Book review : The next welfare state? UK welfare after COVID-19 by Christopher Pierson
Published 2022“…The government has created millions of new beneficiaries, spent tens of billions of pounds it doesn't have and created a mountain of public debt. …”
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Religious motives for using facebook among university muslim students
Published 2011“…The specific objectives of this study are: (1) to find out the characteristics of Facebook users among IIUM undergraduate students; (2) to find out the patterns of usage among Facebook users; (3) to find out the religious motive for using Facebook among IIUM undergraduate students; and (4) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook use among IIUM undergraduate students. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Foreign exchange exposure and impact of policy switch - the case of Malaysian listed firms
Published 2013“…A multivariate model using four bilateral exchange rates is used to determine firm level exposure while panel data analysis using a random-effects Generalized Least Squares (GLS) model is used to determine system-wide or aggregate sample exposure. We find a total 71 of our sample firms to have significant exchange rate exposure, a rate substantially higher than that reported for most countries, especially developed ones. …”
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The relation between estrogen level, anti-Ro (SSA), anti-La (SSB) & secondary Sjogren's syndrome patients
Published 2009“…Estrogen level was measured for both secondary Sjogren`s syndrome (sSs) and control females, anti Ro (SSA) & anti La (SSB) tests were also measured for sSs patients. the aim of this study was to find out the relation between the elevation in estrogen level and one of the serious autoimmune diseases which is Ss especially in the secondary type (in the presence of the positive results of SSA &SSB) and to clarify the reason of the high incidence of this disease in female than in male. …”
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Analysis of the nuclear potential for heavy-ion systems through large-angle quasi-elastic scattering
Published 2013“…Diffuseness parameters that are considerably lower than the standard value of around 0.63 fm are required in order to fit the experimental data at deep sub-barrier energies, except for the 54Cr + 208Pb system, where the required diffuseness parameter is in satisfactory agreement with (but still lower than) the standard value. …”
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Legal obstacles facing Islamic banking in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The main focus of the paper is to find out the legal obstacles facing Islamic banking in Malaysia.…”
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Precautionary principle under the SPS Agreement: A critical exposition
Published 2013“…But some jurists and environmentalists find it trade friendly, which can be detrimental to human health and the environment. …”
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Navigating the impact of globalization on bank efficiency in China: panacea or Pandora’s Box?
Published 2011“…Using the data envelopment analysis method, we compute the efficiency of the Chinese banking sector during 2000– 2007. The empirical findings suggest that the inefficiency of the Chinese banking sector stems largely from scale rather than pure technical. …”
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Determinants of banks’ total factor productivity: the post-Asian financial crisis experience of the Philippines
Published 2012“…The results indicate that both the domestic and foreign banks have exhibited productivity regress due to technological regress rather than efficiency decline. We find that the more diversified Philippines banks tend to be less productive in their intermediation function. …”
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Are rating agencies' assignment opaque? Evidence from international banks
Published 2010“…Accounting for country effects substantially improves predictive performance. We find that support vector machines can produce considerably better predictions of international bank ratings than ordered choice models due to the formers ability to estimate a large number of country dummies unrestrictedly.…”
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Screening for sleep apnea in the young hypertensive: evidence from a case-control study in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Yet, it remains a continued struggle to find a suitable cost-effective means of screening for sleep apnea in the young population. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Relationship between Facebook usage and youth political participation: a Sub-Saharan African context
Published 2011“…Facebook usage includes length of time on Facebook, frequency of usage, time spent daily, and number of Facebook friends. Political participation comprises political activity, political knowledge, and interest in politics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of model for assessing organizations’ readiness toward successful Business Intelligence Systems
Published 2011“…Currently, many organizations’ have implemented BI Systems (BIS) or in process to implement them; billions of dollars are being spent to accomplish this task. However, we may hear or read about the breakdown of some implemented BIS. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Al-Zahrawi method on inflammatory swellings and tumours surgery
Published 2011“…AI-Zahrawi as a physician was appointed as the Court-Physician of King Abdel-Rahman III (Amr SS, 2007, pp. 220-1). He spent a productive life in practicing medicine, especially in surgery and medical writings. …”
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Book Chapter -
Cascading classifier application for topology prediction of TMB proteins
Published 2018“…In the field of bioinformatics, many years have been spent on the trans-membrane protein structure prediction focusing on the alpha-helix membrane proteins. …”
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An empirical research on effectiveness of knowledge management in achieving project success through Malaysian government agencies
Published 2013“…In this regard, a research has been conducted amongst fifteen Malaysian government agencies to find how effective project managers in Malaysian government agencies, integrate Knowledge Management criteria and factors in order to achieve project success and enhance citizen loyalty as well as gaining competitive advantage, the findings of this research worth to be considered.…”
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Conceptualization of medication, life and death: Religio-scientific approach
Published 2010“…Mankind has been trying to find proper answers to these questions by various means. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Two stages hybrid model of fuzzy linear regression with support vector machines for colorectal cancer
Published 2020“…The comparisons among all the models were carried out to find the best model by using statistical measurements of mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). …”
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