Re-modelling the quality of urban life (QOUL) index for Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Collected data were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. …”
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Monograph -
The identification of helminths and coccidia from goats in two farms in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Sodium chloride flotation technique was used to identify helminths eggs and coccidia oocysts. …”
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Article -
Strategies and public policy models of effective human capital, talents and workforce development : an investigation into the effectiveness of different scholarship programmes in t...
Published 2016“…A mixed method design approach which integrated both quantitative and qualitative data was used. The quantitative data were collected through a survey, and qualitative data were collected from both the survey and through more in-depth individual interviews and focus group discussions with both alumni and public sector managers. …”
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Thesis -
Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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Photograph -
Phylogenetic analysis of Macroglossus Sobrinus from Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2008“…A study on the phylogeneticso f Mocroglossuss obrinus( GreaterL ong-nosedF ruit Bat)from Peninsular Malaysia was done using partial cytochrome b (cyt-b) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)g ene.T he specimenso f M. sobrinusw ere collectedf rom Kedah( WengU lu Muda ForestR eserve)P, erak( BintangF orestR eserve)s, elangor( Ulu Langat),M elaka (Asahan Catchment Area), Johor (Gunung Ledang), Kelantan (Gua Musang), and pahang (Krau WildlifeR eserve)T. hirty ninec yt-bs equencesin cludinge ighteens equenceso f M. sobrinus, twenty sequenceso f M. minimust aken from the GenBanka, nd a sequenceo f Penthetor /ucosi( Lucas'sS hort-nosedF ruit Bat) as an outgroup were incorporatedi n the analyses. …”
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Book Chapter -
Relative performances of preheating, cryogenic cooling and hybrid turning of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2011“…During high speed machining of steel, large amount of energy is used in shearing process and substantial energy is converted to heat. …”
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Book Chapter -
Application of permanent electromagnet for chatter control in end milling of medium carbon steel
Published 2011“…Hermansyah [9]. Chatter is detected using the peak sound spectrum amplitudes at chatter frequency ranges. …”
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Book Chapter -
Assessment of performance of uncoated and coated carbide inserts in end milling of Ti-6Al-4V through modelling
Published 2011“…Materials used in the manufacturing of aero-engine components generally comprise nickel and titanium base alloys. …”
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Book Chapter -
Blending of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extracted palm kernel oil fractions and palm oil to obtain cocoa butter replacers
Published 2007“…Palm kernel oil (PKO) was fractionated into four fractions using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) denoted as f-PKO (f-PKO-1, f-PKO-2, f-PKO-3 and f-PKO-4). …”
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Article -
Acoustic perception features in normal hearing adults and children (Ciri-ciri persepsi akoustik di kalangan dewasa dan kanak-kanak yang berpendengaran normal)
Published 2010“…Frequency resolution test using the notched noise masking technique showed the children’s group had significantly larger filter bandwidths as compared to the adult group (One-way ANOVA: F = 27.61, p < 0.001). …”
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Common morbidity and utilization rate of the University Health Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia (Kuantan Campus) in 2010
Published 2012“…Aim : To scrutinize the common morbidity and utilization rate of University Health Centre , International Islamic University ( Kuantan Campus) Methods: A retrospective desktop study was done by using 2010 annual electronic medical record (EMR) data of UHC-IIUM (Kuantan-Campus) after getting approval from University authority. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smoking-related knowledge, attitude and perception among young girls
Published 2008“…Data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS 12.0. Result: Mean age is 17.85 ± 1.1 (range 16 to 19) years old. 56 (100%) respondents admitted to tobacco use. 53.6% were light smokers, 14.3% moderate and 32.1% heavy smokers. 32% of the subjects smoked more than 20 sticks, 50% smoked 2-20 sticks and 18% smoked less than 2 sticks per day. 40% of them smoked everyday. 78% bought cigarettes from convenient stores or restaurants. 18% also tried shisha, bidis, cigars and chewing tobacco.66% smoked at public area and 62.5% smoked without family acknowledgement. 21.4% believed will still smoke in the next 5 years. 69.6% agreed that quitting is difficult. 71.4% agreed smoking makes appearance less attractive. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pregnancy among unmarried women in a tertiary centre in Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2012“…They were interviewed using a standard guided questionnaire and conducted by a dedicated coresearcher. …”
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Article -
Evaluation of bleeding pattern,side effect and satisfaction with subdermal contraceptive etonogesterel implant(implanon): a comparison between postpartum and non postpartum user
Published 2013“…Majority of the Implanon® users were using Oral Contraceptive Pills as previous method of contraception. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ubah suaian perluasan-topsis untuk keputusan multi-kriterium linguistik kabur (Modification of TOPSIS-extension for Fuzzy Linguistic Multi-Criteria Decision)
Published 2013“…Kata kunci: nombor kabur; pemboleh ubah linguistik; pembuat keputusan multi-kriterium; TOPSIS ABSTRACT It is observed that decision making for a multi-criteria problem is easier and user friendly by using a fuzzy linguistic approach compared to the numeric scales. …”
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Article -
The impact of fluid overload on mortality and acute kidney injury
Published 2013“…AKI was defined and classified based on creatinine criteria using the KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) definition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cytokinetics study on MCF-7 cells treated with commercial and recombinant bromelain
Published 2014“…Finally, the established growth kinetic data was used to modify a model that predicts the effects of commercial and recombinant bromelain on MCF-7 cells. …”
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Article -
Pencirian dan aktiviti antibakteria endofit Streptomyces sp. dari Hutan Simpan Penyelidikan UKM Bangi
Published 2015“…A total of 28 isolates (32%) with Streptomyces sp. characterization were successfully isolated using a specific media, ISP2. All strains are gram positive with branched filament and earthy essential odors which are characteristic of Streptomyces sp. …”
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A study on controllable aluminium doped zinc oxide patterning by chemical etching for MEMS application
Published 2017“…Four etching solutions were used namely: 10 % Nitric acid, 10 % Phosphoric acid, 10 % Acetic acid and Molybdenum etch solutions. …”
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