Fast and slow carbonaceous BOD speciation of sewage effluent
Published 2010“…The test is typically conducted over a 5-day period (BOD5), with the sample being incubated at 20°C. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment for learning at institutions of higher education: A study of practices among academicians
Published 2013“…Guided by the frameworks on standards in assessment practices and previous studies in assessing teachers' practices in assessment, this study initially adapted a questionnaire based on five standards in assessment practices from the body of literature. …”
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Some thoughts about accounting conceptual framework and standards for Awqaf Institutions
Published 2007“…The attention to awqaf institutional development just took place in the last three to five years back. It is perhaps, why the development of these institutions seemed to be left far behind than other Islamic institutions. …”
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Ah Khaw Goes To Heaven (AKGTH): initiating culturally responsive teaching and identity construction in the Malaysian classrooms
Published 2013“…A qualitative inquiry employing semi-structured, in depth interviews with 7 English language teachers in 5 schools around Kuala Lumpur were carried out. …”
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Foreign language reading anxiety in a Jordanian EFL context: a qualitative study
Published 2013“…On the other hand, there were three main sources of foreign language reading anxiety under the concept of text feature, which are: unknown vocabulary, unfamiliar topic, and unfamiliar culture. The five main sources of foreign language reading anxiety were arranged according to their occurrences and percentages in the study. …”
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Employability skills, job performance and promotability of employees working in SMEs Malaysia
Published 2013“…It was also revealed that among all the five SDLR dimensions, only joy for learning that was unrelated to any of the employability skills. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The ideal graduate: fostering citizen participation through project-oriented problem-based learning
Published 2018“…As part of the project, students worked in a team of five to six members to identify one issue or problem affecting the community, and offered possible solution to the issue. …”
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Pilot study on the effect of Yasiin recitation on the haemodynamics of ventilated patients
Published 2013“…The difference of the parameters before and during recitation was analysed. Results: Five patients fulfilling the selection criteria were selected; two acute myocardial infarctions, two congestive cardiac failures, and a third-degree atrioventricular block. …”
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Islamic fasting reduce body weight and improves blood lipid profile in normal and obese subjects
Published 2010“…Therefore, this study was designed to know the effect of fasting on the obesity factors for example body weight, serum adiponectin and serum lipids. Twenty five volunteers (male & female) from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) were recruited in Ramadan. …”
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Seasonal variations of phytoplanktonic community structure and production in relation to environmental factors of the southwest coastal waters of Bangladesh
Published 2008“…A total of 31 phytoplankton species were identified; 17 belong to Bacillariophyceae, seven to Cyanophyceae, five to Chlorophyceae and two to Dinophyceae. Bacillariophyceae appeared to be the dominant group in terms of total species and cell numbers during the period studied. …”
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HRM strategies for managing employee commitment: a case study of small construction professional services firms
Published 2012“…The findings highlight the importance of HRM in developing employee commitment. The five main HRM strategies to influence commitment are job design, performance and career management, training and development, reward management and employee involvement. …”
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A study on potential application and people awareness on green infrastructure for boulevard: a case study of Putrajaya boulevard
Published 2013“…Referring to the Putrajaya Boulevard, only five types of green infrastructure are applied. Therefore, another six types of green infrastructure are suggested in managing energy use and climate change. …”
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Are parents' knowledge and practice regarding immunization related to pediatrics' immunization compliance? a mixed method study
Published 2014“…Methods A mixed method has been utilized in this study: a retrospective cohort study was used to evaluate immunization completeness; a prospective cross-sectional study was used to evaluate immunization KP of parents. 528 children born between 1 January 2003 and 31 June 2008 were randomly selected from five public health clinics in Mosul, Iraq. Immunization history of each child was collected retrospectively from their immunization record/card. …”
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The blood pressure variability, arterial elasticity and humoral factors in subjects with family history of hypertension
Published 2008“…The objectives of this study are to determine whether there are any significant differences in BPV, arterial compliance and humoral factors in subjects with FHT as compared to controls. Thirty-five subjects with self reported FHT and 35 matched controls underwent 24 hour BP monitoring (BR-102, Schiller Inc. …”
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Feeding cholesterol blunts the proliferative effect of dietary guar gum
Published 1994“…Four semi-purified diets containing no GG and no cholesterol (Basal), 10 g cholesterol (Ch), 100 g guar gum (GG) and 100 g guar gum plus 10 g cholesterol (GGCh)/kg diet respectively were fed to twenty male Wistar rats (five ratsldiet) for 21 d). Two hours before killing, each animal was injected intraperitoneally with vincristine sulphate for the measurement of CCP (arrested cellskrypt per 2 h) by the crypt microdissection metaphase arrest technique (Goodlad & Wright, 1982) at 10 (A), 50 (B) and 90 (C)% of the length of the small intestine (SI), in the caecum and at 10 (A) and 90 (B)% of the length of the colon.As expected GG-feeding reduced caecal pH and doubled caecal short-chain fatty acid concentration (data not shown). …”
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Angiotensin II receptor blocker valsartan enhances glucose-induced insulin secretion
Published 2006“…The dose of Valsartan used was based on the peak plasma level achieved in human at standard single oral dose of 80 mg daily, which was 1.64 mg/L. Five treatment groups were used: Control group, Valsartan at 10%, Valsartan at 100% and Valsartan at 10 times of the 1.64 mg/L, and Diazoxide 10 μg/ml group. …”
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Reliability of Bahasa Malaysia version of family environment scale and its measurement issues
Published 2010“…All of the reliability measurements generated (ranged between Cronbach’s alpha 0.10 - 0.70) were lower than those originally reported for this instrument (ranged between Cronbach’s alpha 0.61 -0.78). Five subscales in the Bahasa Malaysia version were found to be less than Cronbach’s alpha 0.5, which were below the acceptable level for practical or research use. …”
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Perceptions of prospective specialists and non-specialists towards technical terms in marketing
Published 2010“…The procedure produced five categories of technical terms that were labelled as providers of products, distributors, sales, pricing, and product. …”
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Students’ colour perception and preference: an empirical analysis of its relationship
Published 2013“…The preference survey includes 11 colours (red, blue, green, pink, purple, brown, orange, yellow, white, black and gray) together with colour description in value and saturation level with five point Likert scales. Furthermore, the respondents were asked to indicate 12 emotional responses and nominated their preferred colour directly using visible colour survey method from a three dimensional unit of Munsell Colour Tree. …”
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The phenomenon of Islamic nasyid groups in Malaysia: establishment, impacts & challenges: Rabbani, Raihan and Hijjaz as a case study
Published 2015“…Key words: List at least five keywords Nasyid, Islamic Entertainment, Islamization, virtues, Malaysia .…”
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