Populism in foreign policy
Published 2017“…Highlighted are the breadth of critical and discursive approaches on populism that scholars of populism and foreign policy can use, particularly because they have been applied successfully to cases outside of Europe, where populists have long held political power and have influenced foreign policy in practice. …”
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Book Section -
Prevalence and seasonal variation of severe childhood protein calorie malnutrition in Khartoum : implication for brain function
Published 2015“…Future programmes should investigate the long-term impact of PCM on cognitive function including school performance. …”
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Thesis -
Women in management : barriers to career progress
Published 2002“…It has been assumed that the excellent educational achievements of women in recent years will automatically translate into increased opportunities for high office in organisations. However the findings of this study show that the organisational climate in which women find themselves has a larger impact on their progress. …”
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Thesis -
First generation Ghanaian migrants in the UK : dietary intake, anthropometric indices and nutrition intervention through the black churches
Published 2013“…Objectives: To determine the habitual diet and body composition of first generation Ghanaian migrants, to validate a food frequency questionnaire specific for Ghanaians, find the ideal body image of Ghanaians and the body size most attractive to Ghanaian males and to conduct a nutrition intervention programme using the Black Churches as a setting. …”
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Thesis -
Novel metamaterial frequency discriminating devices for next generation wireless communication systems
Published 2013“…Design methodology and experimental results are presented that show good correlation between the measured and simulation results. This diplexer should find application in multi band wireless communication systems. …”
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Thesis -
Biochemical markers used to ascertain exposure to cigarette smoking and environmental tobacco smoke
Published 2009“…In addition, cotinine is eliminated over a longer period of time plus its stability and ability to quantify long-term exposure; it is more suitable as a preferred biomarker of tobacco smoking and ETS exposure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Plasma fatty acid abnormality in Sudanese drug-resistant epileptic patients
Published 2021“…DRE is associated with blood fatty acid perturbation and abnormal activities of long-chain fatty acid elongase (ELOVL-6), stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase-1 (SCD-1), delta 6-fatty acid desaturase (D6D) and delta 5 fatty acid desaturase (D5D). …”
Article -
Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…On the literature, available on the subject, one finds few specialized works in the field. Islamic Ethics for Life edited by Jonathan E. …”
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Book -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…The inefficacy of the supplement to improve foetal status suggests that the transfer of DHA across the placenta may be impaired in the GDM women. This finding has implications for the management of neonates born to GDM women because they are born with a lower level of DHA and the condition is considered to be linked with a risk of neuro-developmental deficit. …”
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Thesis -
Coproduction from theory to practice: Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network: an evaluation report
Published 2017“…The following evaluation report presents findings from a multi-site ethnography of the Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network (WCEN). …”
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Monograph -
Between legalization of politics and politicization of law: politics, law and economic development in Malaysia
Published 2004“…Law has taken the center stage in Malaysian politics during the long twentytwo years of Dato’ Sri (now Tun) Dr. …”
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Article -
استراتيجات تدريس البلاغة العربية للناطقين بغير العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية: كلية التربية أنموذجا = Teaching strategies of Arabic rhetoric for non-Arabic-speakers at Interna...
Published 2014“…This is especially the case with the Arabic language which is so rich in this regard, and therefore learning it requires quite long time. One will not be able to know its linguistic and mental metaphors and allegories and their connotations as well as its rhetoric and stylistics unless one masters its grammar and morphology and is acquainted with its literature in its different forms and modes; only then will one be able to realize and taste Arabic rhetoric. …”
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Article -
ٚدسحعخص اسرث اَر أ اٍ٘ه اىشماج ذٗطثٞقاذٔ فٜ تٞد اى اَه ت اَىٞشٝا Investment of ZakÉt Funds and its Applications by Baitulmal in Malaysia Pelaburan Harta Zakat dan Perlaksanaann...
Published 2011“…The study has also put into strong relief the immediate need to set up a Sharī‛ah supervisory body comprising both Sharī‛ah scholars and economic experts to monitor and advise on the operations carried out by Baitulmal, including investment of zakÉt funds; such a body is already long overdue. Keywords: Keywords: zakÉt funds, investment, zakÉt funds surplus, categories of zakÉt recipients, juristic views, management of investment operations, Sharī‛ah supervision.…”
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