A primary interface selection policy in heterogeneous networks based on QoS
Published 2012“…Different types of services are provided by the Internet like file transfer, telephony, audio and video conferencing etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploring a sensitive issue: menopause experience among urban Malay women in Malaysia
Published 2007“…Researching a sensitive issue like menopause is therefore taxing and at times overwhelming. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wear study of Mg-SiCp reinforcement aluminium metal matrix composite
Published 2016“…The study further analysed the effects of different size variations of silicon carbide particles such as the coarse particle size, fine particle size, intermediate particle size and mixed particle size in the fabrication of the composites on the hardness and wear properties. The pin-on-disc test was also done at room temperature in a dry sliding wear condition. …”
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Wear behavior of as-cast and heat treated triple particle size SiC reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites
Published 2009“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Monitoring of dissolved ciguatoxin and maitotoxin using solid-phase adsorption toxin tracking devices: application to Gambierdiscus pacificus in culture
Published 2011“…The MTX-like toxicity was detected from day 19 to 47 (final of exponential to decade growth phases). …”
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A new technique to improve the machinability of hardened steel AISI H13 in end milling
Published 2010“…Hardened materials like AISI H13 steel are generally regarded as difficult to cut materials because of their high hardness due to high carbon content, which however allows them to be used extensively as the hot working tools like, dies and moulds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Moral improvement (Islox al- Akhloq): revisiting the prophetic method in the midst of materialistic tendencies
Published 2010“…This paper therefore aims at revisiting behavior modification method used by the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and sees how this prophetic method is able to produce successful people throughout history in the persons of Abdul Rahman bin Auf in business, Umar Abdul Aziz in governance and so on. …”
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دور المؤثرات السقافية في تقدير المدى الزمني للفونيم: دراسة فونولوجية حاسوبية = dawr al-mu'asirat al-siyaqiyah fi taqdir al-mada al-zamani li al-fonim: dirasah fonololojiyah hasubi...
Published 2012“…The effects in approximating the time of the phoneme will be concluded through the analysis of the Quranic recitations by the samples which consist of reliable recitors such as Syaikh ‘Abdulla Basfar, Saikh Muhammad Ayyub, and Syaikh Masyari bin Rasyid al-‘Afasi. Among the questions the study wishes to answer: Is the approximation of the time of the phoneme a special characteristic of the recitation of the reciter and his recitation? …”
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رِثَاءٌ ذو ثَلاثِ شُعَبٍ في شِعْرِ عَبْدِ الرَّحمنِ العشماوي: دِرَاسَةٌ أدَبِيَّةٌ تَحْلِيلِيَة = Ashmawi in his panegyric poems and the emotion of the poet as evident in the three...
Published 2011“…For this reason, samples of the poet lamenting on the death of his mother and the death of a renowned scholar Syaikh ‘Abdel ‘Aziz bin Bazz and finally the death of a martyr Syaikh Ahmed Yasin; will be analyzed. …”
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Bir Think Tank ve IAIS (A Think Tank and the IAIS)
Published 2010“…Dünya’da bölgesel ve küresel boyutta yaklaşık 6000 (altı bin) civarında think tank kuruluşu vardır. Yüzde yetmişten fazlasını Amerika ve Avrupa devletlerinde faaliyet gösteren bu düşünce kuruluşları ülkenin geleceği ve uluslararası konumunun tespiti ve varlığının devamı için uluslararası ilişkilerde rol oynayan hayâti bir öneme sahip. …”
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Autonomous biomimitic robot based multi-agent system for disaster management and rescue
Published 2006“…Search and rescue operations in disastrous situations like earthquake, landslide, fire hazards, mineshaft breakdown etc. are still handled manually. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An attempt to develop a Biped Intelligent Machine BIM-UIA
Published 2011“…Human like sovereign system that is capable to adapt itself with the changes of its environment and continue to reach its goal is considered as Humanoid Robot. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evolution of humanoid robot and contribution of various countries in advancing the research and development of the platform
Published 2010“…A human like autonomous robot which is capable to adapt itself with the changing of its environment and continue to reach its goal is considered as Humanoid Robot. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Risk management policies of telecommunication and engineering laboratories
Published 2016“…The Telecommunication laboratories plays an important role in carrying out research in the different fields like Telecommunication, Information Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Networks and many others fields. …”
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Investigation of the pH effect in hydrothermal growth of zinc oxide nanostructures
Published 2020“…Various ZnO structures of neuron-like, flowerlike, and urchin-like morphologies were obtained at alkaline pH (~8.00 to ~9.00) while for pH solution lower than ~8.00, rod-like nanostructures were obtained. …”
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Sustainable concrete partially comprised of supplementary cementitious material and alternative fine aggregate- a review
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the high consumption of raw materials like sand in the construction sector led to a massive depletion in natural sources to meet the pressure demand in the future. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Foreword Chairman 1 ICUDBE 2015
Published 2015“…I would like to express my appreciation to all of our guests, presenter and participants for sparing some time despite of the busy schedule to be part of this meaningful event. …”
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Proceeding Paper