British Association for Irish Studies Newsletter. 5, Summer 1994
Published 1994“…Includes: - Education and the BAIS - Festival of New Irish Cinema - Research initiative on the Irish Community in Britain - Adult and Postgraduate courses - Green Ink Book Fair…”
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Micro scalar patterning for printing ultra fine solid lines in flexographic printing process
Published 2018“…Graphene is nano material that can be used as printing ink which usually uses in producing micro to nano scale electronic devices. …”
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Thesis -
Identifying preface in the Qur’anic Surahs a new methodology of Qur’anic Interpretation”
Published 2014“…Yet, it is unbelievably surprising that most of the mufassirun (commentators of the Qur’an) right from the early periods of Islamic history until today ignored the task of identifying various components of Qur’anic Surahs and establishing link among them. Some commentators like Qazi Abd al-Jabbar, al-Haralliyy, al-Razi, al-Biqa’i, Syed Qutb, Syed Mawdudi, al-Farahi, and Islahi did attempt in their commentaries of the Qur’an to interpret the Surahs as thematically coherent by identifying link among various components of each and every single Surah. …”
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Outage prediction modelling of terrestrial free space optics for tropical region
Published 2019“…In tropical regions like Malaysia, haze and rain are the most common impairment factors to FSO links. …”
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Thesis -
A review on safety practices at construction site
Published 2012“…Based on the review, there are ten safety practices found, i.e, safety policy, education and training, safety inspection and safety auditing, safety meeting, supervision, pink tickets, red and green zone demarcation, personal protective equipment (PPE), emergency support and safety measuring device and fall protection systems.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Why Islamic legal system needs a shift
Published 2011“…Although there had been much change, public criticisms still abound, and removing negative perceptions of the Islamic legal system requires consistent and concerted effort. IF a pink elephant is in a room with us, can we pretend it does not exist or be oblivious to it? …”
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Development of switchable planar reflectors for beam shaping realization
Published 2016“…Higher tunable loss factor of 1.91dB was demonstrated by liquid crystal based design as compared to tunable loss factor of 1.43dB shown by PIN diode based design. The investigations were further extended by carrying out equivalent circuit analysis of PIN diode based and liquid crystal based designs for detailed characterization of reconfigurable planar reflector designs. …”
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Thesis -
Characterization of cyclic plasticity type wear mechanism for titanium alloy, TI-6AL-4V on reciprocating sliding wear test
Published 2020“…Meanwhile for the contact pin, two different diameter cylinders are used i.e Ø6.5 mm and Ø12 mm. …”
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Enrichment of fruit wastes with white rot fungi under submerged state bioconversion
Published 2013“…On Banana and Pineapple (BPin) the protein content were recorded as18.05 and 15.75 mg/g, which was higher than Papaya and Pineapple (PinPw) and Banana and Papaya (BPw)composite. M6 has 15.4 and 9.78 mg/g on BPinPw, 13.84 and 13.59 mg/g on BPw, 20.82, and 22.97 mg/g on BPin and 18.29 and 11.59 mg/g on PinPw. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electrical breakdown and structural characterization in synthetic resins using optical techniques
Published 1992“…The early tree growth is shown to be driven by the high electrical field near the pin tip, which is itself dependent on the pin-plane electrode separation as well as the applied voltage. …”
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Development of remote operability CNC milling
Published 2010“…Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise index…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The system architecture of E-braille by using the microcontroller and external controller unit
Published 2016“…This refreshable braille cell can refresh the character. The pin for each braille cell is controlled by using piezoelectric bimorph. …”
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Halal meats and frozen foods: the halal abattoir, packaging, storage and handling
Published 2009“…We take it for granted that we just simply pick any frozen meat or food stamped with the halallogo. …”
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Evaluation of classifiers in a pressure and latency-based typing biometric system
Published 2011“…System authentication in present time relies on validation by some sort of a password or Personal Identification Number (PIN). However, if an intruder discovers this password or PIN, the user’s account can be easily compromised. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Multi-Mode Yagi Uda Patch Array Antenna With Non-Linear Inter-Parasitic Element Spacing
Published 2023“…Applying the inter-parasitic element spacing’s optimization and minimizing the switching circuitry using four RF PIN diodes on the parasitic elements have contributed to the gain achievement of more than 7 dBi.…”
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Curing the hiccup: Reforming administration of Islamic law in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The earnest development of administration of Islamic law in Malaysia could be viewed as stemming from the desire to pick up the pieces left by the British and other colonial powers after their intervention in the Malay Archipelago. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An information retrieval system for Quranic texts: a proposed system design
Published 2006“…Findings revealed that the websites offer texts and translation, recitation, excerpt of exegesis, and link to other websites consisting of news, event and related topics. …”
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Proceeding Paper