The English wing spinet of the 17th and 18th centuries: with special reference to the extant Haward spinets indtroducing newly discovered evidence for Samuel Pepys' Haward spinet and Queen Anne's Haward spinet
Published 2021“…Newly discovered information about Queen Anne's Haward spinet is introduced. It is shown to have been a spinet, and not a virginal. …”
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"Reading between the lines" : a grounded theory study of text-based synchronous online therapy : how practitioners establish therapeutic relationships online
Published 2016“…The implications of the findings for counselling psychology professional practice, training and research were discussed.…”
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The extent of changing role of women participating in 'front line' terrorism: (women being accepted as suicide terrorists, violent and ruthless, devotion or struggle for equality)
Published 2019“…I will analyse Black widows in line with cultural, political, economic, organisational and social-psychological factors. …”
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Improving triple bottom line (TBL) performance: analyzing impacts of Industry 4.0, lean six sigma and circular supply chain management
Published 2024“…Based on the analytical findings, it is evident that Industry 4.0 has a direct and significant impact solely on the economic dimension of triple bottom line performance. …”
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Exploring the processes of change in individual cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa from the patients’ perspectives : a grounded theory study
Published 2018“…Participants described how BN gradually became part of self and how bodily sensations and attributes affected cognitions and emotions. The overall finding demonstrates an immediate connection between the participants’ physical and psychological realities. …”
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Potential of kaolin-palm oil fuel ash mixture as sustainable landfill liner material
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Bandwidth and gain enhancement of composite right left handed metamaterial transmission line planar antenna employing a non foster impedance matching circuit board
Published 2021“…The paper demonstrates an effective technique to significantly enhance the bandwidth and radiation gain of an otherwise narrowband composite right/left-handed transmission-line (CRLH-TL) antenna using a non-Foster impedance matching circuit (NF-IMC) without affecting the antenna’s stability. …”
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Appropriation and hybridity of Taiwanese literati painting and American abstract expressionism (1949-2007)
Published 2011“…Some evidences of previous and existing East-West cross-cultural influences are also evaluated as well as the further developments of both traditions to the present day. The findings of these studies were then used to support the creation of my new hybrid artworks with the main artistic components of both Literati painting and Abstract Expressionism. …”
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Peptidylarginine Deiminase Isozyme-Specific PAD2, PAD3 and PAD4 Inhibitors Differentially Modulate Extracellular Vesicle Signatures and Cell Invasion in Two Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines
Published 2020“…Furthermore, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways for deiminated proteins relating to cancer, metabolism and inflammation differed between the two GBM cell lines. Our findings highlight roles for the different PAD isozymes in the heterogeneity of GBM tumours and the potential for tailored PAD-isozyme specific treatment.…”
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Challenges of measuring self-reported exposure to occupational biomechanical risk factors amongst people with low literacy engaged in manual labour: findings from a cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric investigation in an African population with chronic low back pain
Published 2024Get full text
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Union activism : an exploration of the differential consequences of employee and freelancer experiences
Published 2018“…A questionnaire completed by delegates attending BECTU’s Annual Conference in 2014 provides quantitative data to complement and enrich the findings of the qualitative data. This thesis contributes to the existing literature about trade union activism by uncovering how its participants define the term ‘activism’ and assessing the effects of activism on individual members rather than on unions as entities. …”
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The discourse of the marketisation of higher education : a case study of a post-92 university
Published 2019“…There is evidence of dissonance, struggle, contradictory and strained life-worlds as the new logics of marketisation displace, subordinate and co-opt existing traditional logics. The findings suggest that the short-term benefits for those in positions of power are outweighed by the negative implications for academics and students. …”
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