Optimal throughput and self-adaptability of robust real-time IEEE 802.15.4 MAC for AMI Mesh network
Published 2013“…A smart grid refers to a modernization of the electricity system that brings intelligence, reliability, efficiency and optimality to the power grid. …”
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Article -
Ijtihad on issue of waqf in malaysia with a special reference to legal authority in administration of waqf property
Published 2015“…Examination extends to analysis whether ijtihad by Malaysian authority on this issue is sound and acceptable as according to the principle of siyasah shar'iyyah that brings benefit to the society. In addition, the paper will finally examine the issue whether there is any room for improvement that can be recommended with respect to administration of waqf in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls
Published 2021“…Adopting a reflexive approach enables us to de‐migranticise our research turning the role of migration and ethnicity for social networks into an empirical question rather than taking them as an essentialist starting point for investigation. The Special Issue brings together an integrated set of articles drawn from a social networks and migration symposium. …”
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Article -
Refugees & mental health - a collaboration between Sandra Denicke Polcher (Deputy Head of Architecture, The Cass) and Dr Corinna Haenschel (Director of Centre for Psychological Wel...
Published 2019“…Crossing Cultures is the project title for a research initiative that brings together architecture students from Studio 3 and Unit 6 with students from other universities to work together with locals and asylum seekers in the hilltop village Belmonte Calabro, Italy. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The investigation of scandal from Watergate to Monicagate: the special prosecutor in late twentieth century American politics
Published 2006“…Chapter 6 explores the Kenneth Starr investigation and the perils of politicized justice, examining how the Whitewater investigation of alleged financial misconduct by President Clinton evolved into a partisanized demand for his impeachment because of personal misconduct over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Chapter 7 brings a conclusion of previous chapters. There is some disagreement among scholars regarding the' acceptable plural of the term 'counsel.' …”
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Thesis -
Methodological implications of participant and researcher multilingualism: making language dynamics visible
Published 2023“…This special issue (SI) brings together seven contributions which discuss the methodological implications of researching in a multilingual world, where researchers and/or research participants are likely to know more than one language. …”
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Article -
Infusing Communication Skills into Financial Accounting Curriculum: A perspective from the Digital Era
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الأندلس: تفاعل وتجديد 711-2011 (al-Andalus: tafa'il wa tajdid 711-2011)
Published 2011Get full text
Article -
Damage intensity class for reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to lateral cyclic loading
Published 2021“…These damages were caused by lack of shear links confinement and insufficient anchorage length, particularly on the RC beam-column joint (BCJ) of the buildings. …”
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Thesis -
Hierarchical Tori Connected Mesh Network
Published 2013“…It is shown that the HTM possesses several attractive features, including constant node degree, small diameter, low cost, small average distance, moderate (neither too low, nor too high) bisection width, small wiring complexity, and high throughput per link and very low zero load latency, which provide better dynamic communication performance than that of H3DM, mesh, and torus networks.…”
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Book Chapter -
Management accounting and risk management in Malaysian financial institutions : an exploratory study
Published 2011“…Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the link between management accounting and risk management. …”
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Article -
Mrs Dalloway and the finite transcendental: existence, time and transcendence in Woolf, Husserl and Derrida
Published 1999“…This chapter explores the link between Virginia Woolf, Edmund Husserl and Jacques Derrida.…”
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Book Section -
Legal and social viability of polygamy : an analysis
Published 2011“…This, in effect, is denial to the right guaranteed in the SharÊ‘ah to both Muslim males and females, as in certain circumstances polygamy brings happiness to the family. For example, if wife is suffering from some kind of contagious disease and the husband is deprived of fulfilling his sexual desire, in view of the ban, he will have to divorce his first wife in order to marry with some other female. …”
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Article -
IDPS: an integrated intrusion handling model for cloud computing environment
Published 2012“…This makes their computer processing available much more conveniently to users. However, it also brings new security threats and challenges about safety and reliability. …”
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Article -
Development of a scalable video compression algorithm
Published 2012“…The choice of a scalable video coding framework in this context brings technical and economical advantages. The result shows that the managed complexity algorithm based on Lagrangian Multiplier function outperforms the normal encoder. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013: Tinjauan awal kesannya dalam industri takaful
Published 2014“…The enforcement of IFSA brings various impacts to takaful industry. In light of this background, this article attempts to analyse the salient impacts of IFSA to takaful industry. …”
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Article -
Exploring cognitive approach in the teaching of literature for secondary schools in Malaysia
Published 2020“…This paper discusses cognitive approach and how it could play an important role in the teaching of literature in secondary schools in Malaysia. Cognitive approach brings about cognitive poetics, a theory which studies literary works by using psychology. …”
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Proceeding Paper