Paving the way to environmental sustainability: a systematic review to integrate big data analytics into high-stake decision forecasting
Published 2025“…Additionally, it suggests a framework linking the factors to achieve environmental sustainability. …”
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Architecture of multiple authorship: beyond the academic year (book chapter)
Published 2019“…In this sense the Live Projects’ continuous involvement in a location establishes links, knowledge and a presence required for making a radical yet holistic development of public spaces. …”
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Book Section -
Determinants of online brand communities’ and millennials’ characteristics: a social influence perspective
Published 2021“…Unlike other competing epistemologies, the authors developed a conceptual framework that links a holistic set of OBCs’ characteristics (brand sentiment, identification with source, affirmative experience, conspicuous effect) to consumers’ perceptions in the fashion sector. …”
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Optimizing Optical Attocells Positioning of Indoor Visible Light Communication System
Published 2023“…The model of optical attocells has a critical role in the uniform distribution and the quality of communication links in terms of received power and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). …”
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Determinants of internal vs. external CEO successions in Malaysian public listed companies
Published 2012“…Further, firms that are controlled by family members and disposition their predecessors are more likely to select an insider as the successor. However, firm performance does not affect the selection choice. …”
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Localization of the antigenic sites of newcastle disease virus nucleocapsid using a panel of monoclonal antibodies
Published 2009“…This study demonstrates that the N- and C-terminal ends of the NP proteins are responsible in eliciting immune response, thus it is most likely that these ends are exposed on the NP.…”
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Understanding the challenges in sustaining the bills of quantities in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Numerous issues have been identified from the literatures and until a viable solution is identified, current issues will likely limit its potential as a source of information in construction project. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Volatile compounds of roasted and steamed Malaysian tropical almond nut (Terminalia catappa L.)
Published 2012“…The small number of aldehydes, ketones, pyrazine, and alcohols identified are the ones most likely to contribute to the aroma of the nuts.…”
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Foreign policy structures and behaviour: The United States, Japan, China and Russia in Post-Cold War Asia-Pacific Region
Published 2010“…The US-Japan alliance is likely to function as a counter-balance against Russia and China. …”
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Book -
Traits of popular children: a case study
Published 2015“…The results revealed that 5 popular children obtained from peer matrix of peer nomination were liked most by peers. Moreover, these five popular children were known because they had traits that made them different from others. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Solid waste generation characteristics: The Malaysian local authorities’ outlook
Published 2011“…The planning of an optimal regional waste management strategy requires a reliable tool for predicting the amount and the corresponding composition of MSW likely to be produced. Furthermore, for integrated solid waste management, direct and indirect participation of local government’s authority is essential. …”
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The Kulliyyah of Science : nurturing Muslim scientists
Published 2019“…It also contains a chapter by the current rector that focuses on the challenges the University is likely to face and alerts the University community to face these challenges and lead the way. …”
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Book Chapter -
A qualitative investigation of cabin crews' experience of long haul travel: implications for coping style, psychological health, and personal, professional, and social relationship...
Published 2007“…Of special interest were the implications for personal, social and professional relationships, which taken together, is likely to lead to increased loneliness, anxiety and depression even for the most resilient crew member (Bor and Levitt, 2003; Partridge and Goodman, 2006). …”
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Thesis -
CSR and firm performance: new evidence from developing countries
Published 2015“…In order to tackle the likely endogeneity of CSR adoption, our empirical strategy relies on the two-step Maximum Likelihood Estimator. …”
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Book Section -
Factors influencing the purchase intention of organic personal care products
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Economic abuse as an invisible form of domestic violence: a multicountry review
Published 2018“…One frequently hidden or “invisible” form of abuse perpetrated within intimate partner relationships is economic abuse, also referred to as financial abuse in much of the literature. While the links between gendered economic insecurity and economic abuse are emerging, there remains a lack of consistency about definitions within the United States and globally, as there is no agreed upon index with which to measure economic abuse. …”
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Investigating the drivers of student satisfaction : the application of regression analysis
Published 2005“…Regression can be used to determine the significant drivers of customer satisfaction by linking ratings of various aspects of service (the independent variables) to an overall measure of satisfaction (the dependent variable). …”
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A taxonomic re-appraisal of the Passeriformes (Aves) based on the morphology of the plantar surface of the foot
Published 1988“…Some characters were found to be linked to the scansorial habit, others of reasonable use taxonomically, and yet others, not obviously adaptive, showed so much homoplasy as to be almost worthless taxonomically. …”
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Thesis -
The development of motility in spermatozoa
Published 1994“…Motility and respiration of these spermatozoa are closely linked, probably because the ATP produced by respiration is used primarily by the dynein ATPase. …”
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Thesis -
Land remediation, event spaces and the pursuit of Olympic legacy
Published 2020“…This paper explores the links between remediating land for Olympic event spaces and the pursuit of legacy. …”
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