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“新游牧精神”为文化冲突的和解方案 :从《陆犯焉识》探讨严歌苓的身份认同 = “New normadic spirit” as a solution to cultural identity conflict : an analysis of Yan Ge Ling’s cultural identity through her novel, Lu Fan Yan Shi
Published 2015“…The renown American Chinese author Yan Ge Ling migrated to the United States in the 1980s. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Search for a new resonance decaying into two spin-0 bosons in a fnal state with two photons and two bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Published 2024“…The resonance X decays into either a pair of Higgs bosons HH of mass 125 GeV or an H and a new spin-0 boson Y. One H subsequently decays to a pair of photons, and the second H or Y, to a pair of bottom quarks. …”
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Article -
The hierarchy of Davydov's Ansaetze and its applications
Published 2023Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Berdamai dengan takdir
Published 2023“…Kuala Lumpur: Pakar perubatan pernah menjangkakan hayatnya hanya mampu bertahan sehingga usia 20 tahun susulan penyakit atrofi otot spina (SMA) jenis dua dihidapi.…”
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Newspaper -
Fatini anak Polis Bantuan aktif dalam aktiviti kesukarelawanan terima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja
Published 2024“…GAMBANG, 26 Oktober 2024 – Sejak di bangku sekolah lagi, penerima Anugerah Pelajaran Diraja (Pingat Jaya Cemerlang) dalam Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Ke-19, Fatini Nasuha Ahmad Puad, 23 memang sudah meminati aktiviti sukarelawan, namun tidak menemui platform yang sesuai untuk merealisasikan hasrat tersebut.…”
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Newspaper -
Target Design and Optimizations for Spent Fuel Transmutation
Published 2024“…A proposed tank design with a lead/Tc-99 target that is surrounded by LLFP pins and heavy water is considered for the spallation study. …”
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Thesis -
109 : the digital agora.
Published 2008“…Build as a Web Portal, aims to be the common destination for Web surfers to interact in a virtual marketplace or agora setting.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spectroscopic study of emergent electronic phases in transition metal based compounds
Published 2024“…Antiferromagnets with non-relativistic spin splitting are outstanding candidates as the next generation of spintronic materials owing to their electron-volt (eV) scale spin splitting, ultrafast spin dynamics and nearly vanishing stray fields. …”
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Thesis -
Robust text-independent speaker verification in environmental noise
Published 2011“…Experimental evaluations of the proposed psychoacoustic model compensation technique conclusively demonstrate that it provides superior performance in both white and pink noise conditions, outperforming parallel model combination by 36% and max function based model compensation by 24%. …”
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Thesis -
Engineered terahertz emission from spintronic heterostructures: amplitude, phase and chirality
Published 2023“…As such, the photoexcitation leads to ultrafast spin-scattering events in the FM, during which the spins transport from the FM into the adjacent heavy metal(HM) layer to experience an inverse spin Hall effect, producing a transverse charge current and terahertz radiation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Dynamics of a magnetic polaron in an antiferromagnet
Published 2024“…We uncover the nuanced dependence of hole and spin deviation dynamics on the spin-spin coupling parameter J, revealing a thermally-activated landscape where hole mobilities and spin deviations exhibit a distinct temperature-dependent relationship. …”
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Journal Article -
Application for motorised video sliding kit
Published 2014“…Arduino is used to control Pan and Tilt Head and servo motor through PWM pins. At the end of this project, an integrated solution to automate time-lapse photography is developed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hand motion detection
Published 2011“…The author will study into their technologies and compare both technologies and selection of it to include it into the author’s group project, Virtual Pink Dolphin. The hand motion detection should be able to identify hand motion done by the autism kids who was the main targeted market. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Home automation system using Raspberry Pi
Published 2016“…Through out this project, student will gain knowledge in areas such as understand Raspberry Pi’s background; Raspberry Pi’s command lines; how to control GPIO pins; how to use PuTTY to remotely access the Raspberry Pi; understand web server Apache and PHP; understand WinSCP and how to transfer files with it; have the knowledge of web interface design, understand HTML5, CSS, PHP and JavaScript and be able to do electrical wiring and mechanical modification for the equipment required in the project.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Nonreciprocal phenomena in superconductivity
Published 2024“…Spin polarons have large effective mass and are spin 3/2 quasiparticles. …”
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Thesis -
Psychoacoustic model compensation for robust speaker verification in environmental noise
Published 2013“…The first database is the TIMIT database corrupted with white and pink noise and the noise estimation is fairly easy in this case. …”
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Journal Article -
Speech enhancement using auditory-based spectral amplitude estimators
Published 2013“…The original speech signal is subjected to three types of noises, namely, white noise, pink noise and cockpit noise. The proposed estimator is applied to the noisy speech signal to obtain the enhanced speech signal and the objective measures of speech quality such as the segmental SNR (SNRseg) and the log-likelihood-ratio (LLR) are obtained. …”
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Thesis -
Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling in FeSe1−xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering
Published 2024“…The weak interlayer coupling is estimated to be Jc∼ 0.2 meV, in agreement with the short spin-spin correlation length ζc∼0.2c along the c axis. …”
Journal article