Empirical studies on director shareholdings of SGX-listed companies.
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Factors affecting the performance of hotels in Beijing, China.
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of free trade agreements and its implications for Singapore.
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Managed care in US and its impact on job satisfaction of HMO Physicians : implications on future of managed care in Singapore
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change /
Published 2020“…Chapters have either been completely rewritten and updated or comprise new topics by contributors including: Characteristics of effective therapists; Mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies; Personalized treatment approaches; The internet as a medium for treatment delivery; Models of therapy and how to scale up treatment delivery to address unmet needs. …”
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software, multimedia -
A Short History of South East Asia /
Published 1999“…A Short History of South-East Asia, Sixth Edition is an abbreviated history of south-east Asia written with business readers in mind.…”
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A postfeminist reading of Chick Lit : Sex and the City.
Published 2010“…My essay seeks to achieve a more open-minded opinion of Chick Lit and recognize that consciousness-raising writing is not the only option for female readers who wish to gain a sense of empowerment and an authentic female view.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ideal houses : a visual research case study on factors that define a house.
Published 2011“…To what extent can the creative mind bring about new notions on the urban living environment or cast light upon current circumstances? …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Web-based interactive graph visualization
Published 2018“…By the end of the project, a prototype of the website will be developed with basic analysis functions implemented and continuation of this project is to be expected therefore, the website will be built with extensibility in mind. Improvements, like additional clustering methods, ways to differentiate data through colour coding and further optimizing the algorithm can be implemented in the near future.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Impact of culture on mobility
Published 2019“…With an increase of consumers using smart phone nowadays with cellular data capabilities, using of internet services has become part of an activity that people do while travelling on a daily basis, with that on mind, telecommunication company is able to retrieve movement data and it can be tracked and studied upon to further understand human travel pattern. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An exposition of the Zhuangzi’s zhiyan (至言)
Published 2019“…On the other hand, zhiyan is prima facie an expression employed for heart-mind cultivation in chapter 21. Yet again, contrarily, zhiyan is what “eliminate [language expressions]” in chapter 22. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Editors’ introduction: Cynthia Ozick and the art of nonfiction
Published 2024“…It aims to take the measure of this ambidextrous author through her nonfiction, while keeping in mind the awkwardness of this category for a writer whose essays frequently display a defiant blurring of the fictive and the factual. …”
Journal article -
Accelerating the design of biomimetic materials by integrating RNA-seq with proteomics and materials science
Published 2016“…In one example, we rapidly engineer recombinant squid sucker ring teeth proteins into a range of structural and functional materials, including nanopatterned surfaces and photo-cross-linked films that exceed the mechanical properties of most natural and synthetic polymers. …”
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Journal Article -
Population transcriptomics of human malaria parasites reveals the mechanism of artemisinin resistance
Published 2016“…These findings suggest that artemisinin-resistant parasites remain in a state of decelerated development at the young ring stage, whereas their up-regulated UPR pathways mitigate protein damage caused by artemisinin. …”
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Journal Article -
Chiral Modes at Exceptional Points in Exciton-Polariton Quantum Fluids
Published 2018“…In particular, a vortex is generated by driving two dipole modes of the non-Hermitian ring resonator into degeneracy. Transition through the exceptional point in the space of the system’s parameters is enabled by precise manipulation of real and imaginary parts of the closed-wall potential forming the resonator. …”
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Journal Article -
Parametric inversion of spin currents in semiconductor microcavities
Published 2013“…The energy of the pulse is set to be close to the inflexion point of the lower polariton dispersion branch and the focusing in real space populates the reciprocal space on a ring. Above threshold, the parametric scattering towards the idler and the signal state is triggered on the whole elastic circle. …”
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Journal Article -
Marketing of iQue Nest : exploratory research in consumers' purchasing behaviour of health tonic products
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -