Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of molecular geometry and configuration
Published 1984“…Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr) spectroscopy has been employed to determine molecular geometries, anisotropies in the indirect spin-spin couplings and chemical shifts, quadrupolar coupling constant, signs of indirect spin-spin coupling constants and conformational preferences of selected molecules by using isotropic and oriented solvents.…”
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Thesis -
Graphene based thin films for photocatalytic and optoelectronics applications
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Preliminary analysis on the effect of rain attenuation on Free Space Optics (FSO) propagation measured in tropical weather condition
Published 2011“…Non-selective scattering is wavelength independent and exists due to rainfall. In country like Malaysia rain season with heavy rain can reduce the received power of FSO link to below the threshold. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Robotic arm system with computer vision for colour object Sorting
Published 2018“…This study presents the development of robotic arm with computer vision functionalities to recognise the objects with different colours, pick up the nearest target object and place it into particular location. …”
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Article -
Why Islamic legal system needs a shift
Published 2011“…Although there had been much change, public criticisms still abound, and removing negative perceptions of the Islamic legal system requires consistent and concerted effort. IF a pink elephant is in a room with us, can we pretend it does not exist or be oblivious to it? …”
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Article -
Antivirals for broader coverage against human coronaviruses
Published 2024“…There are seven known human CoVs that most likely appeared after zoonotic transfer, the most recent being SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. …”
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Article -
Decoding Covid-19 with the SARS-CoV-2 genome
Published 2021“…The critical determinant of the SARS-CoV-2 genome is the spike (S) gene encoding the viral structural protein that interacts with the host cell entry receptor ACE2. …”
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Article -
Outage prediction modelling of terrestrial free space optics for tropical region
Published 2019“…In tropical regions like Malaysia, haze and rain are the most common impairment factors to FSO links. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of gadolinium-doped zinc oxide films for diluted magnetic semiconductor and its effects on organic solar cell performance
Published 2017“…The result showed that the efficiency of Spin-OSC (0.16 %) was higher than conventional-OSC (0.04 %). …”
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Thesis -
Halal meats and frozen foods: the halal abattoir, packaging, storage and handling
Published 2009“…We take it for granted that we just simply pick any frozen meat or food stamped with the halallogo. …”
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Article -
The effect of finite bandwidth squeezed light on entanglement creation in the Dicke model
Published 2004“…We find that the jump of the degree of entanglement is due to a flip of the spin squeezing from one quadrature component of the atomic spin to the other component when the phase changes from zero to π. …”
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Article -
Theoretical study for magnetic effect in dissociative adsorption of oxygen to a platinum monolayer on Ni(110) surface
Published 2011“…The reason of decrease of activation barrier can be attributed to the flow of electrons from oxygen to platinum surface because the d orbitals have spin polarization at the Fermi level where the down spin d orbitals are unoccupied.…”
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Article -
Lattice models with interactions on Caylay tree
Published 2010“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Curing the hiccup: Reforming administration of Islamic law in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The earnest development of administration of Islamic law in Malaysia could be viewed as stemming from the desire to pick up the pieces left by the British and other colonial powers after their intervention in the Malay Archipelago. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Energy harvesting circuit with high RF-to-DC conversion efficiency
Published 2020“…The resonance circuit is used to (i) selectively pick the desired signal whose output is fed to a Cockcroft–Walton voltage multiplier circuit; and (ii) match the impedance of the antenna with the Cockcroft–Walton voltage multiplier circuit for optimum power (DC) transfer. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Talent management
Published 2019“…Notwithstanding, the writing underlines that a "working definition" of the term is missing, where in a hierarchical setting, the term is characterized variously (Lewis & Heckman 2006), and this has made it hard to pick the "right" definition (Tansley, 2011). So as to legitimately characterize ability in an authoritative setting, and as per the target of this examination, three definitions were perceived as fitting:…”
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Book Section -
Phase diagram of an Ising model with competitive interactions on a Husimi tree and its disordered counterpart
Published 2008“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. …”
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Article -
Critical conversation (chapter 4)
Published 2022“…When discussing a project or a place, we architects will often pick up a pencil and absent-mindedly sketch, or draw a diagram on the nearest piece of paper. …”
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Book Section -
Human values, personality and religiosity on green products purchase behavior
Published 2024Get full text