-Montells, A., Congedo, L., Contu, A., Cooke, N., Corredoira, I., Corti, G., Meldrum, J. J. Cottee, Couturier, B., Craik, D. C., Torres, M. Cruz, Currie, R., Da Silva, C. L., Dadabaev, S., Dai, L., Dai, X., Dall’Occo, E., Dalseno, J., D’Ambrosio, C., Daniel, J., Danilina, A., d’Argent, P., Davies, J. E., Davis, A., De Aguiar Francisco, O., de Boer, J., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Cian, M., De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca, U., De Lucia, E., De Miranda, J. M., De Paula, L., De Serio, M., De Simone, D., De Simone, P., De Vellis, F., de Vries, J. A., Dean, C. T., Debernardis, F., Decamp, D., Dedu, V., Buono, L. Del, Delaney, B., Dembinski, H.-P., Denysenko, V., Deschamps, O., Dettori, F., Dey, B., Nezza, P. Di, Diachkov, I., Didenko, S., Ding, S., Dobishuk, V., Dolmatov, A., Dong, C., Donohoe, A. M., Dordei, F., Reis, A. C. dos, Douglas, L., Downes, A. G., Duan, W., Duda, P., Dudek, M. W., Dufour, L., Duk, V., Durante, P., Duras, M. M., Durham, J. M., Dutta, D., Dziurda, A., Dzyuba, A., Easo, S., Egede, U., Egorychev, A., Egorychev, V., Orro, C. Eirea, Eisenhardt, S., Ejopu, E., Ek-In, S., Eklund, L., Elashri, M. E., Ellbracht, J., Ely, S., Ene, A., Epple, E., Escher, S., Eschle, J., Esen, S., Evans, T., Fabiano, F., Falcao, L. N., Fan, Y., Fang, B., Fantini, L., Faria, M., Farmer, K., Farry, S., Fazzini, D., Felkowski, L. F., Feng, M., Feo, M., Gomez, M. Fernandez, Fernez, A. D., Ferrari, F., Lopes, L. Ferreira, Rodrigues, F. Ferreira, Sole, S. Ferreres, Ferrillo, M., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Filippov, S., Fini, R. A., Fiorini, M., Firlej, M., Fischer, K. M., Fitzgerald, D. S., Fitzpatrick, C., Fiutowski, T., Fleuret, F., Fontana, M., Fontanelli, F., Foreman, L. F., Forty, R., Foulds-Holt, D., Lima, V. Franco, Sevilla, M. Franco, Frank, M., Franzoso, E., Frau, G., Frei, C., Friday, D. A., Frontini, L. F., Fu, J., Fuehring, Q., Fulghesu, T., Gabriel, E., Galati, G., Galati, M. D., Torreira, A. Gallas, Galli, D., Gambetta, S., Gandelman, M., Gandini, P., Gao, H. G., Gao, R., Gao, Y., Gao, Y., Garau, M., Martin, L. M. Garcia, Moreno, P. Garcia, Pardiñas, J. García, Plana, B. Garcia, Rosales, F. A. Garcia, Garrido, L., Gaspar, C., Geertsema, R. E., Gerken, L. L., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Giambastiani, L., Gibson, V., Giemza, H. K., Gilman, A. L., Giovannetti, M., Gioventù, A., Gironell, P. Gironella, Giugliano, C., Giza, M. A., Gizdov, K., Gkougkousis, E. L., Gligorov, V. V., Göbel, C., Golobardes, E., Golubkov, D., Golutvin, A., Gomes, A., Fernandez, S. Gomez, Abrantes, F. Goncalves, Goncerz, M., Gong, G., Gooding, J. A., Gorelov, I. V., Gotti, C., Grabowski, J. P., Cardoso, L. A. Granado, Graugés, E., Graverini, E., Graziani, G., Grecu, A. T., Greeven, L. M., Grieser, N. A., Grillo, L., Gromov, S., Gu, C., Guarise, M., Guittiere, M., Guliaeva, V., Günther, P. A., Guseinov, A. K., Gushchin, E., Guz, Y., Gys, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Hadjivasiliou, C., Haefeli, G., Haen, C., Haimberger, J., Haines, S. C., Halewood-leagas, T., Halvorsen, M. M., Hamilton, P. M., Hammerich, J., Han, Q., Han, X., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