The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…Batsiranai's dependency on external resources calls for an exploration on how Zimbabwean Diaspora communities' resources can be tapped within the context of development aid. …”
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Thesis -
Graphene antenna design and characterisation for fifth generation applications
Published 2024Get full text
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Predicted benign and synonymous variants in CYP11A1 cause primary adrenal insufficiency through missplicing
Published 2018“…Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a potentially life-threatening condition that can present with nonspecific features and can be difficult to diagnose. …”
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The forest and the city: interpretative mapping as an aid to urban practice in sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2018“…Research in Freetown, Sierra Leone indicates that latent, local topographical and institutional resources can strengthen civic infrastructure in the process of place making and thereby build confidence in city scale institutions. …”
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The reach, adoption, and effectiveness of online training for healthcare professionals
Published 2017“…Traditionally, the continued professional development of healthcare professionals has been completed through classroom-based educational courses, workshops, and conferences. These can prove costly and time intensive. Online learning is becoming increasingly common, is easy to access, and can save learners' time which is important in a healthcare system where job demands are high and study leave is limited. …”
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Experiential Learning: rationale, approaches and implications for practice in Events Management and Hospitality courses
Published 2014“…Both authors emphasise the important role that experience can bring to learning, especially in adult learning. …”
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The weekend effect: a trading robot and fractional integration analysis
Published 2014“…Further, the lowest orders of integration are generally found on Mondays, which can be seen as additional evidence for a weekend effect.…”
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Urban agriculture in Kathmandu as a catalyst for the civic inclusion of migrants and the making of a greener city
Published 2020“…It asks what the theory and practice of architecture can contribute in this setting to support the fit between emergent bottom-up initiatives and top-down city investment. …”
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Machine learning approach to personality type prediction based on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ®
Published 2020“…Differences in meta programmes result in significant differences in behaviour from one person to another. Personality types can be recognized through utilizing and analysing meta programmes. …”
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What should the European Court learn from the Inter-American Court on reparation?
Published 2012“…The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) constitutes an excellent example of what a relatively young court can achieve and of the ways in which such a body can also help in the development of international human rights law. …”
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The price of query rewriting in ontology-based data access
Published 2014“…We show thatpositive existential and nonrecursive datalog rewritings, which do not use extra non-logical symbols (except for inten-sional predicates in the case of datalog rewritings), suffer an exponential blowup in the worst case, while first-orderrewritings can grow superpolynomially unless NP⊆P/poly. We also prove that nonrecursive datalog rewritings arein general exponentially more succinct than positive existential rewritings, while first-order rewritings can be super-polynomially more succinct than positive existential rewritings. …”
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Migrant maths teachers: deficit, translanguaging, and growing authority
Published 2022“…It shows how the ideology of Standard English can create an uncomfortable sense of different deficits amongst multilingual professionals and evidences how these can be addressed through a model of authority in which teachers get the right mix of mathematical subject knowledge (epistemic authority), the use of school practices and expectations (practical authority), and individual biography (personal authority). …”
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Machine learning approach to detect malicious mobile apps
Published 2022“…These techniques have various properties that can adapt and identify various types of malicious applications. …”
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The experience of being newly diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2007“…Section B comprises of an original piece of research into the qualitative experiences of newly diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease patients, using interpretative phenomenological analysis to reveal complex psychological issues which can occur within this patient population. Section C is a case study which demonstrates how the therapeutic alliance can be utilised within a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) framework when working with a complex client case presentation. …”
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A deep learning approach for network intrusion detection using a small features vector
Published 2023“…A wide array of techniques is now available that can be used to deal with cyberattacks, and one of them is network intrusion detection. …”
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Cyberbullying: differentiating offenders criminal roles using a narrative‐based approach
Published 2024“…Results: Results produced four types of cyberbully styles, which can be related to the differentiation proposed by the NASM, demonstrating an effective application of the model. …”
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When long lost siblings reunite: populism, conservatism and the discontents of progress
Published 2024“…The article conducts an empirical probe demonstrating how its theoretical argument can be applied in comparative research.…”
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