Steady Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser pulse generation by exploiting spider silk as a passive saturable absorber
Published 2024“…It was also interesting to find that the repetition rate of spider silk SA increased from 7 kHz to 29 kHz while the pulse width decreased from 32 µs to 10 µs. …”
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Enhancing the cooling system of a residential building using integrated building information modelling with solar absorption system
Published 2022“…The second step was to find a sustainable wall material that could reduce the cooling load requirements using Building Information Model (BIM). …”
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Thesis -
Integrated immune chaotic evolutionary programming (IICEP) for integrating battery energy storage system in transmission network
Published 2024“…The purpose of this study is to find the optimal location and sizing of battery energy to minimize loss dissipated by the system using a newly proposed technique termed Integrated Immune Chaotic Evolutionary Programming (IICEP). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A collaborated genetic with lion optimization algorithms for improving the quality of forwarding in a vehicular ad-hoc network
Published 2023“…An enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) is employed here to find the best possible path for data transmission which leads to meeting the QoF. …”
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Steady Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser pulse generation by exploiting spider silk as a passive saturable absorber
Published 2024“…It was also interesting to find that the repetition rate of spider silk SA increased from 7 kHz to 29 kHz while the pulse width decreased from 32 µs to 10 µs. …”
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Experimental study of the bio-additives in biodiesel fuel on performance and emissions characteristics of diesel engine
Published 2015“…The main concern of this experimental analysis is to reach a tentative goal, how this fuel can be utilised with maximum effective way. To find this ,an experiment data analysis of different parameter such as break power, break mean effective pressure consumption, emission characteristic (NOx, HC,CO. etc.), is done through bio diesel fuel and also compared with ordinary diesel which is also known as standard diesel. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a building information modelling (BIM) migration path model for construction professionals
Published 2018“…However, they failed to take the advantages of the BIM benefit as they are still trying to find the best way to take on board the BIM into current practices. …”
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Design and implement WSN/IOT smart parking management system using microcontroller
Published 2018“…With the rapid proliferation of vehicle availability and usage in recent years, finding a vacant car parking space is becoming more and more difficult, resulting in a number of practical conflicts. …”
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Framework of property rating practice for financing neighbourhood facilities provision in Nigeria
Published 2017“…Future studies should find out, apart from Over Reliance on Crude Oil Revenue and Poor Taxation System, whether some other factors militate against the implementation of property rating in the study area and beyond.…”
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Thesis -
Developing mathematics learning media based on e-learning using moodle on geometry subject to improve students' higher order thinking skills
Published 2019“…The respondents in this study were three lecturers who are experts in the field of mathematics education, three teachers in the field of information technology and 70 secondary school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia was selected using the purposive sampling method. The findings of this study have shown that mathematics learning media based on e-learning using MOODLE very suitable for encouraging students to use the mind to understand, interpret, analyze and manipulate information to find possible solutions for various problems, especially related to the geometry of the flat side subject. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A review of Malaysian experience in tissue engineering research and development:A bibliometric study using online databases
Published 2016“…Tissue engineering research serves to overcome the major obstacles in organ transplantation.The obstacles include insufficient supply of organs, immunoreaction, subsequent rejection between donor organs and recipient’s body as well as life-long immunosuppression dependence. This paper intends to summarize the progress of tissue engineering in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Causality relationships between non-bank financial intermediaries and economic growth: the case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…However, majority of the findings support that financial development plays the leading role in influencing economic growth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Transition in the critically ill patients: Malaysian nurses’ perspective
Published 2010“…Hence, nurses understanding and experience in caring for critically ill patients undergoing transition are important to promote smooth transition and prevent negative long term outcomes to the patients. Knowledge on patients’ transition through the nurses’ could be useful and helpful in understanding and helping nurses to value and intervene nursing therapeutic for the patients experiencing transition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Towards successful improvement of students’ residential management processes using the enterprise architecture maturity model
Published 2012“…It is hoped that the redesigned enterprise architecture knitted around the above principles will go a long way in improving the satisfaction levels on the side of students, and other stakeholders like staff and senior management, reduce on wastage, improve on agility of business processes, increase productivity on the side of employees and thus result into happy managers and students. …”
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Psychological and physiological adaptation to crowd density: a study of Malaysian males
Published 2013“…One Malay male participant had physiological (i.e., skin temperature, heart rate, and human thermal) responses recorded while surrounded by another 9 Malay male participants in a space 1.5m wide by 1.0m long (i.e., density approximation of 0.12m2) inside a climatic chamber, representing a jammed-pressed crowd. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling petroleum future volatility: Analyzing asymmetry and persistency of shocks
Published 2012“…The study reveals the following: over the full sample period of 1995–2010, all future price returns show persistent and asymmetric effects of shocks to the volatility but the level of persistency and degree of asymmetry differ product to product; over the subsample 1995–2001, persistency and asymmetry are evident for all series with the exception of gasoline future price returns; the recent subsample of 2002–2010 shows mixed evidence and all series show persistent effects of shocks to the volatility while asymmetry is supported in crude oil and propane only; the study also concludes that based on forecasting performance,no single model can be recommended but different models should be used based on the time periods involved and the nature of petroleum products. These findings also imply that in the presence of asymmetric and persistent volatility, policy measures should be taken to accommodate long lasting effects of shocks to the volatility. …”
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The legal and beneficial ownership conundrum in sovereign sukuk structuring
Published 2015“…With the increasing interest of emerging economies in ṣukūk to meet their long-term financing needs, this study is expected to guide the global Islamic finance industry on Sharī‘ah and legal issues relating to sovereign ṣukūk.…”
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Financial development and economic growth: the experiences of selected OIC countries
Published 2013“…In addition, with the VECM results, the error correction terms for Jordan and Kuwait are found to be significant, implying that there is a long run relationship between variable in at least one direction for each country.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical analysis on the children and young person Employment Act 1966 and the Education Act 1996 in relation to causes and effect of child labor in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Objective – It is observed that the phenomena of working children is a long-standing issue in most under-developed and developing countries of the world and the number increases each year in the light of challenging domestic social and economic conditions. …”
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