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Classification of normal and malignant ventricular arrhythmia ECG rhythms using machine learning tools
Published 2024“…The increasing prevalence of heart disease among individuals is a call for alarm, especially since heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Online learning
Published 2009“…This is potentially due to a lack of interest in programming arising out of conventional methods of instruction. Since programming in C lays the foundation for a variety of advanced engineering study, efforts are necessary to kindle and sustain interests of the students while learning this module. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Understanding of disease severity of thalassemia.
Published 2009“…Thalassemia is an inherited autosomal recessive blood disease, which is caused by imbalanced expression of α and non-α hemoglobin subunits. Since quantitative relationship between globin chains is the major cause of disease, the severity of thalassemia disease is hypothesized correlated with quantities of hemoglobin subunits and the degradation efficiency of excess globins. …”
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Thesis -
Switched-capacitorized DC/DC converters
Published 2009“…It uses only capacitors to achieve voltage-lift, which makes it capable of increasing the voltage output tremendously. Since it does not use any inductor and also requires less electrical components, it will have a small size yet having high power density. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
非政府组织(NGO)如何带动中国在全球治理中的发展 :以上海基督教青年组织(YMCA)为例 = How NGOs lead China in global governance : with reference to YMCA in Shanghai...
Published 2010“…Since the reform and opening up of China, the Chinese government has been testing different methods to transform its society. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Purification, crystallization and structure determination of Thermotoga maritima CorA Magnesium transporter.
Published 2010“…Three crystal structures of Thermotoga maritima CorA with the resolution of 2.9 – 3.9 angstroms have been available since 2006. These structures revealed a closed conformation induced by bound metal ions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Preparation and characterization of photo electrochemical cells based on nanostructured ZnO and multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Published 2010“…Water splitting has been around since 1970, using TiO2 as photocatalyst. However, it is far too expensive and not efficient enough to be industrialized. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Zinc oxide ultraviolet light-emitting devices : design and fabrication
Published 2010“…This is because the FCVA technique has major advantages: 1) The lattice-matching requirement between the substrate and the deposited film is not needed, 2) it is a low-temperature deposition process (<350 oC) due to the high kinetic energies of the deposited species, 3) it allows the fabrication of thin films on large substrates (as large as 6” in diameter), 4) it provides freedom of choices in the target materials for the fabrication of doped and undoped films, since the stoichiometry of the deposited films are independent of that of the targets, 5) it produces microparticle-free thin films, and 6) it is a cost-effective technique to fabricate thin films that is well established and accepted by the industry for mass production.…”
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Thesis -
Enantioseparation with cationic β-cyclodextrin chiral stationary phases in supercritical fluid chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography
Published 2011“…In order to get optically pure drugs, both analytical and preparative grade chiral separation technology has been developed. Since the first introduction of anionic moiety into β-cyclodextrin by Stalcup et al, the highly enantioseparation abilities of anionic β-cyclodextrin towards basic racemates have attracted chromatographers attention. …”
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Thesis -
Self-configurable memetic algorithm
Published 2012“…Furthermore, when high-fidelity analysis codes are used for evaluating design solutions in the optimization process, it is not uncommon for the single simulation process to take minutes, hours to days of supercomputer time to compute. Since the design cycle time of a product is directly proportional to the number of calls made to the costly analysis solvers, there has been practical needs for novel meta-model/surrogate-assisted memetic frameworks that can handle these forms of problems elegantly.…”
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Thesis -
Developing a novel approach to map signals required for GalNAcT2 relocation.
Published 2012“…Aberrant glycosylation has been shown to affect cell adhesive properties. Since GALA pathway activation alters surface glycosylation, it might play a role in cancer progression by facilitating metastasis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation into the mechanisms of gas sensing using carbon nanotube electronic devices
Published 2012“…However in comparison with transistor devices, it was found that even though sensing was improved by channel alignment, electrode-CNT junction effects still played a predominant role. Since the CNTs used were a mixture of semiconducting and metallic ones, therefore in the second study, pure nanotubes were used. …”
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Thesis -
Design, synthesis, characterization and property study of topological structures of DNA
Published 2013“…Crick in 1976 in order to describe the superhelical molecular architectures of DNA that had been discovered in nucleosomes in the eukaryotic cells at an earlier time. This law has since been widely cited in textbooks and taken as the fundamental principle that governs the topological behaviors of DNA in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.…”
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Thesis -
The insignificant characters and the grand narrative : a study of multiple implications of the insignificant characters.
Published 2013“…The latter one can serve as a mirror to reflect on the things have happened in the time period of the former one. Since I am comparing the difference in the narration of history, we have to see it from a different perspective of the History. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An empirical study on the effects of promotion of corporate social responsibility on employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors.
Published 2013“…Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has since become an important consideration. As employees are one of the key stakeholders of the company, this study aims to investigate the effect of various promotional methods used by the organization on their employees’ perceptions of CSR, that is how the employees interpret and understand CSR. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The suppression of the autonomous self in Singapore.
Published 2013“…(Koolhaas 1015 emphasis in original) As Koolhaas astutely points out, the emphasis on development in terms of national and economic progress has been a prominent consideration influencing Singapore’s policy-making and governing approach since the birth of the nation-state. Suddenly thrust with independence in 1965, “the island [Lee Kuan Yew] and his party inherit[ed] … [was] a mess: clumps of stylish colonial enclave … shabby military bases, a port, embedded in a huge, overcrowded Chinatown with a neglected hinterland of marsh … largely covered by squatter encampments” (1019). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Kalman filter implementation in matlab environment
Published 2013“…Kalman filter (KF) is one of the famous recursive algorithm developed in the twentieth century to solve the problem of discrete-data linear filtering. Since it was first introduced in the paper written by R.E. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Redevelopment of the continuous passive motion machine for stroke and elderly patient
Published 2013“…Using CPMM has also shown a clear reduction to hospital stay and recovery time. However, since the inception the CPMM in 1970, there has not been any major change to the design of the machine. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Solving nondeterministic polynomial complete problems optically and the design of its light source
Published 2013“…This result is cheerful since all the NP-complete problems are inter convertible. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of tidal turbine array
Published 2013“…This type of measurement is more accurate compared to measuring the electrical power generated by the DC motor. Since the electrical power are largely affected by the internal frictional, electric and magnetic losses. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)