Pemetaan zon potensi tanah runtuh bagi jalan persekutuan dan jalan negeri di negeri Johor menggunakan kaedah jumlah ramalan bencana (TEHD)
Published 2021“…Kemudian penetapan Zon Potensi Runtuhan Cerun (LHZ) dilakukan mengikut nilai TEHD, dimana ia dizonkan kepada 5 zon iaitu sangat rendah, rendah, sederhana, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi. …”
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Thesis -
A taxonomic re-appraisal of the Passeriformes (Aves) based on the morphology of the plantar surface of the foot
Published 1988“…The present study attempted to analyse little used characters, i.e. those on the plantar surface of the foot, of over five hundred species of bird. Large amounts of variation and homoplasy were found. …”
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Thesis -
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of counselling psychology trainees experiences of practice-based research training
Published 2015“…Links to and disconnections from wider contexts, and the possible implications of these findings are discussed. …”
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Thesis -
PET/SPECT Test Phantom
Published 2010“…The new produced cold regions insert, consists solid plastic rods, 5 cm long (each) with same diameters and exactly the same arrangement as hot region holes pairs insert of R A Carlson’s phantom. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Introducing alcohol as a drug in medicine reviews with pharmacists: findings from a co-design workshop with patients
Published 2021“…Sensitivity in talking about alcohol was linked to vulnerability to negative judgement. …”
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Use of complementary and alternative medicine among osteoarthritic patients: a review
Published 2016“…MATERIALS AND METHODS: This comprehensive review is based on the content derived through a thorough literature search using 5 electronic databases such as Science direct, Springer link, PubMed, Jet P and Google scholar. …”
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Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Didapati nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah adalah berbeza dalam keadaan longgar (L) dan tumpat (D) dengan pekali penentuan, R2 kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan diperolehi pada nilai 0.7530 – 0.9706 dan boleh digunakan untuk anggaran melalui penggunaan faktor pekali (C) menggunakan persamaan berikut: MC(L) = 591.61ρ-0.557, MC(D) = 723.64ρ-0.723 dan ρbulk(L) = 5.3011ρ-0.193, ρbulk(D) = 3.3351ρ-0.109 untuk pasir dan MC(L) = 186.81ρ-0.265, MC(D) = 259.01ρ-0.373, ρbulk(L) = 0.376ln(ρ) + 4.3043 dan ρbulk(D) = 4.591ρ-0.138 untuk pasir berkelodak. …”
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Thesis -
Information from pharmaceutical companies and the quality, quantity, and cost of physicians' prescribing: a systematic review
Published 2010“…Background Pharmaceutical companies spent $57.5 billion on pharmaceutical promotion in the United States in 2004. …”
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Article -
A high-level controller for robot-assisted rehabilitation based on Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment
Published 2012“…Amongst the major challenges in post-stroke rehabilitation are the repetitiveness nature of rehabilitation procedure, and the accessibility of therapists for long-term treatment. In manual rehabilitation procedure, the patient is subjected to repetitive mechanical movement of the affected limb by the therapist. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of packet scheduling with mobile cellular channel impairments
Published 2012“…Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) is a new radio access technology that is expected to provide better experience among the mobile cellular users. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Vaginismus and subfertility: Case reports on the association observed in clinical practice
Published 2012“…All the cases had never been attended to medically and there were long delays in seeking intervention. There was no history of traumatic sexual experience or any major psychiatric illness in these patients. …”
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Characterization of ink-based phantoms with deep networks and photoacoustic method
Published 2023“…This study aims to explore the feasibility of using an in-house developed photoacoustic (PA) system for predicting blood phantom concentrations using a pretrained Alexnet and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. In two separate experiments, we investigate the performance of our strategy using a point laser source and a color-tunable LightEmitting Diode (LED) as the illumination source. …”
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Land remediation, event spaces and the pursuit of Olympic legacy
Published 2020“…This paper explores the links between remediating land for Olympic event spaces and the pursuit of legacy. …”
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Triple-band planar dipole antenna for omnidirectional radiation
Published 2018“…Located under the horizontal rectangular patch are two λ/2 long meander-line stubs symmetrically interfaced to the feedline. …”
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Mathematical model for the prediction of chip serration frequency in end milling of steel AISI1020
Published 2009“…A small CCD with 2 blocks and 5 replication of centre point in each factorial block was selected to design the experiments and each of the independent variables is considered up-to 5(five) levels in developing the chip serration models in terms of primary cutting parameters (Cutting Speed, Feed, Axial Depth of Cut). …”
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National pride in news media among youth
Published 2011“…This chapter describes the theoretical rational and reports the research design and findings of a national survey designed to examine the relationships of exposure and attention to national and public affairs news in television and newspaper among fifteen to twenty five years old Malay, Chinese and Indian youths in Malaysia.…”
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Book Chapter -
Proposed research for optimization of the performance of cooling system in data center facilities
Published 2008“…Data center requires three to five times higher cooling capacity for the same space area than the cooling system for office building. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of nutritional status of recently hospitalized patients
Published 2002“…Three hundred and fifty five patients of various age groups were assessed for their nutritional status. …”
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Between the purposefulness of the Shari‘ah and normativity
Published 2010“…His effort culminated in his widely acclaimed theory of the Shari‘ah objectives (maqasid al-Shari‘ah) that consisted in developing a new and comprehensive legal hermeneutics whereby Islamic spiritual, moral and legal teachings are seen to revolve around realizing and promoting five necessary universal objectives. .....…”
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Proceeding Paper