Hao, L., Harnew, N., Harrison, T., Hasse, C., Hatch, M., He, J., Heijhoff, K., Hemmer, F. H., Henderson, C., Henderson, R. D. L., Hennequin, A. M., Hennessy, K., Henry, L., Herd, J., Heuel, J., Hicheur, A., Hill, D., Hilton, M., Hollitt, S. E., Horswill, J., Hou, R., Hu, J., Hu, J., Hu, W., Hu, X., Huang, W., Huang, X., Hulsbergen, W., Hunter, R. J., Hushchyn, M., Hutchcroft, D., Ibis, P., Idzik, M., Ilin, D., Ilten, P., Inglessi, A., Iniukhin, A., Ishteev, A., Ivshin, K., Jacobsson, R., Jage, H., Elles, S. J. Jaimes, Jakobsen, S., Jans, E., Jashal, B. K., Jawahery, A., Jevtic, V., Jiang, E., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Y. J., John, M., Johnson, D., Jones, C. R., Jones, T. P., Joshi, S. J., Jost, B., Jurik, N., Juszczak, I., Kaminaris, D., Kandybei, S., Kang, Y., Karacson, M., Karpenkov, D., Karpov, M., Kautz, J. W., Keizer, F., Keller, D. M., Kenzie, M., Ketel, T., Khanji, B., Kharisova, A., Kholodenko, S., Khreich, G., Kirn, T., Kirsebom, V. S., Kitouni, O., Klaver, S., Kleijne, N., Klimaszewski, K., Kmiec, M. R., Koliiev, S., Kolk, L., Kondybayeva, A., Konoplyannikov, A., Kopciewicz, P., Kopecna, R., Koppenburg, P., Korolev, M., Kostiuk, I., Kot, O., Kotriakhova, S., Kozachuk, A., Kravchenko, P., Kravchuk, L., Kreps, M., Kretzschmar, S., Krokovny, P., Krupa, W., Krzemien, W., Kubat, J., Kubis, S., Kucewicz, W., Kucharczyk, M., Kudryavtsev, V., Kulikova, E. K., Kupsc, A., Lacarrere, D., Lafferty, G., Lai, A., Lampis, A., Lancierini, D., Gomez, C. Landesa, Lane, J. J., Lane, R., Langenbruch, C., Langer, J., Lantwin, O., Latham, T., Lazzari, F., Lazzeroni, C., Gac, R. Le, Lee, S. H., Lefèvre, R., Leflat, A., Legotin, S., Lenisa, P., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Leverington, B., Li, A., Li, H., Li, K., Li, L., Li, P., Li, P. -R., Li, S., Li, T., Li, T., Li, Y., Li, Z., Lian, Z., Liang, X., Lin, C., Lin, T., Lindner, R., Lisovskyi, V., Litvinov, R., Liu, G., Liu, H., Liu, K., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Salvia, A. Lobo, Loi, A., Castro, J. Lomba, Longstaff, I., Lopes, J. H., Huertas, A. Lopez, Soliño, S. L.ópez, Lovell, G. H., Lu, Y., Lucarelli, C., Lucchesi, D., Luchuk, S., Martinez, M. Lucio, Lukashenko, V., Luo, Y., Lupato, A., Luppi, E., Lynch, K., Lyu, X. -R., Ma, R., Maccolini, S., Machefert, F., Maciuc, F., Mackay, I., Macko, V., Mohan, L. R. Madhan, Madurai, M. M., Maevskiy, A., Maisuzenko, D., Majewski, M. W., Malczewski, J. J., Malde, S., Malecki, B., Malinin, A., Maltsev, T., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Mancuso, C., Escalero, R. Manera, Manuzzi, D., Manzari, C. A., Marangotto, D., Marchand, J. F., Marconi, U., Mariani, S., Benito, C. Marin, Marks, J., Marshall, A. M., Marshall, P. J., Martelli, G., Martellotti, G., Martinazzoli, L., Martinelli, M., Santos, D. Martinez, Vidal, F. Martinez, Massafferri, A., Materok, M., Matev, R., Mathad, A., Matiunin, V., Matteuzzi, C., Mattioli, K. R., Mauri, A., Maurice, E., Mauricio, J., Mazurek, M., McCann, M., Mcconnell, L., McGrath, T. H., McHugh, N. T., McNab, A., McNulty, R., Meadows, B., Meier, G., Melnychuk, D., Merk, M., Merli, A., Garcia, L. Meyer, Miao, D., Miao, H., Mikhasenko, M., Milanes, D. A., Milovanovic, M., Minard, M.