Published 2023“…It is believed that some building construction contractors are less aware of the safety and health aspects and are more likely to pursue profits over the safety and health of workers and people living near the construction site. …”
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Article -
Published 2023“…It is believed that some building construction contractors are less aware of the safety and health aspects and are more likely to pursue profits over the safety and health of workers and people living near the construction site. …”
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Article -
The adoption of poka-yoke mechanism towards reducing the incident of un-lifted side stand of motorcycle
Published 2020“…However, the existing design improvement efforts to tackle the problem are more likely towards complex design and applicable to limited variants. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Innovator-firm collaboration: the moderating role of transactional capacity (TC)
Published 2018“…Besides, one of the central questions is how and under what condition the two parties are more likely to engage in a resilient collaborative effort, from the perspective of innovation recipient firms remain unclear. …”
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Article -
An evaluation of the experiences of the hidden curriculum of Black and minority ethnic undergraduate health and social care students at a London university
Published 2021“…Black and minority ethnic (BME) students are less likely to achieve a first or upper-class second degree than White students. …”
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Article -
Antibacterial properties of selected mangrove plants against vibrio species and its cytotoxicity against artemia salina
Published 2013“…Minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) and cytotoxicity (LC50) test using Artemia salina as a test animal in sterile ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) microplates showed the significant antimicrobial properties of methanolic extract of S. caesolaris. …”
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Article -
Ant 4,4, a polyamine-anthracene conjugate, induces cell death and recovery in human promyelogenous leukemia cells (HL-60)
Published 2013“…Thus, the PTS can be used to transport compounds linked to polyamines selectively to cancer cells. …”
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Article -
War crimes and the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17
Published 2015“…It examines whether the conflict in Ukraine amounts to an international armed conflict under international humanitarian law (IHL) which can be linked with the downing of MH 17. The article further examines the probable responsibility and jurisdictional problems to be faced in prosecuting the crime of shooting down MH 17 and the possible claims for compensation to the victims’ family. …”
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Article -
The nature and determinants of user-generated content for dissatisfied customers: evidence from second-hand luxury fashion brands
Published 2024“…Purpose This study examined the links between user-generated content (UGC), dissatisfied customers and second-hand luxury fashion brands. …”
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Article -
Mylk3 null C57BL/6N mice develop cardiomyopathy, whereas Nnt null C57BL/6J mice do not
Published 2020“…The C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mice have well-documented phenotypic and genotypic differences, including the infamous nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) null mutation in the C57BL/6J substrain, which has been linked to cardiovascular traits in mice and cardiomyopathy in humans. …”
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Article -
Computer security and ethics awareness among IIUM students: an empirical study
Published 2010“…The findings of this study reveals that there are satisfactory levels of awareness among the students surveyed with slightly higher level of awareness among IT students, most likely due to security and ethics courses they offered. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Unintentional information security behavior from the Qur’an and hadith’s perspective
Published 2015“…The incidents are more likely caused by insiders and they can happen with or without intentions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
DisClose: Discovering colossal closed itemsets via a memory efficient compact row-tree
Published 2013“…Unfortunately, large cardinality itemsets are likely to be more informative than small cardinality itemsets in this type of dataset. …”
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Book Chapter -
The framing analysis of vaccination in Malaysia: a comparative study between Berita Harian and Harian Metro
Published 2020“…The return of vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps and the likes indicates the increasing popularity and effectiveness of the anti-vaccine movement in inseminating its sentiments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Microbial production of food grade pigments – screening and metabolic pathway analysis
Published 2009“…Such disadvantages could be overcome with the development of microbial food grade pigments which are likely to cut down the high production cost, thus leading to a cheaper source of natural food colournats. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Remarkably high survival rates under dim light conditions in sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus larvae
Published 2011“…Therefore, the feeding behavior of sutchi catfish larvae most likely depends on chemosensing rather than visual sensing. …”
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Article -
Disaster management: Identifying Malaysian nurses’ knowledge and predictor factors
Published 2012“…Emergency nurses who attended disaster-related education/training are more likely to have adequate knowledge (p<0.05, AOR=3.807, 95% CI=1.584-9.153) and attended disaster-related education/training is predictors to the adequate knowledge of community health nurse (p<0.001, AOR=3.511, 95% CI=2.097-5.881). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characteristics of high potential employees: employees’ perspective
Published 2013“…The findings suggest that a person with strong drive for high performance is less likely to leave, and must also have learning agility with leadership spirit. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Processing of date palm kernel(DPK)for production of Edible Jam
Published 2010“…The samples were evaluated based on a five point hedonic scale, where one represented ‘‘disliked extremely” and five represented ‘‘liked extremely”. All the data then were analyzed by using spreadsheet Microsoft Excel. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparism of child's right to education under islamic law and the convention on the rights of the child
Published 2015“…Since children are the leaders of tomorrow, impacting education on children will therefore be a very important tool for measuring whether such a society is likely to prosper. This is because where children are not trained and given the necessary education; they will turn against the society and become a problem for the people. …”
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