Spacecraft sun-pointing using coplanar solar panels data and magnetic field measurements
Published 2013Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Superior blood pressure control among hypertensive patients attending specialist clinics in Malaysia
Published 2009Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
The effect of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack extract (Tongkat Ali) on serum leptin levels in male rats
Published 2013“…L), which is known as Tongkat Ali is a plant which grows up to10 meters high and is found in primary and secondary evergreen and mixed deciduous forests in Burma, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines.It has become famous as a sexual enhancer since it has been proved by various studies to increase the serum testosterone levels in male rats and humans. …”
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Novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) interactions within the TG and TSHR gene in a multiplex Malay family with Graves’ disease: A preliminary report
Published 2016“…The DNA was sent to Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), China, for whole exome sequencing. Illumina Hiseq sequencing platform were used to an average of 100x sequencing depth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Anti-breast cancer activity of Coptidis Rhizoma-Euodiae Fructus formulae
Published 2018“…Coptidis rhizoma and Euodiae fructus have been used as herbal medicine in Asian countries including China for more than two thousand years. The bioactivities of the crude extracts and isolated compounds of both herbs have been widely reported including anti-cancer activity. …”
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Thesis -
Standards-the international picture : halal standards accreditation mechanism.
Published 2012“…Although many countries, like governments of Turkey, Malaysia, UK, Thailand, Indonesia, USA, Germany, Sweden, Europe, Singapore, Canada, South Africa, Australia, China, Philippines and India, have established halal certification institutions, the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC), the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia(JAKIM), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), International Halal Integrity (IHI), Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI), World Halal Council (WHC), World Halal Foundation (WHF), etc. there is no such international standards to for all to represent them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
تنمية صناعة الأغذية الحلال في ماليزيا رؤية تأصيلية فقهية = Development of Halal food manufacturing in Malaysia: a juristic genealogic examination...
Published 2020“…Recently there is a strong competition -in halal food –industry, particularly between Malaysia and some of its neighbours such as China, India and Japan as well as the Arab Islamic countries in the Middle East. …”
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Mechanical properties of concrete containing untreated palm oil fuel ash and egg shell powder
Published 2021“…This study aims to use two (2) waste products, namely Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Egg Shell Powder (ESP) as cement replacement in concrete. This is because the properties of POFA and ESP are similar to the properties of cement. …”
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Book Section -
Performance of self-compacting concrete incorporating palm oil fuel ash and egg shell powder as partial cement replacement
Published 2020“…This experimental work was conducted to study the potential combined utilization of POFA and ESP as partial cement replacement in SCC. The amount of POFA content ranged between 0% to 15% while ESP varied from 0% to 5% by weight of cement. …”
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Thesis -
Ambiguities in english language teaching: designing english for specific purposes courses for a discipline-specific context
Published 2017“…The need for English language teaching to address specific language needs for a discipline has instigated growing demands for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses in higher education institutions in Malaysia. …”
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Strength of blended cement mortar containing palm oil fuel and eggshell ashes
Published 2018“…This study investigated characteristics strength of blended cement mortar containing palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and eggshell powder (ESP). POFA and ESP were easily sourced from palm mills and bakeries. …”
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Development of press machine for metal waste using BLYNK application remote control at general machine workshop
Published 2021“…The compressor of the press machine could be controlled using remote ESP8266 which was connected to the Blynk android application. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A study on request strategies practiced by Malaysian credit officers.
Published 2012“…However, in this wide scope, ESP does not focus on sub-areas of a particular field which is also important.…”
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Monograph -
Utilization of palm oil fuel ash and eggshell powder as partial cement replacement - a review
Published 2016“…Eggshells when grinded into Eggshells Powder (ESP) are rich in calcium oxide and can provide the required calcium hydride and enhance the pozzolanic reaction…”
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Article -
Development of smart monitoring system using IOT
Published 2020“…All the signals are send at the same time to the ESP8266 WiFi module. At the receiver, there will be a platform or Apps designed to display those signals. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a canny house security via IoT
Published 2024“…To allow the door to be opened, the system is improved with a keypad and an ESP32-CAM. This system also employs gas sensors to ensure that the house is constantly in a safe state. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A wireless monitoring system for measuring flexible tank strain using fabric-based stretchable conductive sensor
Published 2024“…This project will be implemented using a conductive stretchable sensor, an ESP32 microcontroller, an ESP32 camera, and a Blynk server. …”
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