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Cadê o Kauê? Co-design and acceptability testing of a chat-story aimed at enhancing youth participation in the promotion of mental health in Brazil
Published 2024“…Co-designed creative tools like chat-stories hold promise as digital mental health tools, fostering awareness, critical reflection, and inspiring adolescents to drive positive social change.…”
Journal article -
Parallel transmission technologies for imaging the brain and body with 7 tesla MRI
Published 2024“…Motion detection can be achieved through various methods, but radiofrequency sensor-based techniques like parallel transmit scattering or pilot tone are of particular interest, primarily due to their low hardware requirements. …”
Thesis -
Acquisition of musical skills and abilities in older adults—results of 12 months of music training
Published 2024“…We did not identify any links between individual characteristics, like age, CogTel, CRIq, and musical sophistication, and improvement in musical aptitude tests. …”
Journal article -
Probabilistic verification beyond context-freeness
Published 2024“…Recent advancements, including extensions to higher-order grammars like Probabilistic Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (PHORS), offer enhanced expressiveness but introduce significant challenges, such as the undecidability of Almost Sure Termination (AST). …”
Thesis -
Lithological controls of the Mg isotope composition of the Lena River across seasons and its impact on the annual isotope flux to the Arctic Ocean
Published 2024“…This number coincides with the value of summer baseflow reported in earlier works. Therefore, like in the recently studied Yenisey River basin, the Mg isotope signature of the Lena River water likely stems from a mixture of carbonate (−2.0 ≥ δ<sup>26</sup>Mg ≥ −2.5 ‰) and silicate (0 ≥ δ<sup>26</sup>Mg ≥ −0.2 ‰) rocks in its watershed. …”
Journal article -
Towards formal verification of Bayesian inference in probabilistic programming via guaranteed bounds
Published 2024“…Crucially, these bounds are fully automated and require no user-provided auxiliary information like loop invariants. Thus they can serve as a ground truth to verify and debug approximate inference. …”
Thesis -
Comparative effectiveness of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors for new-onset gastric cancer and gastric diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-bas...
Published 2024“…<p><strong>Objective: </strong>To compare the risks of gastric cancer and other gastric diseases in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) exposed to sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2I), dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4I) or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP1a).</p> <p><strong>Design: </strong>This was a population-based cohort study of prospectively collected data on patients with T2DM prescribed SGLT2I, DPP4I or GLP1a between January 1st 2015 and December 31st 2020 from Hong Kong. …”
Journal article -
A comprehensive study of laser irradiated hydrothermally synthesized 2D layered heterostructure V2O5(1−x)MoS2(x) (X = 1–5%) nanocomposites for photocatalytic application
Published 2024“…Furthermore, dielectric findings like the complex dielectric function, tangent loss, electrical conductivity, quality factors, and impedance of V2O5(1−x)MoS2(x) (X = 1–5% w/w) nanocomposites are studied. …”
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Article -
Determination of octreotide acetate as radiosensitizer in breast cancer cell lines
Published 2022“…Ionizing radiation (IR), like X-rays and gamma rays, are used for c Cancer treatment because they can penetrate soft tissue, bone vs soft tissue. …”
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Thesis -
Phytochemical analysis and cytotoxic effects of mango (Mangifera indica L) kernel on breast cancer cell lines
Published 2015“…Although numerous study has been done on plants to discover new drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases like cancer, the products of the mango plant species Mangifera indica L. waterlily, particularly the kernel have not adequately investigated. …”
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Thesis -
Biogenic amines and urocanic acid in keropok lekor, and their effects on cytotoxicity and proinflammatory mediator secretion of macrophage cell culture
Published 2017“…Scombroid fish poisoning (SFP) or histamine fish poisoning (HFP) is caused by consumption of mishandled fish or fishery products containing high contents of histamine and leads to allergy-like reaction. Keropok lekor or Malaysian fish sausage is a widely consume fish product. …”
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Thesis -
全球传播之窗 :中国中央电视台中文国际频道和华人华侨关系研究 = Window to the world : the Chinese International Channel of China Central Television and it relations with Chinese diaspora...
Published 2020“…CCTV-4对外传播的内容考虑“内”与“外”的差别,部分节目可以吸引中国人的关注,但并不代表外国受众依然青睐,本论文利用资料收集、对比研究、案例研究等方法,以 CCTV-4节目内容、具体节目类型、节目文本为落脚点,遴选出具有代表性的栏目,对其节目内容进行全方位多角度的观察,尝试指出CCTV-4对内、对外传播的异同及CCTV-4和海外华人的关系,分析目前CCTV-4对外传播中的困扰及举措。 Since its inception in 1992, the Chinese International Channel of China Central Television (CCTV-4, hereafter) has undertaken the significant task of serving Chinese worldwide as a key bonding tie and window for Chinese diaspora to gain knowledge of China and maintain emotional attachment to China. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
Securing untrusted memories in embedded systems
Published 2020“…Experimental results using applications from widely-used benchmarks show that the proposed approach leads to an average runtime improvement of 18% over conventional memory protection schemes. Since not all application workloads are known at compile-time, we proposed a technique to dynamically customize the integrity tree based on the runtime memory access patterns. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Essays on merchant-generated contents and merchant-to-merchant spillovers in e-commerce platform
Published 2021“…Retailers have incentives to exaggerate their product quality to attract more consumers, but with the option of returns, retailers should reconsider it, since consumers might return the product if they find the real product quality is lower than the retailer-displayed quality. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Deep learning based monocular visual-inertial odometry
Published 2021“…The effect of moving objects and motion blur are also studied, and approaches to make visual odometry and camera re-localization modules robust to them are proposed. Furthermore, since VO's primary step is to extract robust features that can be tracked in consecutive frames, a bio-inspired approach that learns to extract distinctive handcrafted features, from a single training image, with high generalization ability is proposed. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Intelligent agent design for persuading the elderly to adopt a healthy lifestyle
Published 2022“…Persuasion plays a key role in influencing the elderly to adopt or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since the elderly are facing the problem of diminishing social relations, persuasive agents are widely used to assist face-to-face persuasive efforts. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
论新加坡对红头巾和印度建筑工的态度 = A case study of Singapore government and Singaporeans' attitude towards Samsui women and Indian construction workers
Published 2022“…Over the years, these women have developed a positive image in many Singaporeans’ minds. Since the 1990s, Samsui women have become a figure of the past. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Multi-scale and multiphase modeling of abrasive flow machining process with experimental validation
Published 2023“…Also, no need to pre-impose MR model since the simulation adjusts the force-MR relation smartly…”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Perovskite superstructures and heterostructures for enhanced optical performance
Published 2023“…From this study, we found that PbBr2 plays a critical role in CsPbBr3 SS formation. Since PbBr2 occupies Br vacancies naturally occurring on CsPbBr3 NCs, we proposed a possible SS formation mechanism where PbBr2 serves as a ‘glue’ linking together individual NCs to form SSs at higher PbBr2 concentrations. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy