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Classification of helicopters for passive radar - theoretical studies and measurements
Published 2017“…Instead of testing using stimulating blades, we testing an air fan in the north spine campus to see if interference exist whether will affect our result.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
AB078. Patterns of treatment delay in patients with symptomatic metastatic epidural spinal cord compression
Published 2024“…Delays in treatment were identified and categorized into patient delay (onset of symptoms till initial medical consultation), diagnostic delay (medical consultation till radiological diagnosis of MESCC), referral delay (from diagnosis till spine surgeon review) and surgical delay (from spine surgeon review till surgery) and compared between patients. …”
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Journal Article -
A novel approach to designing a guitar distortion effects pedal
Published 2021“…This was first done by overdriving the tube amplifier beyond its linear region, creating a harmonic distortion characteristic that is dominant in the 2nd harmonics, and changing to odd harmonic distortion as the output voltage swing is limited by the rail voltage. Guitar distortion pedals today seek to recreate the same sound effect of an overdriven tube amplifier with the use of nonlinear I-V characteristics of diodes. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Atomic transistors beyond Moore's law
Published 2023“…The scope of the study is limited to reducing contact resistance, and future work may include optimizing parameters such as subthreshold swing. Overall, this study demonstrates the development of high-performance BP-based FETs and opens up new opportunities for their applications in the fields of electronics and optoelectronics.…”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors on Si for RF applications
Published 2018“…A thin layer of oxide between the metal gate and the thin InAlN barrier and form a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) gate in the Planar nanostrip-channel GaN HEMT, gate leakage current was reduced and thus increase the gate voltage swing and drain current swing. The results show that the Planar nanostrip-channel Al2O3/InAlN/GaN MISHEMTs is able to work at up to Vg = +4 V and the linearity performance was further improved. …”
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Thesis -
Security enhancement for domain name system in the internet
Published 2018“…Domain Name System (DNS) can be referred as the spine of today’s Internet world. This system is completely responsible for providing an architecture that helps in resolving millions of domain names existing throughout the world to a unique IP address, enabling the users to access the domains from anywhere on the planet. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation on the braking characteristics of tractor-trailer on jackknifing
Published 2013“…The results show that when the wheels remains in rolling motion, the brake input needs to be sufficient enough so as to inhibit the translational motion of the vehicle as well as work against the trailer swing motion or tractor spin-out. On the other hand, when the wheels are in sliding motion, the effective braking force exerted on the wheels is reduced and therefore increases the chance of jackknifing again. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Invisibility Dips of Near-Field Energy Transport in a Spoof Plasmonic Metadimer
Published 2017“…Invisibility dips, i.e., minima in scattering spectrum associated with asymmetric Fano-like line-shapes, have been predicted with transformation optics in studying strong coupling between two plasmonic nanoparticles. …”
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Journal Article -
Impact and damage resistance studies on thermoplastic reinforced composites
Published 2021“…However, at higher energy level of 64 and 70J, delamination and fibre failure were observed on the non-impacted side of the laminate, producing a straight line fracture or a cross-shaped fracture. The composite laminates perform better at lower strain rate of 1.2mm/min compared to 2mm/min, where higher average peak force and displacement was observed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Highly Linear Ultra-Low-Area-and-Power CMOS Voltage-Controlled Oscillator for Autonomous Microsystems
Published 2024“…It is designed to minimize leakage, limit high peak currents and provide an output whose frequency variation is linear with the input voltage, while allowing rail-to-rail input range swing. The oscillator occupies 592 μm2 , operates in a frequency range from 43 to 53 Hz and consumes a maximum average power of 210 pW at a supply voltage of 1 V and 4 pW at 0.3 V. …”
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Article -
Design of an exoskeleton for lifting
Published 2024“…Lower back injuries, caused by muscle strain around the lumber spine, are common in work involving manual labour. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Structure-behaviour correlations between two genetically closely related snail species
Published 2021“…When under attack from a beetle, K. editha snails retract into their shells whereas K. gainesi snails swing their shells. In this paper, we looked at the microstructure, composition, morphology and mechanics of the shells of these two species and discuss potential relationships between material structure and the snails’ defence behaviours. …”
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Journal Article -
Design of a supply- and temperature-invariant capacitive sensor interface for low power applications
Published 2015“…The proposed oscillator employs a swing-boosting technique to increase the swing of the timing capacitance voltage to twice the supply voltage level. …”
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Thesis -
Frequency-selective Vandermonde decomposition of Toeplitz matrices with applications
Published 2020“…Its applications in the theory of moments and line spectral estimation are illustrated. In particular, it provides a solution to the truncated trigonometric K-moment problem. …”
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Journal Article -
A 180 nm technology new 2.5 Gbps burst-mode optical receiver design with automatic gain control and feed-forward created reset
Published 2015“…A single-ended output reaches a 300 mV swing with input current ranging from 25 μA p–p to 1600 μA p–p . …”
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Journal Article -
Study of inertial hydrodynamic focusing in sheath-driven flows for lab-on-a-chip flow cytometry
Published 2019“…Miniature flow cytometer models enable fast and cost-effective management of diseases in vulnerable and low-end settings. The single-line focusing of cell or particle samples is achieved using hydrodynamic forces in the microfluidic channels. …”
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Journal Article -
Wearable bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA) for spinal implants
Published 2025“…Accordingly, herein, we report on the development and engineering of a bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA), a potential wearable solution for real-time, non-invasive positional analyses of osseous implants within the spine. The electromagnetic coupling mechanism and intimate interfacial adhesion enable the precise sensing of the metallic implants position without the use of radiation. …”
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Article -
Deep learning approach to cervical segmentation from routine CT images
Published 2023“…To address the sequential and location-dependent nature of bone segmen tation information, the dissertation proposes a pre-training model for location information, and combines 2.5D image input and labeled multi-channel coding to semantically segment 3D cervical spine CT images. This method can accu rately extract the information of bone joint location of slices and incorporate it into image features in the form of channels, which can improve the accuracy of multiple bone joint segmentation and classification. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Permanent Magnet Hybrid Core Inductors for High Saturation Capability
Published 2024Get full text
Article -
Design, fabrication and characterization of integrated electronic devices based on wafer-scale 2D materials
Published 2019“…Other key features to evaluate FETs including carrier mobility and subthreshold swing will also be extracted from the test results.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)