Process simulation and quality evaluation of incremental sheet forming
Published 2011“…It allows metal forming to work in the critical ‘necking-to-tearing' zone which results in a strong thinning before failure if the process is well designed. …”
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Isolation of nanocrystalline cellulose from leucaena leucocephala pods and its application as a fat replacer in production of low-fat mayonnaise
Published 2022“…Besides that, from the rheological analysis, it can be concluded that NCC suspension behaves as a shear-thinning material. Further work was carried out to produce low-fat mayonnaise with isolated NCC as a fat replacer. …”
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Thesis -
Gel-like properties of MCM-41 material and its transformation to MCM-50 in a caustic alkaline surround
Published 2012“…The gel phase shows shear thinning or pseudoplastic behavior and possesses homogeneous matrix structure.…”
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Rheological behavior and stability of cassava starch for ceramic mould binder application
Published 2012“…Pseudoplastic or shear thinning behavior for both binder and slurry were observed starting at 0.13 Pa.s and 2.5 Pa.s respectively. …”
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Aligning internal market orientation (IMO) with market orientation (MO) to impact performance in the banking sector in Ghana
Published 2017“…The pioneering studies of Lings and Greenley on internal market orientation (IMO) in the 2000s and that of Kohli and Jaworski experience enormous investigation empirically. …”
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Thesis -
Porous ceramics with controllable properties prepared by protein foaming-consolidation method
Published 2011“…The addition of dispersant with different concentration into alumina slurries shifted the rheological properties from shear thinning behavior to a Newtonian fluid, which resulted in changes in the pore sizes of the resulting ceramics. …”
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Thermal gradient pattern of shallow pitting via active thermography-water and steam
Published 2018“…Pipelines are extensively used worldwide to transport water, oil and gas. Wall thinning or pits can be produced in the internal of the pipe after being used for a certain period of the time due to some factor such as erosion-corrosion and pitting corrosion. …”
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Viscosity and viscoelasticity of osteoarthritic synovial fluids in comparison to intraarticular injection of hyaluronic acid (Synvisc and Suplasyn)
Published 2012“…RESULTS: The flow curves constructed showed that osteoarthritic SF and both IAHA exhibited non-Newtonian shear thinning (pseudoplastic) fluid behaviour. The osteoarthritic SF had the lowest viscosity compared to IAHA. …”
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Quality improvement of manuka honey through the application of high pressure processing
Published 2014“…Besides, the result showed that high pressure processing can maintain the natural colour of honey which relates directly to consumer perception, while retaining its shear-thinning behaviour and viscosity with no significant changes (p > 0.05). …”
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Thesis -
Convective boundary layer flow in generalized Newtonian nanofluid under various boundary conditions
Published 2021“…Buongiorno nanofluid model was applied to shear-thinning or pseudoplastic fluid over the pereamble surface. …”
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Thesis -
Large distal tibia osteochondroma with deformed fibula: Excision and anatomical reconstruction of ankle syndesmosis
Published 2016“…Radiograph revealed a large sessile bony outgrowth on the distal lateral tibia compressing the lateral malleolus with thinning of the bone and widening of the syndesmotic joint (Figure 1). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of bent-up triangular tab shear transfer (BTTST) enhancement in cold-formed steel (CFS)-concrete composite beams
Published 2010“…One of the limiting features of CFS is the thinness of its section (usually between 1.2 and 3.2 mm thick) that makes it susceptible to torsional, distortional, lateral-torsional, lateral-distortional and local buckling. …”
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Thesis -
Development of growth chart for Malaysian children
Published 2015“…WHO Child Growth Standards/Reference are likely to overdiagnose obesity, thinness/underweight and stunting for most age groups as compared to MyGC. …”
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