Optimum length for pin fins used in electronic cooling
Published 2012“…The present work deals with the heat transfer analysis of pin fins of various geometries namely ─ circular, triangular and rectangular and thus arrive at the optimum design. …”
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Pinning for judges in harmonising Civil Law and Shariah: Challenges and prospects
Published 2009Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
An experimental study on precision grinding of silicon using diamond grinding pins
Published 2011“…The result shows massive ductile streaks at depth of cut, 20 μm; feed rate, 6.25 mm/min and spindle speed of 70,000 rpm with a 43 nm Ra. …”
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Pin type reconfigurable clamping ability evaluation for setup-free technology
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Book Chapter -
Firearm recognition based on whole firing pin impression image via backpropagation neural network
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Frequency reconfiguration mechanism of a PIN diode on a reconfigurable antenna for LTE and WLAN Applications
Published 2018“…In this work, a frequency reconfigurable antenna with a BAR63-02V Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN) diode is designed, simulated and fabricated. …”
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Artificial neural network implementation on firearm recognition system with respect to ring firing pin impression image
Published 2011“…Firearms identification is a vital aim of firearm analysis. The firing pin impression image on a cartridge case from a fired bullet is one of the most significant clues in firearms identification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Enhancing Mechanical Characteristics of 6061-T6 with 5083-H111 Aluminum Alloy Dissimilar Weldments: A New Pin Tool Design for Friction Stir Welding (FSW)
Published 2024“…The experiment involved the welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys (AA5086-H111 to AA6061-T6) using a novel pin tool design with welding parameters such as holding time, pin tool length, tool spindle speed, and linear speed fine-tuned through a design of experiment (DOE) approach. …”
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Sains untuk manusia
Published 2020“…‘Sains untuk Manusia’ menumpukan kepada kesan terhadap penyelidikan dan pendidikan sains andainya kita tidak berhemah dalam menghadapi cetusan Revolusi Industri ke-Empat (RI4.0) di Malaysia. …”
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Book -
Memahami asal usul bidang sains sosial dan perbezaannya dengan sains tabi'i
Published 2012“…Pada zaman moden ini, penekanan manusia kepada usaha pencarian dan penambahan ilmu pengetahuan telah menyebabkan pengetahuan manusia dibahagikan kepada dua bidang yang utama, iaitu bidang ilmu Sains Sosial dan ilmu Sains Tabi’i. Secara amnya, bidang Sains Sosial adalah bidang pengetahuan manusia yang menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan kelompok-kelompok manusia di atas muka bumi ini (the field of human knowledge that deals with all aspects of the group life of human beings). …”
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Using affinity set on finding the key attributes of delayed diagnosis
Published 2009Get full text
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Analysis of Dijkstra’s and A* algorithm to find the shortest path
Published 2015“…There are so many algorithms used to find the shortest path such as Dijkstra, A* algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Floyd algorithm and Ant algorithm. …”
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