-N., Minotti, A., Minucci, E., Miralles, T., Mitchell, S. E., Mitreska, B., Mitzel, D. S., Modak, A., Mödden, A., Mohammed, R. A., Moise, R. D., Mokhnenko, S., Mombächer, T., Monk, M., Monroy, I. A., Monteil, S., Morello, G., Morello, M. J., Morgenthaler, M. P., Moron, J., Morris, A. B., Morris, A. G., Mountain, R., Mu, H., Mu, Z. M., Muhammad, E., Muheim, F., Mulder, M., Müller, K., Murray, D., Murta, R., Muzzetto, P., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., Nanut, T., Nasteva, I., Needham, M., Neri, N., Neubert, S., Neufeld, N., Neustroev, P., Newcombe, R., Nicolini, J., Nicotra, D., Niel, E. M., Nieswand, S., Nikitin, N., Nolte, N. S., Normand, C., Fernandez, J. Novoa, Nowak, G. N., Nunez, C., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Oeser, T., Okamura, S., Oldeman, R., Oliva, F., Olocco, M. O., Onderwater, C. J. G., O’Neil, R. H., Goicochea, J. M. Otalora, Ovsiannikova, T., Owen, P., Oyanguren, A., Ozcelik, O., Padeken, K. O., Pagare, B., Pais, P. R., Pajero, T., Palano, A., Palutan, M., Panshin, G., Paolucci, L., Papanestis, A., Pappagallo, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Pappenheimer, C., Parkes, C., Passalacqua, B., Passaleva, G., Pastore, A., Patel, M., Patrignani, C., Pawley, C. J., Pellegrino, A., Altarelli, M. Pepe, Perazzini, S., Pereima, D., Castro, A. Pereiro, Perret, P., Perro, A., Petridis, K., Petrolini, A., Petrucci, S., Petruzzo, M., Pham, H., Philippov, A., Pica, L., Piccini, M., Pietrzyk, B., Pietrzyk, G., Pinci, D., Pisani, F., Pizzichemi, M., Placinta, V., Plews, J., Casasus, M. Plo, Polci, F., Lener, M. Poli, Poluektov, A., Polukhina, N., Polyakov, I., Polycarpo, E., Ponce, S., Popov, D., Poslavskii, S., Prasanth, K., Promberger, L., Prouve, C., Pugatch, V., Puill, V., Punzi, G., Qi, H. R., Qian, W., Qin, N., Qu, S., Quagliani, R., Rachwal, B., Rademacker, J. H., Rajagopalan, R., Rama, M., Pernas, M. Ramos, Rangel, M. S., Ratnikov, F., Raven, G., De Miguel, M. Rebollo, Redi, F., Reich, J., Reiss, F., Ren, Z., Resmi, P. K., Ribatti, R., Ricciardi, S., Richardson, K., Richardson-Slipper, M., Rinnert, K., Robbe, P., Robertson, G., Rodrigues, E., Fernandez, E. Rodriguez, Lopez, J. A. Rodriguez, Rodriguez, E. Rodriguez, Rolf, D. L., Rollings, A., Roloff, P., Romanovskiy, V., Lamas, M. Romero, Vidal, A. Romero, Ronchetti, F., Rotondo, M., Rudolph, M. S., Ruf, T., Fernandez, R. A. Ruiz, Vidal, J. Ruiz, Ryzhikov, A., Ryzka, J., Silva, J. J. Saborido, Sagidova, N., Sahoo, N., Saitta, B., Salomoni, M., Gras, C. Sanchez, Sanderswood, I., Santacesaria, R., Rios, C. Santamarina, Santimaria, M., Santoro, L., Santovetti, E., Saranin, D., Sarpis, G., Sarpis, M., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Saur, M., Savrina, D., Sazak, H., Smead, L. G. Scantlebury, Scarabotto, A., Schael, S., Scherl, S., Schertz, A. M., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Schmelling, M., Schmidt, B., Schmitt, S., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schubiger, M., Schulte, N., Schulte, S., Schune, M. H., Schwemmer, R., Schwering, G., Sciascia, B., Sciuccati, A., Sellam, S., Semennikov, A., Soares, M. Senghi, Sergi, A., Serra, N., Sestini, L., Seuthe, A., Shang, Y., Shangase, D. M., Shapkin, M., Shchemerov, I., Shchutska, L., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shen, Z., Sheng, S., Sheth, S. S., Shevchenko, V., Shi, B., Shields, E. B., Shimizu, Y., Shmanin, E., Shorkin, R., Shupperd, J. D., Siddi, B. G., Coutinho, R. Silva, Simi, G., Simone, S., Singla, M., Skidmore, N., Skuza, R., Skwarnicki, T., Slater, M. W., Smallwood, J. C., Smeaton, J. G., Smith, E., Smith, K., Smith, M., Snoch, A., Lavra, L. Soares, Sokoloff, M. D., Soler, F. J. P., Solomin, A., Solovev, A., Solovyev, I., Song, R., Song, Y., Song, Y. S., Song, Y. S., De Almeida, F. L. Souza, De Paula, B. Souza, Norella, E. Spadaro, Spedicato, E., Speer, J. G., Spiridenkov, E., Spradlin, P., Sriskaran, V., Stagni, F., Stahl, M., Stahl, S., Stanislaus, S., Stein, E. N., Steinkamp, O., Stenyakin, O., Stevens, H., Strekalina, D., Su, Y. S., Suljik, F., Sun, J., Sun, L., Sun, Y., Swallow, P. N., Swientek, K., Szabelski, A., Szumlak, T., Szymanski, M., Tan, Y., Taneja, S., Tat, M. D., Terentev, A., Teubert, F., Thomas, E., Thompson, D. J. D., Tilquin, H., Tisserand, V., T’Jampens, S., Tobin, M., Tomassetti, L., Tonani, G., Tong, X., Machado, D. Torres, Toscano, L., Tou, D. Y., Trippl, C., Tuci, G., Tuning, N., Ukleja, A., Unverzagt, D. J., Ursov, E., Usachov, A., Ustyuzhanin, A., Uwer, U., Vagnoni, V., Valassi, A., Valenti, G., Canudas, N. Valls, Dijk, M. Van, Hecke, H. Van, Herwijnen, E. van, Hulse, C. B. Van, Laak, R. Van, Veghel, M. van, Gomez, R. Vazquez, Regueiro, P. Vazquez, Sierra, C. V.ázquez, Vecchi, S., Velthuis, J. J., Veltri, M., Venkateswaran, A., Vesterinen, M., Vieira, D., Diaz, M. Vieites, Vilasis-Cardona, X., Figueras, E. Vilella, Villa, A., Vincent, P., Volle, F. C., Bruch, D. vom, Vorobyev, V., Voropaev, N., Vos, K., Vrahas, C., Walsh, J., Walton, E. J., Wan, G., Wang, C., Wang, G., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, N. W., Wang, R., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Ward, J. A., Watson, N. K., Websdale, D., Wei, Y., Westhenry, B. D. C., White, D. J., Whitehead, M., Wiederhold, A. R., Wiedner, D., Wilkinson, G., Wilkinson, M. K., Williams, I., Williams, M., Williams, M. R. J., Williams, R., Wilson, F. F., Wislicki, W., Witek, M., Witola, L., Wong, C. P., Wormser, G., Wotton, S. A., Wu, H., Wu, J., Wu, Y., Wyllie, K., Xian, S., Xiang, Z., Xie, Y., Xu, A., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, L., Xu, M., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Xu, Z., Yang, D., Yang, S., Yang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Yeroshenko, V., Yeung, H., Yin, H., Yu, C. Y., Yu, J., Yuan, X., Zaffaroni, E., Zavertyaev, M., Zdybal, M., Zeng, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, D., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zharkova, A., Zhelezov, A., Zheng, Y., Zhou, T., Zhou, X., Zhou, Y., Zhovkovska, V., Zhu, L. Z., Zhu, X., Zhu, X., Zhu, Z., Zhukov, V., Zhuo, J., Zou, Q., Zucchelli, S., Zuliani, D., Zunica, G.
Published 2024“…The CKM angle <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$\gamma $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>γ</mml:mi> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> is determined by examining the distributions of signal decays in phase-space bins of the self-conjugate <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${D} \rightarrow {{K} ^0_{\textrm{S}}} h^+ h^-$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>D</mml:mi> <mml:mo>→</mml:mo> <mml:msubsup> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>K</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> <mml:mtext>S</mml:mtext> <mml:mn>0</mml:mn> </mml:msubsup> <mml:msup> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>+</mml:mo> </mml:msup> <mml:msup> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>-</mml:mo> </mml:msup> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> decays, where <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$h = \pi , K$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>h</mml:mi> <mml:mo>=</mml:mo> <mml:mi>π</mml:mi> <mml:mo>,</mml:mo> <mml:mi>K</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>. …”
Article -
Graph representation learning by Zhang, Xinyi
Published 2022“…Besides different techniques used in graph representation learning, according to the fineness of the objects for embedding, the graph representation learning methods can be mainly divided into node-level, edge-level, and graph-level representation learning methods. …”
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Tsewang Norbu NGB by Cantwell, C, Mayer, R
Published 2025“…Of all the surviving editions, the Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu edition is the most lavishly produced, manufactured from good materials, finely decorated, and illustrated with many high quality hand-painted miniatures. …”
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- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 102 results 102
- School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 66 results 66
- School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 61 results 61
- School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 58 results 58
- School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering 44 results 44
- School of Art, Design and Media 36 results 36
- Shum Ping 32 results 32
- School of Materials Science and Engineering 27 results 27
- Shum, Perry Ping 27 results 27
- So Ping Lam 27 results 27
- School of Computer Science and Engineering 26 results 26
- Liu, Bin 25 results 25
- Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) 24 results 24
- Hans-Martin Rall 20 results 20
- School of Computer Engineering 20 results 20
- Wang, Ping 19 results 19
- School of Materials Science & Engineering 18 results 18
- Nanyang Business School 16 results 16
- Davide Benvenuti 14 results 14
- Lou, David Xiong Wen 14 results 14
- Niyato, Dusit 14 results 14
- School of Biological Sciences 14 results 14
- S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies 13 results 13
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 12 results 12
- Tan, Chin Ping 12 results 12
- Wang I-Hsuan Cindy 12 results 12
- Fabrizio Galli 11 results 11
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineering 11 results 11
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences 11 results 11
- Zhang Yue Ping 11 results 11
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