Study on the properties of gold nanoparticles as plasmonic sensing material for chlorothalonil detection
Published 2020“…Besides, GNPs shows good stability response in 600 seconds with fast response and recovery time during five cycles change of medium. As a conclusion, the GNPs was successfully synthesised and used as sensing material for chlorothalonil detection from 1mM to 40 mM.…”
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Thesis -
Development and validation of a safety and health performance model for low cost housing
Published 2014“…Results reveal that the five identified constructs have a direct positive effect on safety and health performance, as well as perceived personal responsibility. …”
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Thesis -
Study of using three dimensional printer for EDM electrode fabrication
Published 2011“…The materials in powder form were analyzed under scanning electron microscope (SEM) and particle size analyzer (PSA) to ensure that they fulfill the requirement for each fabrication method. For PM process, five compositions of Cu-%wt Al2O3 powder were prepared ranging from 0% to 20% Al2O3 contents at 5% increment. …”
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Thesis -
A new hybrid model of dengue incidence rate using negative binomial generalised additive model and fuzzy C means model a case study in Selangor
Published 2018“…In this study, there are five stages to achieve the research objectives. Firstly, the verification of predetermined variables. …”
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Thesis -
Causative factors of construction and demolition waste generation in Iraq Construction Industry
Published 2021“…Ranking analysis using the mean score approach found the five most significant causative factors which are poor site management, poor planning, lack of experience, rework and poor controlling. …”
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System identification and pid control of toothbrush simulator system
Published 2019“…The controlled system response had achieved all five desired speed of 175, 195, 215, 235 and 255 rpm with the percentage of improvement 67%, 65%, 65%, 65%, and 68%. …”
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The effect of flower-like tatania towards characteristics and performance of polysulfone mixed matrix membrane
Published 2018“…In this work, the polymer MMM of PSf/FLT and PSf/ST membranes were prepared via phase inversion method at five different concentrations of additive. Membrane characterization involved several observations such as cross-section area, particle distribution, surface roughness, hydrophilicity property, mean pore size, mechanical strength and porosity. …”
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Thesis -
Adaptive chosen all inputs model for analyzing key derivation functions against bit-flip and timing side-channel attacks
Published 2019“…Due to the importance of the KDF, it is mandatory to ensure the design of KDF may withstand any types of attacks. Nowadays, there are five security models used to analyze the security of KDF proposals. …”
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An improved data classification framework based on fractional particle swarm optimization
Published 2019“…The proposed classification framework is then evaluated for classification accuracy, computational time and Mean Squared Error on five benchmark datasets against seven existing techniques. …”
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Housing demand prediction in Penang, Malaysia
Published 2019“…The questionnaire was distributed to five districts in Penang and the respondents or household were divided according to 14 levels of age group. …”
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Phycoremediation of NH4+ and PO43- from meat processing wastewater by using microalgae botryococcus sp.
Published 2017“…Hence, this study is carried out to determine the effectiveness of microalgae Botryococcus sp. to remove nutrients NH4+ and PO43- from wastewater from meat food processing industry and establishes the characteristic of this wastewater. Five concentrations of Botryococcus sp., 1x103, 1x104, 1x105, 1x106 and 1x107 cell/ml were cultivated with three samples of wastewater which are sample obtained at two peak hours, 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m. and composite sample of wastewater obtained hourly from 8.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. …”
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Thesis -
Forecasting of rainfall using statistical downscaling model (SDSM) – general circulation model (GCM) for future estimation of rainwater harvesting
Published 2020“…Of all 26 predictors, only five (5) were chosen for each station to form a rainfall equation at each station for prediction analyses. …”
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Dermatologyphics: comparison between Negritos Orang Asli and the Malays, Chinese and Indian
Published 2009“…Malay, Chinese, Indian and five sub-ethnic population of Negritos’ Orang Asli i.e. …”
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Article -
Oil uptake and deep-frying performance of virgin coconut oil and palm solid shortening blends
Published 2012“…The fresh chickens were fried in a blended frying medium using an open fryer for 8 hours per day intermittently at 30 min interval for five consecutive days. Three types of oils were used; i.e. …”
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Fracture strength and fractographic analysis of zirconia copings treated with four experimental silane primers
Published 2013“…All together 125 zirconia copings with a wall thickness of 0.6mm were fabricated on identical nickel-chromium master dies and then divided randomly into five groups (n = 25). Four test groups were prepared according the experimental silane primer (labeled: OIWA1, OIWA2, OIWA3 and OIWA4) and one ontrol group without silanization. …”
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The effects of tawhidic paradigm in managing business and the natural environment sustainability
Published 2013“…The study used note taking approach in the personal interview with 20 respondents, which comprised five (5) policy makers, 10 business leaders, and 5 community leaders in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand to provide the insights on the roles and responsibilities of business sectors toward sustaining business profitability and protecting the natural environment and whether they are convinced that this approach contributes to business sustainability. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of Islamic fasting on the obesity factors in male and female obese subjects
Published 2011“…Therefore, this study was designed to know the effect of fasting on the obesity factors for example body weight, serum adiponectin, serum lipids and body composition assesses by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Twenty five volunteers (male & female) from the international Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) were recruited in Ramadan. …”
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Monograph -
Affordable ART for developing countries: a cost benefit comparison of low dose stimulation versus high dose GnRH antagonist protocol
Published 2008“…Outcome measures included the numbers of follicles, oocytes and embryos, morphological quality of oocytes and embryos, clinical pregnancy (PR) and complication rate. Result Ninety five first attempt ICSI cycles consisting of 54 LS and 41 Atg were analyzed. …”
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Bacterial communities in Kuantan estuary of Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2010“…Based on this perspective, a study on physicochemical parameters and bacterial community was carried out from five stations on January-June 2009 at the Kuantan estuary of Pahang, Malaysia. …”
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Postnatal depression: An understanding of Malaysian perspectives
Published 2014“…The planned population for this study are 45 postnatal women with different Malaysian cultural backgrounds who attend for postnatal care or child immunization at five selected Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Clinics in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, Malaysia; and 15 health care professionals involved with postnatal care in the selected clinics and Psychiatric Ward, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. …”
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