The communication performance of link-sharing method of buffer in NoC router: the relation between the communication performance and the number of banks
Published 2013“…Even this high performance is retained when the buffer size and the packet length are same.…”
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Article -
Optimizing of PID controller for flexible link system using a Pareto-based Multi-objective differential (PMODE) evolution
Published 2011“…The conflict between the transient performance of the link position and tip vibration in a flexible link system has made the control of such system a challenging task. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Centre of Gravity (C.O.G)-based analysis on the dynamics of the extendable Double-Link Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot
Published 2013“…The inclination of extendable link at any interest angle will affect the C.O.G of the system especially when the payload is having a significant weight. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of PID controller for flexible link system using a pareto-based multi-objective differential (PMODE) evolution
Published 2011“…The conflict between the transient performance of the link position and tip vibration in a flexible link system has made the control of such system a challenging task. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessments of time diversity rain fade mitigation technique for v-band space-earth link operating in tropical climate
Published 2013“…Nonetheless, rain posses a grave threat to such satellite communication links especially in tropical region where the hydrometeors can severely affect the signal. …”
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Availability analysis of free-space-optical links based on rain rate and visibility statistics from tropical a climate
Published 2016“…Availability is one of the major parameters to measure the performance of Free Space Optics (FSO) communication link. In tropical climate, rainfall acts as a dominant factor that affects the FSO link availability; whereas haze has no significant effect compare with rain. …”
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Imbalanced functional link between executive control network and reward network explain online-game seeking behaviors in internet gaming disorder
Published 2015“…IGD subjects show decreased FC in the executive control network and increased FC in the reward network when comparing with the healthy controls. When examining the correlations between the NAcc and the executive control/ reward networks, the link between the NAcc - executive control network is negatively related with the link between NAcc - reward network. …”
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3rd order coupled-resonator bandpass filter assisted by Groove Gap-Waveguide technology for 26-GHz radio link diplexer
Published 2025“…This paper investigates the design of a bandpass filter (BPF) intended for 26-GHz radio-link diplexer using Groove-Gap-Waveguide (GGW) technology. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Understanding the performance of the Left Party (die Linke) in Western Germany : a comparative evaluation of cartel and social cleavage theories as explanatory frameworks
Published 2015“…In 2007 Germany’s Left Party (DIE LINKE) won its first seats in the regional parliament of a western federal state, Bremen. …”
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Thesis -
Potential of artificial intelligence (AI) implementation for improving bridge maintenance management: a case study on Malaysia – Singapore Second Link Expressway
Published 2024“…This case study focuses on the Bridge built to connect Malaysia and Singapore, the Malaysia - Singapore Second Link Expressway. The study investigated the potential use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve maintenance management of the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link Expressway. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Ensiklopedia kemukjizatan sains dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah (translation of Mawsu'at al-i'jaz al-'ilmi fi al-Qur'an al-karim wa-al-sunnah al-mutahharah)
Published 2009“…Buku ini memaparkan aspek keajaiban sains di dalam al-Quran dengan harapan agar umat Islam berusaha lebih giat lagi membekali diri mereka dengan ilmu sains seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh saintis muslim silam.…”
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