Investigation of the effect of amine and thiol as functional groups on gold Nanobipyramids properties
Published 2024“…This work lies in the comprehensive investigation of GNBPs functionalized with amine and thiol groups over varying shorter time durations (0.5 – 12 h) through the immediate change in optical, structural, morphological, electrical surfaces, and molecular properties. The findings show amine groups enable the red-shifted spectrum, whereas thiol groups impact the blue-shifted spectrum. …”
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Kajian pemboleh-pemboleh ubah yang mempengaruhi aras pengetahuan, tindakan dan kesedaran murid sekolah rendah di Johor terhadap isu alam sekitar
Published 2015“…As for qualitative data, they were analyzed manually. Research findings showed that year 6 Science curriculum was not appropriate and needed improvement to meet the current demands. …”
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Shear strengthening and repair of deep beams with and without web reinforcement using near-surface mounted CFRP bars
Published 2018“…Three existing theoretical equations from ACI 440, Khalifa & Nanni and fib were selected for comparison with the experimental findings. From the experimental, all deep beam specimens failed in shear. …”
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Modelling pedestrians’ utilisation of crossing facilities, gap acceptance and crossing decision in urban area
Published 2018“…Meanwhile, studies on crossing decision showed that four parameters, i.e. traffic speed, driver yield, pedestrian number and pedestrian age significantly influenced pedestrians’ crossing choice. In addition, the findings indicated that while there were three significant factors i.e. length of zebra crossing, guardrail and number of lanes that positively influenced the pedestrian utilisation rate of crossing facilities, four variables were found to have significant direct effect on the decision to use zebra crossings. …”
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Leadership through the perspectives of high-ranking leader for TVET organisational excellence in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Interpretation of the findings has then been made via thematic analysis, revealing 7 themes and 18 emerged subthemes in the study. …”
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Study on thermal model for calculating transformer hot Spot temperature
Published 2011“…This thesis presents more accurate temperature calculation methods taking into account the findings mentioned above. The models are based on heat transfer theory, application of the lumped capacitance method, the thermal-electrical analogy and definition of nonlinear thermal resistances at different locations within a power transformer. …”
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The effects of magnetic field (MFs) on in vitro culture of human umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs)
Published 2018“…In conclusion, through MF exposure, small quantity of collected MSCs could be expanded rapidly in a short period of time. This finding may suggest MF as a new modality to expand MSC for various therapeutic applications.…”
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Evaluation of carbon dioxide absorption capacity and biomass accumulation of sub-urban plants in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Published 2018“…The study recommended that 274,000 trees with higher photosynthesis potential and biomass accumulation as identified in the findings of this study should be considered for planting on campus for UTHM to attain sustainability (K) from KAMI as a low carbon campus.…”
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Assessment of the effects of greywater discharge by using streeter-phelps model
Published 2019“…The DO deficit (Dt) and time critical (tc) were 3.54 and 3.80 mg/L and 0.007 per day, respectively, as recorded at the distance of 10 m upstream (Station1) of the discharge point. Findings show that the degradable organic matter and travel time as a critical oxygen deficit point occurred at 10 m upstream as the kinetics of BOD reaction. …”
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Study of low voltage electroporation technique on hela cell treated with neolamarckia cadamba extracts daing
Published 2019“…Then the IC50 value of Neolamarckia Cadamba Leaves extract were tested and found to be at 40μg/ml. The findings of these studies have shown positive respond on the combination of these two methods. …”
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Comparative study of nanorods and nanoflowers TiO2 thin film for heterostructure application
Published 2019“…Although low efficiency was obtained in this study, however, this finding might open a new door to the enhancement of TiO2 base for heterostructure application such as this heterojunction solar cell.…”
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Efficient architectures of heterogeneous fpga-gpu for 3-d medical image compression
Published 2019“…Next, OpenCL implementation for concurrent task via dedicated FPGA. Finding from implementation reveals, OpenCL on batch procession mode with AOC techniques offers substantial results where the amount of logic, area, register and memory increased proportionally to the number of batch. …”
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The characteristic of frequency response on winding faults and configurations of transformer
Published 2019“…The location of the fault determines how severe it is affecting the response. The findings from this research could be helpful in enriching the knowledge to evaluate the FRA response.…”
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Documentation and evaluation of medicinal plants with potential for breast cancer therapy as used by Jakun Community of Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor
Published 2019“…GC-MS was used to identify active the compounds. Findings showed that A. altilis have the highest antioxidant capacity and M. citrifolia, the least. …”
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Effect of operating parameter on membrane distillation performance using kapok fibre for humic acid treatment
Published 2021“…There is no doubt that in finding solution to the problem of fresh water scarcity and its high demand. …”
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Effects of positive metacognitions and meta-emotions on coping, stress perception and emotions
Published 2011“…Subscale scores had meaningful correlations with measures of maladaptive metacognition and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The findings indicate that the developed PMCEQ scale produces valid and reliable scores. …”
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Green diesel blends design using decomposition-based optimization approach
Published 2024Get full text
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