Allergenic pollen concentrations in the United Kingdom
Published 1995“…This research has relevance within many subject areas. The long term data sets on which a large part of the thesis is based are of great interest to Aerobiologists in the identification of long term trends in pollen data. …”
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How do Instagram’s clean-eating hashtags influence Orthorexia Nervosa and the sense of self in self-identified Orthorexia Nervosa tendencies: a mixed methods study
Published 2022“…Verbatim accounts were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: A statistically significant relationship between individuals who are engaged with clean-eating hashtags and higher levels of ON symptoms was found. …”
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Two stages hybrid model of fuzzy linear regression with support vector machines for colorectal cancer
Published 2020“…The comparisons among all the models were carried out to find the best model by using statistical measurements of mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). …”
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The problem of the public good and the implications for researching educational policies for social justice
Published 2021“…We identified different types of potential injustices, and the subsequent chapters examined various of these in turn, in a range of educational contexts, through the prisms of research directed towards finding policy initiatives that might counter the effects of particular inequities. …”
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Effects of positive metacognitions and meta-emotions on coping, stress perception and emotions
Published 2011“…Study 1 revealed that long-term challenge scenarios require a higher degree of resilience-related factors, whereas selfregulation appears to be crucial when the challenge is of a short-term nature. …”
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Staff Support Worker perceptions of adolescent patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Published 2019“…It is suggested that support workers, who require little to no formal training and are considered front line staff, provide a significant portion of care to this patient group (Kenward et al., 2001). …”
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Compact circular polarization filtenna for wireless power transfer applications
Published 2023Get full text
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New Compact Antenna Based on Simplified CRLH-TL for UWB Wireless Communication Systems
Published 2016“…This letter presents the experimental results of a novel planar antenna design which is synthesized using simplified composite left/right-handed transmission-line (SCRLH-TL), which is a version of a conventional composite left/right handed-transmission-lines (CRLH-TL), however, with the omission of shunt-inductance in the unit-cell. …”
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Design and fabrication of a novel wideband tem – cell for dielectric measurements
Published 2011“…The scattering parameters (S-parameters) of the two port line are measured using vector network analyzer. …”
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Comparison of parametric models using right censored data for breast cancer patients
Published 2018“…When analyzing the breast cancer data, all three distributions were shown the consistency of data with the line graph of cumulative hazard function resembles a straight line going through the origin. …”
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Critical Thinking through Problem-based Learning in an Applied Ethics Module
Published 2007“…Employers and governments have long called for graduates with generic, interpersonal, communication, and critical thinking skills [1]. …”
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Estimating persistence in the volatility of asset returns with signal plus noise models
Published 2010“…The results suggest that volatility has a component of long-memory behaviour, the order of integration ranging between 0.3 and 0.5, the series being therefore stationary and mean-reverting.…”
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The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…MS is unusually flexible in comparison with most INGOs in its approach to development and was therefore able to go some way to implementing aspects of partnership: the lines of hierarchy were consequently flatter and links amongst stakeholders were simpler than would be the case with major INGOs. …”
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Laboratory evaluation on the characteristics and pollutant emissions of nanoclay and chemical warm mix asphalt modified binders
Published 2016“…However, the physical structure did not seem to show any changes after undergoing long term aging. The use of NCMB B 4% (by weight of asphalt binder) seemed to produce better resistance towards rutting when compared to CWAA 1%, 2% and 3% for unaged, and short- and long-term aging test conditions. …”
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Developing rat testicular organoid models for assessing the reproductive toxicity of antidepression drugs in vitro
Published 2022“…With the increasing incidence of depression worldwide, antidepressant medications are commonly used in males of reproductive age for long-term treatment of depression, as well as other disorders. …”
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Police governance in Canada : a parallax perspective
Published 2016“…This research focuses on police boards in particular and not the police, with particular attention given to the link between their ethical decision-making and public trust. …”
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