AI-based investigation and mitigation of rain effect on channel performance with aid of a novel 3D slot array antenna design for high throughput satellite system
Published 2024“…This information can be valuable for optimizing satellite link design and operation, ultimately enhancing the reliability and quality of satellite communications. …”
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The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act of 2001 : its effects and the implications for workers and trade unions in Ireland
Published 2014“…The legislation provides a means of resolving the substantive issues in dispute between workers and employers when employers refuse to recognise the trade union articulating those issues. …”
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Thesis -
Can industry 5.0 technologies overcome supply chain disruptions? A perspective study on pandemics, war, and climate change issues
Published 2024“…The main aim of this article is to study I5.0 technologies in supply chains when these are affected by disruptive phenomena such as those created by wars, climate change or pandemics. …”
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Religion and consumer behaviour in developing nations: a look into the future
Published 2021“…In this process, the chapter reviews the link between ethics and business vis-à-vis the religious factor in the context of broader consumer behaviours, and critically determines the way forward. …”
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Book Section -
The influence of Artificial Intelligence techniques on disruption management: does supply chain dynamism matter?
Published 2023“…Moreover, SCD does not moderate the link between HSC adoption and HSCR but does moderate the link between HSC cooperation and HSCR. …”
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Damage intensity class for reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to lateral cyclic loading
Published 2021“…These damages were caused by lack of shear links confinement and insufficient anchorage length, particularly on the RC beam-column joint (BCJ) of the buildings. …”
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Thesis -
The Routledge handbook on the reception of classical architecture
Published 2019“…Essays cover a wide geography and include studies in Italy, France, England, Scotland, the Nordic countries, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Germany, Poland, India, Singapore, China, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, New Zealand and Australia. …”
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The New BRICS Bank: Challenging the International Financial Order?
Published 2015“…On 15th July 2014 the BRICS Group members (Brazil, India, China, Russia and South Africa) signed agreements that established two new international financial institutions, the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA).[1] The NBD with an initial capital of US$100bn. has a brief to provide no-strings loans to Emerging Market and Developing Countries (EMDCs), principally for major infrastructure and sustainable development projects. …”
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Enhancing cyber security using audio techniques: a public key infrastructure for sound
Published 2021Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Mrs Dalloway and the finite transcendental: existence, time and transcendence in Woolf, Husserl and Derrida
Published 1999“…This chapter explores the link between Virginia Woolf, Edmund Husserl and Jacques Derrida.…”
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Book Section -
Published 2023“…Aktiviti khidmat masyarakat berkaitan adaptasi teknologi web di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Rengit telah dianjurkan secara bersama diantara Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat UTHM, Pusat Pembelajaran Berterusan, dan APEL UTHM. …”
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Kajian kesesuaian cd rom interaktif yang dibina bagi menghasilkan bahan pengajaran teknik dan vokasional
Published 2002“…Kemajuan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi masa kini telah banyak membawa perubahan dalam aktiviti manusia seharian terutamanya dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. …”
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Thesis -
The inter-comparison of AATSR aerosol optical depth retrievals from various algorithms
Published 2015“…For the purpose of estimating different performance of these three algorithms in Asia, in this paper we compared the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) of L2 data (10km×10km) including FMI AATSR Dual-view ADV algorithm, the Oxford RAL Aerosol and Cloud retrieval (ORAC) algorithm and the Swansea University AATSR retrieval (SU) algorithm with the AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) and the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET) data separately. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Fashion-making in the transglobal landscape
Published 2018“…Much has been written about the transformation of China from being a clothing manufacturing site to a fast-rate, fashion-consuming society. …”
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