Culture, politics and biology from a biosemiotic perspective
Published 2021“…Joining culture and nature as part of the evolution of semiotic layers in recursive biocybernetic systems, biosemiotics insists there is an ontological and practical link between both that should be part of scientifically informed political theory and policies.…”
Article -
A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…Simultaneous measurement of Ne and microwave impedance in a dry argon MIP provide little evidence of a link between these two parameters in the slabline cavity. …”
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Thesis -
Elemen kesihatan mental wanita bekerja di sektor perusahaan kecil dan sederhana
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Model konsep integriti ke arah peningkatan kualiti penilaian rakan (peer assessment)
Published 2019“…Pada fasa I (Analisis dokumen dan temu bual), dokumen daripada tahun 2010 hingga 2018 telah digunakan dan temu bual daripada enam (6) pakar dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) telah memperoleh tiga (3) elemen integriti iaitu, Integriti Diri (Motivasi diri, keberanian, disiplin diri, dan ketelusan), Interaksi Sosial (Kejujuran, keadilan, konsisten, amanah, dan perpaduan), dan Komitmen Kerja (Usaha, tanggungjawab, dan etika). …”
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Thesis -
Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Ujikaji makmal mendapati bahawa perkaitan antara nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah dengan kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan adalah pada korelasi sederhana hingga sangat kuat (r = -0.405 – 0.949). Satu siri nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah telah dihasilkan, justeru membolehkan penentuan cirri asas geoteknik tanah menggunakan persamaan statistik yang dihasilkan. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of organizational innovation on firm performance: evidence from Malaysian-Based ICT Companies
Published 2011“…The study therefore contributes to the existing body of literature on innovation-performance link, and several guidelines and practical implications from the study are also discussed. …”
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Assessment of learners’ understanding: an experimental result
Published 2009“…A textual answer is converted into a node link representation to extract the hidden knowledge structure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Precise tip positioning of a flexible manipulator using resonant control
Published 2007“…A single-link flexible manipulator is fabricated to represent a typical flexible robotic arm. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Intelligent diagnostic feedback for online multiple-choice questions
Published 2014Get full text
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The association between trauma, offending behaviour, self harm and substance use with dissociation and absorption in male prisoners
Published 2008“…Much research has been conducted investigating the link between dissociation, fantasy proneness, and PTSD. …”
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Thesis -
Membrane vesicles of clostridioides difficile and other clostridial species
Published 2024Get full text
Book Section -
Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…In this work, n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film was effectively constructed by means of sol-gel spin coating technique in an effort to diminish the electron-hole recombination rate from single-layered thin film. …”
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