The Educational Experience of ‘African’ Students at London Metropolitan University – a Case Study
Published 2007“…This case study examines what studying at LondonMet was like for a small number of students coming from different ‘African’ backgrounds, i.e. from African countries and ethnic communities. …”
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Parallel querying of distributed ontologies with shared vocabulary / Index-based concurrent SPARQL query processing
Published 2019“…However, although SPARQL is well-established standard for querying semantic repositories in RDF and OWL format and there are commonly used APIs which supports it, like Jena for Java, its parallel option is not incorporated in them. …”
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Komplexität und semantische Transparenz im Deutschen und Englischen
Published 2007“…Hawkins's contrastive typology of German and English that - like D. L. Everett's analysis - attempts explanation from one unifying principle. …”
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The plastic bag: forever and ever
Published 2018“…After it has taken its first breath by the cashier of a grocery store, when left to its own devices, the plastic bag will contain the currents of the wind or those of the water, its membrane-like body continuing to behave according to its original design programme, even when no human users are employing it. …”
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A study on the sustainable financial inclusion in selected SAARC countries: a gender-based perspective
Published 2021“…Despite of the penetration of the FI worldwide, inequality and inequity still persists, particularly in lower income countries like South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). …”
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Zones of entrapment and impunity: on the constitution of vague and strange regimes of power
Published 2022“…This article challenges a tendency prominent in critical theory—one that holds that being “vague and strange” constitute qualities of life opposed to the grid-like systems of coercive control intrinsic to the operation of modern power regimes which, by their ascriptive nature, are compelled to suppress all life which exhibits these traits. …”
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The formation of brittle phases in brazed zirconium joints
Published 1991“…Induction brazing produced high quality joints with interface layers thinner than those in vacuum brazed joints; a link between heat-up rate and wetting was observed. 3. …”
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‘Self-immolation by technology’: Jean Baudrillard and the posthuman in film and television
Published 2015Get full text
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Experience, skill and competence: boundary spanning capabilities for leadership and management of transnational education
Published 2020“…Despite the growth of TNE internationally, little detailed attention has been paid to these individuals, often called academic liaison (or link) tutors. They are good examples of “boundary spanners” (Williams, 2013, p. 17) or “third space professionals” (Whitchurch, 2008, p. 378). …”
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Nursery workers' narratives: what makes a 'good' nursery worker?
Published 2021“…Each theme is presented in a separate chapter: the relationship between the nursery worker and policy; the close link between maternal discourses and formation of good practice; and the emotional labour involved in working with children. …”
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The ‘expat factor’: the influence of working time on women's decisions to undertake international assignments in the oil and gas industry
Published 2015“…A model is proposed to link working time/patterns to women’s international assignment participation.…”
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Determination of adjusted reference intervals of urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress in healthy adults using GAMLSS models
Published 2018“…The RI of the biomarkers stratified by season and adjusted for DFC showed a slight statistically significant decrease in the biomarkers at the increasing DFC in two seasons, except the 8-oxodG during the warm season: median levels at the min and max values of DFC were (ng/mgcreat) 7.0-1.1 in the cold and 3.9-3.9 in the warm seasons for 8-oxodG, 0.7-0.2 in the cold and 1.3-0.6 in the warm seasons for 8-isoprostane. …”
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Remote determination of critical speed and critical power in recreational runners
Published 2023“…CS and D', and CP and W', were calculated from the best 3-, 7-, and 12-minute segments recorded in the first 6 weeks of their HAB and in random order in weeks 7 and 8 from 3 TTs (3, 7, and 12 min) and three 3MTs (to assess test-retest reliability). …”
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Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness following exercise training prescribed relative to traditional intensity anchors and physiological thresholds: a systematic review with meta-an...
Published 2024“…The MID was predefined as one metabolic equivalent (MET; 3.5 mL kg−1 min−1). Results In controlled studies, mean O2max change was greater in the THR group compar…”
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On being in the wrong place: the role of children’s conceptual understanding and ballgame experience when judging a football player’s offside position
Published 2016“…Thereafter, children judged whether a designated player was in an offside position in a computerized task. Like adults, also children found it easier to judge when a player was in a wrong rather than a right place. …”
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Beyond behaviour: changing foods as well as changing people
Published 2018“…Like many specialists in public health, Clarke focuses on “ways to change and sustain our individual behaviour.” …”
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Preventing and designing out plagiarism : making the most of VLEs and CAA tools
Published 2010“…The role of new technologies is such that new terms like "cyber plagiarism" or "digital plagiarism" (Park, 2003: 481) and "cyber cheating" or "e-cheating" (Jones et al., 2008) have been coined to refer to the use of new technologies for dishonest purposes. …”
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