Output-price dynamics in the asean-5 countries: evidence from the pre- and post-1997 financial turmoil
Published 2008“…While there is clear business cycles synchronization between the ASEAN-5 countries in the short-run, results have been mixed in the long run. Results of this study contribute towards further enriching the policy recommendations to help ensuring the viability and effectiveness of the economic cooperation between the ASEAN nations.…”
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Built for people! Corporate social responsibility of contractors: a special reference to the Malaysian construction industry
Published 2008“…In Malaysia, top of the chart on consumer complaints has long been hold by the ‘contractors’ particularly the house developers. …”
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Busines development opportunities through pursuit of joint-venture initiatives in construction
Published 2010“…Businesses of any size can use joint ventures to strengthen long termbusiness/marketing relationships, or to collaborate on short-term projects, but entering into a joint venture is a major decision. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cage effect in the dissociation of van der Waals complexes RgI2 (Rg=Ar, Kr, Xe): A quasiclassical trajectory study
Published 1984“…The reaction mechanism leading to the formation of molecular products has been found to involve both direct and long‐lived, complex trajectories. Dissociation of the complex RgI2 is favored by near collinear orientations. …”
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Bioaccumulation of selected metals in fresh water haruan fish (channa striatus) collected from Pahang River Basin, Malaysia
Published 2013“…Nevertheless, the findings from this study revealed that all the heavy metals concentrations in the tissues were lower than the maximum permissible limit as recommended by The Malaysian Food Regulation and hence safe for human consumption. Long term monitoring study is needed to implement various fishery management plans to safeguard the quality of C. striatus wild stock.…”
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Halal brand awareness influence on consumers’ loyalty towards Islamic banking system
Published 2015“…Its significance is not merely for organizational competitiveness, but more importantly is to ensure that in the long run the Islamic banking industry remains resilient. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Meteorological condition and building effects on indoor/outdoor (I/O) air quality in London
Published 2010“…The biologically relevant exposure time is seldom known, especially for mixtures as complex as those found indoors. Long-term continuous monitoring of gaseous pollutants is being carried out at adjacent internal and external sampling points at two diverse sites within London in order investigate the transport and chemical transformation of outdoor pollution indoors in both naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Systematic phonics intervention and its impact on the development of phonics skills and speech perception among children with hearing loss using spoken language
Published 2015“…However, a mixed result was evident for speech perception following the implementation of ten weeks of intervention. Poor long-term retention of the acquired skills at post-intervention suggests a need for a prolonged period of intervention to show any significant change. …”
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The slump in the price of crude oil: a call to review Malaysian revenue law and fiscal policies
Published 2015“…This paper looks at the potential long term solutions in a climate of persisting lower oil prices. …”
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Poincare based PPG signal analysis for varying physiological states
Published 2016“…The outcomes are quite obvious and are indicative of the physical states in terms of short and long term variability. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Measuring antecedents of customer satisfaction: an empirical analysis of telecom services in Pakistan
Published 2016“…The effects of the antecedents of service quality on customer satisfaction has been under discussion among researchers since long. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the antecedent of customer satisfaction in the telecommunications industry of Pakistan. …”
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Upward dead-end filtration of solid/liquid mixture containing fine-bubbles
Published 2016“…Microscopic bubbles with diameter <50 μm are generally called fine-bubbles and have different behaviors from ordinary bubbles. For example, very long stagnation time and having pressurized interior gas due to surface tension are characteristics of fine-bubbles. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impersonate affecting users' attitude toward facebook in Egypt
Published 2016“…Anyone with an email address can make an account as long as he accepts the terms and conditions of the website regarding privacy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Three phase UPFC regulator with reduced bus capacitance for solar PV application system
Published 2016“…The Instantaneous Power balance with negative sequence current allows a hundred-fold reduction in the value of DC bus capacitance which allows long life polypropylene or ceramic capacitors to replace of electrolytic capacitor in this application. …”
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The influence of self-regard on response of belief in God and awareness of prophetic teaching
Published 2016“…Personality and religion relationship has long been studied by Western and Muslim researchers in order to find any association between religious factors and a person's behavior and thought. …”
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Metastatic neuroendocrine tumor of small cell type in a kidney transplant recipient
Published 2016“…Malignancy is a significant long-term complication of successful renal transplantation. …”
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Rainfall forecasting models using focused time-delay neural networks
Published 2010“…Despite its importance, statistical rainfall forecasting, especially for long-term, has been proven to be a great challenge due to the dynamic nature of climate phenomena and random fluctuations involved in the process. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An integrated scheme to improve performance of fast mobile IPv6 handover in IEEE 802.16e network
Published 2009“…To apply the layer 3 (L3) handover protocol over the existing IEEE 802.16e layer 2 (L2) handover scheme, the fast mobile IPv6 was used by many researches, but long latency is main challenge for real-time applications. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Chemical resistance tests on PP-ternary nanocomposite for its application in bioreactor liner fabrication
Published 2011“…Specifically, the investigation focused on the changes in the physico-mechanical properties of PPTN following long term of exposure to these chemicals. The results show slight increase in the weight and dimensions of samples in the first few days, followed by constant reading for the period of 4 weeks. …”
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Identification of genes involved in flowering in Stevia rebaudiana using expressed sequence tags (ESTs)
Published 2020“…Exposure of the stevia plant to long-day conditions (increased exposure to light) will delay the flowering process, which led to an increase in glycoside accumulation. …”
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